NAMAs Central Asia

Completed Project

Project Management

Claudia Kemfert

Project Period

December 16, 2011 - November 30, 2013

Commissioned by

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
The large-scale project „Integrated Approach for the Development of Climate-Friendly Economies in Central Asia" (NAMAs) aimed at identifying the policies and measures for a climate-friendly economy as well as the evaluation of its influences in the countries in Central Asia an. It was coordinated by DIW Econ. In the sub-project "Green Growth in Kazakhstan" the impacts on economic growth of specific policies and measures were evaluated on a macro economical and sectoral level. DIW Berlin contributed with its expertise in Computable General Equilibrium modeling and with own modeling analyses of the Kazakh electricity market and the global resources market. The electricity market model took into account the existing fossil generation capacity and the planned renewable energies. The global resources and energy system model determined the prospects of Kazakh oil and natural gas sales on the world markets given the climate policies in some parts of the world.

DIW Team
