The Ampel-Monitor Energiewende is currently based on 15 indicators for renewable electricity generation, renewable heat, electromobility, hydrogen and energy consumption. The respective government targets are visualized with the help of interactive graphics and regularly compared with the current status actually achieved. A selection of graphs is shown on this page. For illustration purposes, a linear progression between the status at the beginning of the current legislative period and the respective target year is usually shown, as the exact paths to achieve these targets were often not specified in concrete terms by the government.
Please refer to the Ampel Monitor page for further information.
Transport in Figures is an annual report compiled by DLR Institute of Transport Research and DIW Berlin on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). The compendium presents statistical data on numerous aspects of the German transport sector. The annually updated edition is published in the fall and can be ordered through BMVI.
The following information and yearly statistics are included:
Transport in its institutional framework:
Transport in functional categories:
International indicators of transportation
In connection with quantiative modeling, various types of energy market data are collected and maintained in the department. In doing so, we increasingly follow an open-source approach, for example in the context of the Open Power System Data project.
Open Power System Data provides a free-of-charge platform for open data dedicated to electricity system researchers. Its aim is to collect, check, process, document, and publish data that are publicly available but currently inconvenient to use. The platform primarily provides information on installed generation capacity, power plants, and time series of electricity consumption as well as wind and solar generation in Europe. The platform was initially developed by a consortium consisting of DIW Berlin, Europa-Universität Flensburg, TU Berlin, and neon Neue Energieökonomik in a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
In 2017, Open Power System Data won Schleswig-Holstein's "Open Science Award" and the "Germany - Land of Ideas" award.
Using OPSD data, we illustrate the development of the average daily residual load in Germany between 2010 and 2018. We subtract hourly electricity generation of wind and solar power plants from total load and calculate a daily average over the whole year. The resulting curve shows the load that has to be served by other power plants. It can be seen how the expansion of wind and solar power reduces this residual load over time.
And here is an alternative graph that only shows daily averages for the month of July between 2010 and 2018. Here, the impact of solar energy at daytime is particulary strong. Such graphs are also referred to as "duck curves" in the literature - although often focussing on decentral solar PV. This graph, in contrast, covers also utility-scale solar PV and wind power.
We also use the data platform for our own research activities. Papers that draw on OPSD data include: