Prof. Dr. Hannes Ullrich

Prof. Dr. Hannes Ullrich

Deputy Head of Department of the

Firms and Markets Department

Research Topics and Working Areas
Hannes Ullrich is Deputy Head of the Department Firms and Markets at the DIW Berlin and Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Copenhagen. He is also a CESifo Research Affiliate, and Fellow at the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP). Hannes is an applied microeconomist with research interests in empirical industrial organization, health economics, and personnel economics. His work has been published in The Economic Journal, Management Science, the Journal of Health Economics, the Journal of Human Resources, and other peer-reviewed outlets. He holds a Starting Grant from the European Research Council for research on antibiotic prescribing and resistance.


Quantitative Marketing and Economics

Complementarities between Algorithmic and Human Decision-making: The Case of Antibiotic Prescribing

2024 | Michael Allan Ribers, Hannes Ullrich
Journal of Human Resources

Provider Effects in Antibiotic Prescribing: Evidence from Physician Exits

2024 | Shan Huang, Hannes Ullrich
Economics Letters

Assessing the value of data for prediction policies: The case of antibiotic prescribing

2022 | Shan Huang, Michael A. Ribers, Hannes Ullrich
Management Science

Career prospects and effort incentives: evidence from professional soccer

2016 | Jeanine Miklós-Thal and Hannes Ullrich
Journal of Health Economics

Regulation of pharmaceutical prices: evidence from a reference price reform in Denmark

2014 | Ulrich Kaiser, Susan Mendez, Thomas Rønde, and Hannes Ullrich
DIW Wochenbericht 38 / 2024

Praxen, die häufiger Antibiotika verschreiben, erreichen keine höhere Behandlungsqualität: Interview

2024| Hannes Ullrich, Erich Wittenberg
DIW Wochenbericht 38 / 2024

Große Unterschiede bei Antibiotikaverschreibungen lassen auf Ineffizienzen schließen

2024| Shan Huang, Hannes Ullrich
Diskussionspapiere 2091 / 2024

Returns to Data: Evidence from Web Tracking

2024| Hannes Ullrich, Jonas Hannane, Christian Peukert, Luis Aguiar, Tomaso Duso
Refereed essays Web of Science

Provider Effects in Antibiotic Prescribing: Evidence from Physician Exits

In: Journal of Human Resources (2025), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-05-08] | Shan Huang, Hannes Ullrich
Refereed essays Web of Science

Complementarities between Algorithmic and Human Decision-making: The Case of Antibiotic Prescribing

In: Quantitative Marketing and Economics 22 (2024), S. 445–483 | Michael Allan Ribers, Hannes Ullrich
Other refereed essays

Gesundheitsdaten: Von Nachbarländern lernen

In: Wirtschaftsdienst 103 (2023), 11, S. 737-740 | Martin Fischer, Hendrik Jürges, Stefan Mangelsdorf, Simon Reif, Hannes Ullrich, Amelie Wuppermann
Refereed essays Web of Science

Assessing the Value of Data for Prediction Policies: The Case of Antibiotic Prescribing

In: Economics Letters 213 (2022), 110360, 4 S. | Shan Huang, Michael Allan Ribers, Hannes Ullrich
Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

Eine breite Teststrategie könnte weiteren Schaden begrenzen

In: Der Tagesspiegel (15.12.2020), S. 17 | Hannes Ullrich



Shaping and Governing AI for Today and Tomorrow: Moderation

Hannes Ullrich
Berlin, 14.06.2024
| AI - Prospects, Challenges, and Regulation: BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2024

Predictive Returns to Web Tracking Data

Luis Aguiar, Tomaso Duso, Jonas Hannane, Christian Peukert, Hannes Ullrich
Cambridge, Gr0ßbritannien, 24.11.2023
| 2nd Workshop on UK Digital Economics: Bennett Institute for Public Policy, University of Cambridge

Machine Predictions and Human Decisions with Variation in Payoffs and Skill: The Case of Antibiotic Prescribing

Hannes Ullrich, Michael Ribers
Cambridge, USA, 06.07.2023 - 07.07.2023
| American-European Health Economics Study Group: University of Oxford

Machine Predictions and Human Decisions with Variation in Payoffs and Skill: The Case of Antibiotic Prescribing

Hannes Ullrich, Michael Ribers
Toulouse, Frankreich, 19.06.2023 - 20.06.2023
| 1st CEPR Conference in Health Economics

Off-Platform Tracking and Data Externalities

Luis Aguiar, Christian Peukert, Maximilian Schäfer, Hannes Ullrich
Odense, Dänemark, 24.05.2023 - 26.05.2023
| EMAC Annual Conference 2023

Research Projects
