Speculative Bubble on Housing Markets: Elements of an Early Warning Systemby Christian Dreger, Konstantin A. Kholodilin in: DIW Economic Bulletin 4/2011.Excessive speculation on asset markets can cause significant macroeconomic losses in terms of production and employment. Such developments should be detected as early and as reliably as possible in order to enable corrective action through adequate ...
The Future of the International Monetary Systemby Ansgar Belke, Kerstin Bernoth, Ferdinand Fichtner in: DIW Economic Bulletin 4/2011The financial crisis of 2007/2008 and the current "Euro crisis" challenge the current global monetary system. They drastically reveal the actual system's weaknesses und show the eminent importance of the international monetary system for the stability of markets ...
Prof. Dr. Ansgar Belke, Member of the "Monetary Experts Panel" of the European Parliament, on the European Central Banks' Change of Guard from Trichet to Draghi:First, the paper provides a review of the Trichet presidency and its main legacy with emphasis on polito-economic considerations. Second, it also delivers a preview of the Draghi presidency and evaluates the challenges the new president ...
Experts claim no space for tax cuts and higher social spending The German economy has recovered surprisingly well from the crisis. DIW Berlin estimates that the growth will continue – although in a less rapid pace than the first half year. “We reach a massive annual growth of 3.4 percent in 2010. In 2011 the German economy is expected to grow at a rate of 2 percent”, said Ferdinand ...
DIW President Zimmermann: “Another opportunity missed at the G-20 summit in Canada.” The German economy will grow at a moderate pace through 2010 and 2011. According to the quarterly forecast released today by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), the German economy will grow with an average rate of 1.9 percent in 2010, and 1.7 percent in 2011. “The recovery is ...
Banks should diversify their investment portfolios, European think tanks urgeEuropean banks should develop more strongly diversified international investment portfolios. This would substantially reduce the risk of contagion in financial market crises, economists have urged. Their findings are included in a policy brief published today by FINESS, an EU-wide research consortium, led by DIW Berlin, the ...
DIW President, Klaus F. Zimmermann: „Fiscal consolidation is on top of the agenda.”The German economy is expected to show moderate growth for 2010 and 2011. According to the DIW economic outlook, GDP will increase by 1.7 in 2010 and by 1.8 percent in 2011. “We recover from the crisis. However, with respect to financial markets, high uncertainties remain.” said DIW President, ...