Martin Kittel

Martin Kittel

Ph.D. Student of the

Energy, Transportation, Environment Department

Research Topics and Working Areas

Martin Kittel is a Ph.D. candidate at the DIW Berlin Graduate Center. Prior to DIW, Martin worked as a research associate at the Workgroup for Infrastructure Policy, Technical Institute Berlin and with Germanwatch, a development and environmental civil society organization, focusing on energy transition cooperation in Southeast Europe. He has completed internships at the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Sydney and the European utility Vattenfall, mainly working in the area of electricity market data analysis. Martin holds degrees in Business Management (M.Sc.) and Business Administration and Economics (B.Sc.) from Technical University Dresden, and spent two semesters at Teesside University in the United Kingdom. His Master’s Thesis was devoted to the identification of representative market situation in the European electricity markets for energy system modeling. His current research interests are centered around the decarbonization of European electricity system and variability issues of variable renewable energy sources focussing on variable renewable energy droughts.


DIW Wochenbericht 49 / 2024

Versorgungssicherheitsreserve kann Strommarkt absichern und Flexibilität erschließen

2024| Karsten Neuhoff, Claudia Kemfert, Martin Kittel, Franziska Klaucke, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill, Leon Stolle
DIW Weekly Report 40/41/42 / 2023

National Hydrogen Strategy: Clear Focus and Consistent Implementation Necessary

2023| Martin Kittel, Dana Kirchem, Wolf-Peter Schill, Claudia Kemfert
DIW Wochenbericht 41 / 2023

Die anvisierten Wasserstoff-Importe sind ambitioniert und sollten rasch gesichert werden: Interview

2023| Martin Kittel, Erich Wittenberg
Externe Monographien

Coping with the Dunkelflaute: Power System Implications of Variable Renewable Energy Droughts in Europe

Ithaca:, 2024, 9 S.
(arXiv ; 2411.17683)
| Martin Kittel, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill
Externe Monographien

Quantifying the Dunkelflaute: An Analysis of Variable Renewable Energy Droughts in Europe

Ithaca:, 2024, 14 S.
(arXiv ; 2410.00244)
| Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill
Other refereed essays

Measuring the Dunkelflaute: How (not) to Analyze Variable Renewable Energy Shortage

In: Environmental Research: Energy 1 (2024), 035007, 18 S. | Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill
Externe Monographien

Measuring the Dunkelflaute: How (not) to Analyze Variable Renewable Energy Shortage

Ithaca:, 2024, 29 S.
(arXiv ; 402.06758)
| Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill
Refereed essays Web of Science

Bidirectional Coupling of the Long-term Integrated Assessment Model REgional Model of INvestments and Development (REMIND) v3.0.0 with the Hourly Power Sector Model Dispatch and Investment Evaluation Tool with Endogenous Renewables (DIETER) v1.0.2

In: Geoscientific Model Development 16 (2023), 17, S. 4977–5033 | Chen Chris Gong, Falko Ueckerdt, Robert Pietzcker, Adrian Odenweller, Wolf-Peter Schill, Martin Kittel, Gunnar Luderer



Power System Impacts of Variable Renewable Energy Droughts

Martin Kittel, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill
Löwen, Belgien, 01.07.2024 - 04.07.2024
| 29th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: EAERE 2024

Variable Renewable Energy Droughts (“Dunkelflauten”) and Power Sector Implications: A Model-based Analysis in the European Context

Martin Kittel, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schil
Dresden, 12.04.2024
| Exploring Energy Demand Dynamics: 18th Conference on Energy Economics and Technology - ENERDAY 2024

Variable Renewable Energy Droughts and the Power Sector: A Model-Based Analysis and Implications in the European Context

Martin Kittel, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill
Mailand, Italien, 24.07.2023 - 27.07.2023
| The Global Energy Transition Toward Decarbonization: 18th IAEE European Conference

Variable Renewable Energy Droughts in Europe

Martin Kittel
Padua, Italien, 27.06.2023 - 29.06.2023
| 7th International Conference on Energy and Meteorology: ICEM 2023

Variable Renewable Energy Droughts and the Power Sector: A Model-Based Analysis and Implications in the European Context

Martin Kittel
Padua, Italien, 27.06.2023 - 29.06.2023
| 7th International Conference on Energy and Meteorology: ICEM 2023

Research Projects

Research Project

Open-source modeling of the future role of renewable hydrogen in Germany and Europe

Current Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Future of Fossil Fuels in the wake of greenhouse gas neutrality (FFF)

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment

In the media
