Dr. Heike Link

Dr. Heike Link

Research Associate of the

Energy, Transportation, Environment Department


+49 30 89789 - 312
Research Topics and Working Areas
Heike Link is Head of the Transportation Research Team. She joined DIW in 1992 after studies in Mathematical Economics and a PhD thesis on dynamic input-output models. Her research interest is the econometric analysis of issues mainly in transport infrastructure. Heike has been in charge for a variety of national and international research and consultancy projects on infrastructure issues, the economic effects of infrastructure investment, transport pricing including acceptability of and response on pricing policies, as well as railway economics such as access pricing, rail competition and efficiency analysis in the rail sector. The clients of these projects include institutions in Germany such as the Transport Ministry, the Federal Environmental Board and the Federal Road Authority, the European Commission, the OECD and national institutions in Europe as for example in Austria, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and in the UK. Her work has been published both in international refereed journals and as book contributions.


Diskussionspapiere 2086 / 2024

Spatial Competition and Pass-through of Fuel Taxes: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment in Germany

2024| Frederik von Waldow, Heike Link
Diskussionspapiere 2047 / 2023

Combining GPS Tracking and Surveys for a Mode Choice Model: Processing Data from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in Germany

2023| Heike Link, Dennis Gaus, Neil Murray, Maria Fernanda Guajardo Ortega, Flavien Gervois, Frederik von Waldow, Sofia Eigner
DIW Wochenbericht 14/15 / 2023

9-Euro-Ticket: Niedrigere Preise allein stärken Alltagsmobilität mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln nicht

2023| Dennis Gaus, Neil Murray, Heike Link
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Monographien

Expertise zum Projektbericht VALOR: FE 82.0759/2021

2021| Heike Link
Weitere externe Aufsätze

Production and Cost Structure in the Rail Industry

In: Pedro Cantos Sánchez, Marc Ivaldi (Eds.) , Economic Analysis and Policy Evaluation in the Railway Industry - An International Perspective
San Diego [u.a.] : Academic Press
im Ersch.
| Heike Link, A.J.S. Smith
Refereed essays Web of Science

Mode Choice Inertia and Shock: Three Months of Almost Fare-Free Public Transport in Germany

In: Economics of Transportation 41 (2025), 100382, 10 S. | Maria Fernanda Guajardo Ortega, Heike Link
Externe Monographien

Gesamtwirtschaftliche Bedeutung des deutschen Bahnsektors auf Grundlage der Investitionstätigkeit: Ergänzungsbericht zu Investitionen im schienengebundenen ÖSPV

Dresden: Deutsches Zentrum für Schienenverkehrsforschung beim Eisenbahn-Bundesamt, 2024, 24 S.
(Berichte des Deutschen Zentrums für Schienenverkehrsforschung ; 62)
| Anne Greinus, Michel Zimmermann, Caspar Esche, Martin Peter, Heike Link, Dennis Gaus
Externe Monographien

Gesamtwirtschaftliche Bedeutung des deutschen Bahnsektors auf Grundlage der Investitionstätigkeit: Schlussbericht ; Projektnummer 2022-17-W-1202

Dresden: Deutsches Zentrum für Schienenverkehrsforschung beim Eisenbahn-Bundesamt, 2024, 89 S.
(Berichte des Deutschen Zentrums für Schienenverkehrsforschung ; 62)
| Anne Greinus, Michel Zimmermann, Caspar Esche, Martin Peter, Heike Link, Dennis Gaus
Externe Monographien

Recherche, Berechnung und Zusammenstellung von Daten für das Taschenbuch „Verkehr in Zahlen“ - Ausgabe 2023/2024: Methodenbericht 2023/2024

Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V., 2023, 83 S. | Florian Koller, Christine Eisenmann, Katja Köhler, Angelika Schulz, Isabel Seiffert, Anton Galich, Heike Link, Dennis Gaus



Pumping the Brakes on Pass-Through: Spatial Competition and Fuel Taxes – Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment in Germany

Frederik von Waldow, Heike Link
Leeds, Großbritannien, 24.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
| 2024 Annual Conference and ITEA Annual School on Transportation Economics

Exploring Time Allocation and Discrete Choice Models: Estimating Value of Travel Time and Value of Leisure in Germany

Maria Fernanda Guajardo, Heike Link
Leeds, Großbritannien, 24.06.2024 - 28.08.2024
| 2024 Annual Conference and ITEA Annual School on Transportation Economics

Green Transition or Demand Catalyst? Analysing the Causal Effects of Lowering Public Transport Fares on Travel Demand Patterns

Liang Ma, Daniel Hörcher, Heike Link, Dennis Gaus, Daniel Graham
Leeds, Großbritannien, 24.06.2024 - 28.06.2024
| 2024 Annual Conference and ITEA Annual School on Transportation Economics

Estimating Mode Choice Inertia and Price Elasticities after a Price Intervention: Evidence from Three Months of almost Fare-free Public Transport in Germany

Maria Fernanda Guajardo, Heike Link
Puerto Varas, Chile, 01.04.2024 - 03.04.2024
| International Choice Modelling Conference: ICMC 2024

Estimating the Price Elasticity of Public Transport after a Price Intervention: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in Germany

Heike Link, Maria Fernanda Guajardo Ortega, Dennis Gaus, Neil Murray
Santander, Spanien, 12.06.2023 - 16.06.2023
| 2023 Annual School and Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association (ITEA)

Research Projects

Research Project

Transport in Figures

Current Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

CATRIN (Cost Allocation of Transport Infrastructure Cost)

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Development of an Evaluation Frame for the Introduction of Electromobility (DEFINE)

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Generalisation of Research on Accounts and Cost Estimation - GRACE

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Wegekosten und Wegekostendeckung des Straßen- und Schienenverkehrs in Deutschland im Jahre 2007

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment