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Climate Friendly Materials Platform

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16 Ergebnisse, ab 1
  • 16. Dezember 2022

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Towards High-Quality Material Recycling

    Speaker: Jessica Richter (The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), Lund University), Timo Gerres (Universidad Pontificia Comillas), Svenja Grummt (Umweltbundesamt (UBA)), Peter Stemmerman (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), Klaus Jacob (Freie Universität Berlin), Aleksander Sniegocki (Reform Institute), Elise Bernhard (Berlin Recycling GmbH), Boris Jankowiak (Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe), Karsten Neuhoff, Xi Sun, Merve Küçük, Sophie M. Behr
    Zeit: 09:00 - 16:00

    The cost of recycling raw materials remains high despite the technological advancements in the field. End-of-life waste recycling is less cost-effective compared to landfill or incineration and its economic feasibility shows large variation according to material type rending secondary recycled materials uncompetitive to primary materials. Eliminating these barriers in the way of circularity and ...

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  • 26. Januar 2022

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Webinar: A robust CBAM design to unlock climate-friendly industry investments at EU scale

    Speaker: Bas Eickhout (Member of European Parliament), Erika Mink (Head Government & Regulatory Affairs, Thyssenkrupp), Marco Mensink (Director, European Chemical Industry Council, Cefic), Heleen De Coninck (Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology and Radboud University), Karsten Neuhoff, Olga Chiappinelli
    Zeit: 16:00 - 17:30

    This webinar  brought together experts, industry representatives, and policymakers to discuss how the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) can play its part in the Fit for 55 (F55) package and unlock climate-friendly investments at EU scale. In particular, it offered a space to discuss an alternative design option for the CBAM, often referred to as the excise option (option 6 in the ...

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  • 11. Januar 2021

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    CFM-Traction European Dialogue:The Policy Toolkit for Net-Zero Industrial Innovation

    Speaker: Aleksander Śniegocki (WiseEuropa), Olga Dzilińska-Pietrzak (Grupa Azoty), André Horstkötter (ThyssenKrupp), Peter Menck (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy), Oskar Kulik (WWF Poland), Rob van der Meer (HeidelbergCement), Udo Sieverding (Verbraucherzentrale NRW), Frank Sibert (BNP Paribas), Julie-Anne Hogbin (Climate Strategies), Karsten Neuhoff, Olga Chiappinelli
    Zeit: 13:00 - 14:45

    This event, organized as part of  the CFM-TRACTION  project, is designed as a stakeholder dialogue to accelerate progress towards an effective policy framework to support net-zero industrial innovation. At the event we aim to: ·    Exchange knowledge on policy instrument design, synergies in the policy mixes, the structure of an effective policy packages and its ...

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  • 14. Dezember 2020

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    CFM-Traction joint Germany-Poland online workshop

    Speaker: Andrzej Błachowicz (Climate Strategies), Aleksander Sniegocki (WiSeEurope), Karsten Neuhoff
    Zeit: 12:00 - 14:00

    This event, organized in the context of the CFM-TRACTION  project, is a small-scale joint workshop with key stakeholders in industrial decarbonisation across German and Poland. We are bringing together key voices to discuss the results from our series of national workshops, to discuss and compare perspectives on the national level between the two countries.

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  • 4. Dezember 2020

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Carbon Contracts for Differences und effektive CO2-Bepreisung entlang der Wertschöpfungskette in der Industrie
    2. Online-Workshop

    Speaker: André Horstkötter (Thyssenkrupp), Brigitta Huckestein (BASF), Ellen von Zitzewitz (BMWi), Olga Chiappinelli, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein
    Zeit: 15:00 - 16:30

    Im ersten CFM-Traction Workshop wurden neben Ausgestaltungsoptionen für CCfDs auch vorläufige Ergebnisse zum Umfang von Einsparungen, die CCfDs erreichen könnten, sowie eine erste Abschätzung der Höhe der öffentlichen Fördermittel für CCfDs in Deutschland diskutiert. Darüber hinaus wurden Verteilungswirkungen durch eine CO2-Bepreisung entlang der ...

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  • 4. November 2020

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Carbon Contracts for Differences und effektive CO2-Bepreisung entlang der Wertschöpfungskette in der Industrie
    1. Online-Workshop

    Speaker: Oliver Lösch (IREES), Frank Sibert (BNP Paribas), Stefan Pauliuk (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Steffen Jenner (Bundesfinanzministerium), Udo Sieverding (Verbraucherzentrale NRW), Olga Chiappinelli, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein
    Zeit: 14:00 - 16:30

    Im ersten Teil des Workshops diskutieren wir neben Ausgestaltungsoptionen für CCfDs auch vorläufige Ergebnisse zum Umfang von Einsparungen, die CCfDs erreichen könnten, sowie eine erste Abschätzung der Höhe der öffentlichen Fördermittel für CCfDs in Deutschland. Im zweiten Teil werden wir mögliche Einnahmen einer CO2-Bepreisung mit einer Weiterreichung ...

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  • 25. Juni 2020

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    EAERE Policy Session "EU ETS plus X? Policy needs for industrial decarbonisation in the age of corona"

    Speaker: Simone Borghesi (University of Siena, Florence School of Regulation Climate), Misato Sato (London School of Economics), Olga Chiappinelli (DIW Berlin), Arthur Runge-Metzger (DG Clima, European Commission), Malte Bornkamm (German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Olga Chiappinelli, Jörn C. Richstein
    Zeit: 11:00 - 12:30

    The aim of this policy session is to discuss whether or not the EU ETS needs to be complemented by other sector specific policies for the decarbonization of the industrial sector that go beyond recent reforms. Together with our panelists we would also like to reflect the recent developments in the policy debate on the implications of the COVID-19 crisis and the recovery strategy for the topic. The ...

