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October 22 - 23, 2019


SOEPcampus@University of Osnabrück


October 22 - 23, 2019


Johannes König

This two day workshop offers a well-grounded and practically oriented introduction into this sophisticated data source. Participants will be introduced to the content of the study, its data-structure, sample selection and weighting strategy and they will be provided with an overview over the study documentation. Additionally we will discuss the specific potentials for longitudinal data analyses provided by the SOEP. In a variety of “Hands-on Sessions” participants will learn to work with SOEP data, the data-management tool and documentation material and thereby mimic the entire process from identifying and finding variables containing specific information in the dataset to the creation of the final dataset for analysis and first empirical investigations. The practical part of the workshop requires familiarity with methods of empirical analysis and basic programming skills in STATA.

The workshop is held in German.

To register, please contact Vera Bröcker:

