Articles from Marcel Fratzscher

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28 results, from 1
  • Blog Marcel Fratzscher

    Germany’s debt brake is breaking its economy

    The recent decision by the German Constitutional Court to block the government’s plan to redirect €60 billion in unused pandemic funds toward climate-related projects has underscored the growing divisions within Germany’s three-party ruling coalition. Moreover, the decision is set to undermine economic growth at a critical moment. Earlier this month, Germany’s Constitutional Court ruled that the government’s ...

    30.11.2023| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    ECB sends signal that interest rates are likely to stay at currently low levels for the next years

    DIW president Marcel Fratzscher comments today’s announcements by the ECB as follows:

    10.12.2020| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Blog Marcel Fratzscher

    The EU Must Break the Brexit Deadlock

    With the Brexit negotiations now in their final days, it is crucial that the European Union break the impasse and secure a deal. If Europe cannot even forge an agreement to establish its long-term relationship with the United Kingdom, it will have little chance of becoming a global power in its own right. This week, we will finally know whether a Brexit deal can be agreed. Whatever is decided, it ...

    08.12.2020| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Blog Marcel Fratzscher

    COVID-19 economic crisis: Europe needs more than one instrument

    There are now several proposals for complementing the vigorous decision of the ECB to launch a mega ‘pandemic emergency purchase programme’ with fiscal and financial initiatives at the European level. These proposals sometimes overlap, which is a good sign of convergence. This column argues that they are also largely complementary to one another. Hence, it calls for a multi-instrument approach ...

    06.04.2020| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Blog Marcel Fratzscher

    A proposal for a Covid Credit Line

    It is in the interest of every EU member state that countries in the Union hit by the coronavirus are able to take the necessary measures to control the pandemic and deal with the economic consequences without being constrained, and to do so very quickly. This column proposes a Covid credit line in the European Stability Mechanism, with allocation across member states proportionate to the severity ...

    23.03.2020| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    The ECB is sending a strong signal that now also governments need to act more decisively

    DIW president Marcel Fratzscher comments today's announcements by the ECB as follows:

    12.03.2020| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    Mario Draghi will be remembered as a great European

    DIW president Marcel Fratzscher comments today's announcements by the ECB as follows: 

    24.10.2019| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    The ECB has sent a strong signal that it takes its mandate seriously

    DIW president Marcel Fratzscher comments today's announcements by the ECB as follows: 

    12.09.2019| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Blog Marcel Fratzscher

    Lagarde’s ECB Must Modernize

    As the nominee to succeed European Central Bank President Mario Draghi in November, Christine Lagarde may be hoping that her job will be somewhat easier than that of her predecessor. Yet the opposite is likely to be true. Though Draghi was tasked with guiding the ECB through years of crises, Lagarde will have to pursue eurozone reforms at a time of deepening polarization among member-state governments. ...

    05.08.2019| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    The weakness of the euro area gives the ECB no choice

    DIW president Marcel Fratzscher on the European Central Bank's latest announcements:

    25.07.2019| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Blog Marcel Fratzscher

    Germany’s economic model is not the problem

    This article was published on the Financial Times website on June 17, 2019. The German economic model has received some unusually harsh criticism of late, notably from French president Emmanuel Macron, who said in April that it “has perhaps run its course”. Yet the problem for Germany today is not its economic model, but rather inadequate economic policies and two deep-seated illusions. The ...

    03.07.2019| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    ECB monetary policy will for some time remain more expansionary than most in Germany expect

    DIW president Marcel Fratzscher on the European Central Bank's latest announcements:

    07.03.2019| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    Monetary policy in the euro area will remain expansionary for a long time to come

    Marcel Fratzscher, president of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments on the latest ECB council meeting as follows:

    13.12.2018| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    Euro area reform deal is a disappointing compromise

    EU finance ministers have struck a euro area reform deal. Marcel Fratzscher, President of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments:

    04.12.2018| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    ECB announcement is bold but the right thing to do

    Marcel Fratzscher, president of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments on the latest ECB council meeting as follows:

    14.06.2018| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    ECB should not pre-commit itself to a particular policy path

    Marcel Fratzscher, president of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments on the latest ECB council meeting as follows:

    26.04.2018| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    European Central Bank has to keep all its options open

    Marcel Fratzscher, president of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments the latest ECB council meeting as follows:

    08.03.2018| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    ECB has to strike delicate balance

    Marcel Fratzscher, president of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments the latest ECB council meeting as follows:

    25.01.2018| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    ECB is acting wisely by resisting pressure for a faster exit from QE

    Marcel Fratzscher, president of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments the latest ECB council meeting as follows:

    14.12.2017| Marcel Fratzscher
  • Statement

    The ECB can only tighten its monetary policy gradually

    Marcel Fratzscher, president of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments the latest ECB council meeting as follows:

    26.10.2017| Marcel Fratzscher
28 results, from 1