

The dossiers select the most important publications, statements, multimedia articles and general information on current or socially relevant topics.

The contributions come from the DIW Berlin research staff and are continuously updated. You can find further topics of DIW Berlin in the topic module on the homepage or in the topic filters of the search.

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4 results, from 1
  • Dossiers


    Researchers at DIW Berlin are taking a closer look at the economic effects of the ongoing 2020 coronavirus pandemic. Here you can find all DIW Berlin publications on the consequences of the pandemic, which are leaving deep marks on not only the global and German economies, but also on society itself.

  • Dossiers


    Forecasting growth in Germany and analyzing the country’s economy as a whole as well as segments of it are central parts of DIW Berlin’s work. Here you can find the institute’s economic growth projections, publications on the distribution of income and wealth, and analyses of specific German economic policies.

  • Dossiers


    Europe has been growing ever closer since World War II while simultaneously undergoing impressive political and socio-economic changes. However, Project Europe has rarely lacked challenges or difficulties. DIW Berlin analyses the status quo, identifies necessary reforms, and tries to actively shape European cooperation.

  • Dossiers


    DIW Berlin has a long tradition of conducting research beyond core economic topics and covering important issues regarding Germany’s society and its social structures. Here you can find the institute’s English-language publications covering a wide range of topics such as the country’s education system, social mobility, and gender issues.

4 results, from 1