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1755 results, from 1681
  • Weekly Report

    Above-Average Rise in Immigrant Poverty


  • Weekly Report

    Women Managers: Enormous Deficit in Large Companies and Employers' Associations


  • Weekly Report

    Unjust Divergence in Earnings in Germany?


  • Weekly Report

    The Economic Costs of Climate Change


  • Weekly Report

    Economic Trends 2005/2006


  • Press Release

    Beschäftigungsstruktur osteuropäischer EU-Länder vor weiterem Anpassungsprozess an Westeuropa

    The employment structures of East European EU countries and entry candidates are still markedly different from market economies with a per capita income as that in West European countries. This is the conclusion of an analysis published in the latest Weekly Report of DIW Berlin 51/2004. Using a data record for market economies at various levels of development, a standard unit for comparison („benchmarks“) ...

  • Press Release

    Aufschwung in der Industrieproduktion vom Ausland getragen

    According to the latest weekly report of DIW Berlin 50/2004, against the background of an overall positive development in 2005 in Europe and also in Germany, German industrial output will continue to substantially increase, achieving a good 3% growth (adjusted to 3,7% per working day). In 2004, German industrial output increased more than originally expected; the 2003 level should exceed 2004 by 4% ...

  • Press Release

    Europäischer Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt reformbedürftig – Vierteljahrsheft des DIW Berlin legt Vorschläge dar

    The European Stability and Growth Pact as a major instrument of political-economic discipline is in need of reform. This is the key conclusion presented in the latest issue of the Quarterly Journal of Economic Research published by DIW Berlin. Under the title On the Future of the Stability and Growth Pact, renowned economists analyze the weaknesses of the pact based on present experiences, and expound ...

  • Press Release

    Alfred Steinherr wird kommissarischer Leiter der Abteilung Konjunktur

    From January 1, 2005 on, Prof. Dr. Alfred Steinherr will act as interim Head of Department of Macro Analysis and Forecasting at DIW Berlin. Steinherr (60) will fulfill this function in addition to his position as Chief Economist at the European Investment Bank (EIB). Alfred Steinherr has served as Chief Economist at the EIB since 1995. Prof. Dr. Klaus F. Zimmermann, President of DIW Berlin, said: “We ...

  • Press Release

    Medizintechnik: Ein innovativer Markt mit Wachstumspotential

    The German medical-technology industry ranks first throughout Europe. On a world-wide basis, it is in 3rd place behind the USA and Japan according to the current weekly report of DIW Berlin 48/2004. The sales volume in the medical technology sector increased by 5.5 percent from 1995 to 2003 and is, as a result, significantly higher than the average of the manufacturing sector overall. World trade in ...

  • Press Release

    Europäische Forscher auf den Spuren der Produktivität

    The European Commission gave a consortium of European research institutes the task of researching productivity in the European Union. DIW Berlin will be responsible for the development of measures of productivity for Germany as part of this consortium and will carry out analyses in the areas of productivity, technology, the labor market and investment.

  • Press Release

    Energiepreise in Bewegung

    The recent sharp increase in energy prices has been caused by a combination of different developments: upheaval on the world oil market, its impact on other energy markets, increases in energy prices motivated by environmental policy, and delays in liberalisation and regulation in the area of electricity and gas supplies. In its current Weekly Report (Wochenbericht 44/2004), the DIW Berlin analyses ...

  • Press Release

    Bessere Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt durch soziale Netzwerke

    The question of whether unemployment will remain a brief phase in one’s career or evolve into a long-term condition depends not only on the overall economic situation—as determined by such reforms as Hartz IV—but also on the personal and social characteristics of unemployed individuals themselves. A recently released DIW Berlin study entitled “The influence of personality characteristics and social ...

  • Press Release

    Die Lage der Weltwirtschaft und der deutschen Wirtschaft im Herbst 2004

    The word economy continues to be strong, but since spring 2004 the upswing has been losing some of its momentum, partly because economic policies have become less ex-pansive. Although the monetary conditions remained highly supportive, fiscal impulses in the US have diminished and the other global driving force, China, has been taking administrative steps to cool off the economy. In addition, the high ...

  • Press Release

    Gastarbeiter aus der EU sind in Deutschland erfolgreich

    Immigrants to Germany from EU countries succeed in achieving a social situation comparable with German-born individuals, and in some cases even better. Immigrants from other non-EU countries, however, do not. The percentage of unskilled and low-skilled workers among all immigrant groups is, at 43%, significantly higher than the percentage of these workers among individuals born in Germany (12%). However, ...

  • Press Release

    Deutschland ist keine Basarökonomie

    Value added has risen in Germany over the last ten years as a result of external trade. Consequently, according to the current DIW Berlin Weekly Report (Wochenbericht 40/2004), foreign trade has stabilized economic growth in Germany. The authors’ calculations are based on changes in the real external balance, which has increased by around 25 billion euro over the last ten years. The real external balance ...

  • Press Release

    Juniorprofessur stärkt Forschungsstandort Deutschland

    Following the reform of the Higher Education Act in 2002, the junior professorship was to become the only possible route for young academics seeking to qualify for tenure and was thus intended to replace Germany’s habilitation procedure. This plan was frustrated by the Constitutional Court in July 2004 even though, as outlined in the current DIW Berlin Weekly Report (Wochenbericht 39/2004), the introduction ...

  • Press Release

    Abteilungsleitung „Weltwirtschaft“

    The Executive Board of DIW Berlin is happy to announce that the Appointment Commission of DIW Berlin selected Associate Professor Peter Egger (University of Innsbruck) as first choice candidate for the position as Head of Department of International Economics.

  • Press Release

    Programm „Lernende Regionen“: Förderung nach regionalen Gegebenheiten

    According to the current DIW Berlin Weekly Report (Wochenbericht 35/2004), it is likely that networks operating in attractive regional environments have a more positive influence on local learning and innovation processes than networks operating in less favourable economic environments with weak labour markets. This issue of the Wochenbericht studies the “Learning Regions – Providing Support ...

  • Press Release

    Korruption aus ökonomischer Sicht. DIW Berlin stellt neues Vierteljahrsheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung vor.

    The current issue (2/2004) of the Quarterly Journal of Economic Research (Vierteljahrsheft zur Wirtschaftsforschung) illustrates the considerable progress made in the field of corruption research over the last 10 years. This research indicates that it is possible both to explain and to influence the degree of corruption in a given society. Corruption is not a consequence of an immutable “cultural” ...

1755 results, from 1681