Life Course and Inequality Research Group Team
Life Course and Inequality Research Group News
It is the aim of the project to analyze the labor market consequences of informal care provision. For the identification we follow the literature on childcare penalties (see Kleven et al. 2019) to quantify the short- and long-run career costs of childcare. Rellstab et al. (2020) for the Netherlands and Halla et al. (2021) for Austria have applied this framework to estimate the career effects for...
The IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey "Refugees from Ukraine in Germany" examines diverse aspects of Ukrainian refugees’ lives—the circumstances surrounding their departure from Ukraine, comprehensive socio-demographic characteristics, and information on housing, school, vocational and university degrees, employment, German language skills, life satisfaction and worries, family constellations before and ...
This paper estimates the causal effect of increased availability of early childcare on maternal health. We focus on a substantial expansion of childcare for children under three years in West Germany from 2006 to 2019. By matching county-level childcare attendance rates with individual data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), we are able to quantify the effects of this expansion on maternal ...
Die Klima- und Umweltkrise ist eine der größten Bedrohungen für die Menschheit, und ihre Folgen sind allumfassend. Exemplarisch für die negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels werden in dieser Dissertation die Auswirkungen der klimawandelbedingten Ozonbelastung auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den unterschiedlichen Effekten von Ozon auf vulnerable ...
Diese Dissertation umfasst vier eigenständige Kapitel, die zur Literatur in der BildungsundArbeitsmarktökonomie beitragen. Sie zeigen auf, welche Determinanten zu denLohnerwartungen von Abiturienten beitragen (Kapitel 1) und wie diese Erwartungenzusammen mit Arbeitsmarktbedingungen zum Zeitpunkt des Abiturs (Kapitel2), Studiengangsrankings (Kapitel 3) und Studiengebühren (Kapitel 4) nachschulischeHumankapitalinvestitionen ...
The decarbonization of buildings requires the phase-out of fossil fuel heating systems. Heat pumps are considered a crucial technology to supply a substantial part of heating energy for buildings. Yet, their introduction is not without challenges, as heat pumps generate additional electricity demand as well as peak loads. To better understand these challenges, an ambitious simultaneous heat pump rollout ...