SME Performance Review 2013/2014

Completed Project


Firms and Markets

Project Management

Alexander Schiersch

Project Period

January 1 - December 31, 2014

Commissioned by

European Commission, Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry

In Cooperation With

PwC Luxembourg (consortium leader)
CARSA, Spain
London Economics, United Kingdom
Innova, Italy
Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

The SME Performance Review is one of the main tools the European Commission uses to monitor and assess countries' progress in implementing the Small Business Act (SBA) on a yearly basis. With an emphasis on the measures from the SBA Action Plan, the review brings comprehensive information on the performance of SMEs in EU Member States and other 9 partner countries. It consists of two parts – Annual Report on European SMEs and SBA country fact sheets.

Source: European Commission

DIW Team