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  • 24. Mai 2019

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Climate Friendly Materials Roundtable on
    “Policy Design for Greening Construction Supply Chains”

    Speaker: Karsten Neuhoff (DIW Berlin), Lars Zetterberg(IVL), Johan Rootzén (Chalmers University of Technology), Martin Erlandsson (IVL), Julien Morel (Swedish EPA),Anna Kadefors (KTH), Olga Chiappinelli (DIW Berlin), Jannik Giesekam (Leeds University), Karsten Neuhoff

    The workshop gives an overview of mitigation options, possible set of policy instruments, and how they influence decisions (engage, improve economics, support innovation etc.), outline for the analytic approach and discussion of the day.

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  • 4. März 2019

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Climate Friendly Materials Roundtable on "Inclusive transformation of the European Materials Sector”

    Speaker: Karsten Neuhoff (DIW Berlin), Aleksander Sniegocki (WiseEuropa), Balazs Felsmann (REKK), (IIT Comillas University), Nils May (DIW Berlin), Karsten Neuhoff
    Ort: DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin

    The workshop gives an overview of mitigation options, possible set of policy instruments, and how they influence decisions (engage, improve economics, support innovation etc.), outline for the analytic approach and discussion of the day.

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  • 28. November 2018

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Workshop on Trade and climate policy in 2018 and beyond. How to get the incentives right?

    Ort: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik
    Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4
    10719 Berlin

    Workshop on Trade and climate policy in 2018 and beyond. How to get the incentives right?

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  • 16. März 2018

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Workshop on Policy packages for low-carbon road maps in the materials sector

    Speaker: Diana Quezada, Eugenie Joltreau, Hugo Trappmann, Moritz Mues, Manuela Ojan, Paul Ekins, Manuel Haußner, Christopher Beauman, Oliver Sartor, Arjan Geveke, Karsten Neuhoff
    Ort: DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin

    The workshop gives an overview of mitigation options, possible set of policy instruments, and how they influence decisions (engage, improve economics, support innovation etc.), outline for the analytic approach and discussion of the day.

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  • 7. November 2017

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    UNFCCC Side Event at COP23: Policy Design for a Climate Friendly Materials Sector

    Speaker: Alexandra Carr, Wolfgang Eichhammer, Peter Stemmermann, Russel Mills, Andrew Marquard, Georg Zachmann, Karsten Neuhoff, Olga Chiappinelli
    Ort: UNFCCC Side Event at COP23
    Stand A.04
    UK Pavilion
    Bonn Zone
    Zeit: 14:30 - 16:00

    Basic materials, such as aluminium, cement and steel, are important inputs for the construction of infrastructure and buildings, as well as manufacturing of industrial products. Their primary production is, however, carbon intensive, and in Europe is responsible for the dominant share of industrial emissions, equivalent to 16% of overall greenhouse gas emissions. A portfolio of “climate ...

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  • 20. Oktober 2017

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Workshop on Policies to Stimulate Climate Friendly Innovation in the Materials Sector

    Speaker: Henry Derwent, Roman Doubrava, Gregory Nemet, Araceli Fernandez Pales, Carl De Maré, Ilian Iliev, Heleen de Coninck, Gareth Roberts, Karsten Neuhoff, Olga Chiappinelli, Puja Singhal, Jörn C. Richstein
    Ort: DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin

    3rd Workshop, Climate Friendly Materials Platform

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  • 8. Mai 2017

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    UNFCCC SB’s Side Event Policy Solutions for a Climate Friendly Materials Sector

    Zeit: 16.45 – 18.15

    Production of basic materials like steel, cement or aluminium is responsible for the majority of industrial GHG emissions. Yet so far national policies provide very limited support for climate friendly material production and efficient use of materials. In principle, Emission Trading Systems were implemented to provide the desired incentives. In practice, carbon leakage concerns trigger free ...

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  • 23. Januar 2017

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    2nd Workshop on Policy Design for a Climate-Friendly Materials Sector

    Speaker: Andrzej Blachowicz, Tobias Fleiter, John Barrett, Christopher Beauman, Robert Kok, John Barrett, Henry Derwent, Heleen de Coninck, Tomas Wyns, Heleen de Coninck, Roland Ismer, Manuel Haussner, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein, Vera Zipperer
    Ort: DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin

    Materials are central to our economies – but their production also dominates industrial greenhouse gas emissions. It is therefore not possible for Europe to reach an 80-95% emission reduction target without significant emission reductions from the materials sector. While some production efficiency improvements and fuel shifting to lower carbon inputs have been achieved in sectors such as ...

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  • 16. September 2016

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    1st Workshop on Policy Design for a Climate-Friendly Materials Sector

    Speaker: Heleen de Coninck, Tatiana Vakhitova, Henry Derwent, Richard Baron, Maciej Bukowski, Lars Zetterberg, , Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein, Olga Chiappinelli
    Ort: EU Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi)
    Rue du Trône 98
    1050 Brussels

    Materials are central to our economies – but their production also dominates industrial greenhouse gas emissions. It is therefore not possible for Europe to reach an 80-95% emission reduction target without significant emission reductions from the materials sector. While some production efficiency improvements and fuel shifting to lower carbon inputs have been achieved in sectors such as ...

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16 Ergebnisse, ab 1