September 28, 2018

Berlin IO Day

The 10th Berlin IO Day


September 28, 2018


ESMT Berlin
European School of Management and Technology
Schloßplatz 1
10178 Berlin

The Berlin IO Day is a one-day workshop sponsored by the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) and supported by the Berlin's leading academic institutions, including DIW Berlin, ESMT Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and WZB which takes place twice a year, in the Fall and in the Spring. The aim is to create an international forum for high quality research in Industrial Organization in the heart of Berlin, one of Europe's most vibrant and intellectually lively cities.

If you would like to attend, please register your interest by September 24, 2018.
Please register here.

09:15 Registration
09:55 Opening
Michał Grajek (ESMT Berlin)



Michał Grajek (ESMT Berlin)  
10:00 Marketing Agencies and Collusive Bidding in Online Ad Auctions
Francesco Decarolis (Università Bocconi)
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Spillover Effects and Freemium Strategy in Mobile App Market
Anja Lambrecht (London Business School)
12:15 Lunch



Özlem Bedre-Defolie (ESMT Berlin)  
13:30 Information Frictions and Market Power: A Laboratory Study
Jordi Brandts (Institute for Economic Analysis, Barcelona GSE)
14:30 Browsing versus Studying: A Pro-Market Case for Regulation
Paul Heidhues (Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics)
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00 Organizing Competition for the Market
Patrick Rey (Toulouse School of Economics)
17:00 Closing Remarks
Tomaso Duso (DIW Berlin)
19:30 Dinner (by invitation only)

The Berlin IO Day is a one-day workshop sponsored by the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) and supported by the Berlin's leading academic institutions, including DIW Berlin, ESMT Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and WZB which takes place twice a year, in the Fall and in the Spring.

For each Berlin IO Day, we will invite four or five speakers to present their recent work on a variety of IO topics, followed by a general discussion. The aim is to create an international forum for high quality research in Industrial Organization in the heart of Berlin, one of Europe's most vibrant and intellectually lively cities.


