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December 16, 2022

Climate Friendly Materials Platform

Towards High-Quality Material Recycling


December 16, 2022
09:00 - 16:00


Jessica Richter (The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Lund University), Timo Gerres (Universidad Pontificia Comillas), Svenja Grummt (Umweltbundesamt (UBA)), Peter Stemmerman (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), Klaus Jacob (Freie Universität Berlin), Aleksander Sniegocki (Reform Institute), Elise Bernhard (Berlin Recycling GmbH), Boris Jankowiak (Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe), Karsten Neuhoff, Xi Sun, Merve Küçük, Sophie M. Behr
The cost of recycling raw materials remains high despite the technological advancements in the field. End-of-life waste recycling is less cost-effective compared to landfill or incineration and its economic feasibility shows large variation according to material type rending secondary recycled materials uncompetitive to primary materials. Eliminating these barriers in the way of circularity and making the secondary material market a key source of input, requires a wholistic understanding of the material value chain.

The European Union’s Circular Economy Action Plan (2020) introduced initiatives to establish a coherent product policy framework focusing on the entire life cycle of products. This Action Plan targets regulations on product design to promote circular economy processes and reduce of waste creation. Together with the subsequent Sustainable Product Regulation and further revisions of regulations on prioritized products (e.g. packaging, plastics, construction materials and end-of-life vehicles), they provide a unique opportunity to meet the needs of industries along the value chain in achieving a transition towards a decarbonized, resource-efficient and circular economy.

This workshop brings together researchers, policymakers and industry stakeholders to explore the challenges and policy needs for high-quality raw material recycling and develop a joint research agenda. During this workshop, bottlenecks for high-quality recycling will be explored and potential challenges under the current and upcoming policy framework will be identified with the objective of contributing to the development of comprehensive policy recommendations for the strengthening of the circular economy.


Jessika Richter (The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Lund University),
Timo Gerres (Universidad Pontificia Comillas),
Svenja Grummt (Umweltbundesamt (UBA)),
Peter Stemmerman (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)),
Klaus Jacob (Freie Universität Berlin),
Aleksander Sniegocki (Reform Institute),
Elise Bernhard (Berlin Recycling GmbH),
Boris Jankowiak (Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe),
Karsten Neuhoff (DIW Berlin),
Xi Sun (DIW Berlin),
Merve Kücük (DIW Berlin),
Sophie Behr (DIW Berlin)



Xi Sun
Xi Sun

Research Associate in the Climate Policy Department
