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September 21, 2023

Future Power Market Platform

Workshop on Contracts for Differences


September 21, 2023
09:00 - 17:00

For the success of the energy transition, sufficient attractiveness in capital markets and availability of financing for both transmission and distribution grid expansion are crucial. However, in a nodal pricing regime, network operator revenues potentially fluctuating with congestion conditions add complexity to the revenue streams and thus to financing. In addition, the financial effects on customers can be substantial if structural congestion management was switched to local pricing. A set of questions for the workshop that are emerging from initial discussions are: 

  • How to ensure stable revenue streams for TSOs?
  • How can FTR allocations address needs for hedging by market participants, avoid hardship for households / industry?
  • How to interface with RE remuneration mechanisms? (granting rights/obligations to consumers in CfD Pool, PPAs …?)
  • What design allows flexibility to flourish (i) avoid FTRs discourage flexibility investment/use (ii) allow third party investment in flexibility to meet local & system need?
  • How could trading hubs proposed in EU market reform support transition to nodal?


