Dr. Ben Schumann

Dr. Ben Schumann

Research Associate of the Macroeconomics Department

Research Associate of Forecasting and Economic Policy

Before joining the DIW GC Ben studied at the Free University of Berlin where he graduated with a M.Sc. in Economics. During his studies Ben worked as a student assistant in the European Parliament, the German Minimum Wage Commission and in the macroeconomics department of the DIW. From May 2018 to December 2020 Ben took a break from his studies to work in the International Policy Analysis division of the ECB. His research interests are international macroeconomics, financial frictions and macroeconometrics, where he specializes in Bayesian methods and Structural Vector Autoregressive models.


DIW Weekly Report 40/41/42 / 2024

Monetary Policy During the Energy Price Crisis: ECB Could Have Contained Inflation Earlier

2024| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
DIW Wochenbericht 42 / 2024

Geldpolitik in Zeiten der Energiepreiskrise: EZB hätte Inflation frühzeitiger eindämmen können

2024| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2089 / 2024

Friend, Not Foe - Energy Prices and European Monetary Policy

2024| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2058 / 2023

Dollar Trinity and the Global Financial Cycle

2023| Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2057 / 2023

Global Risk and the Dollar

2023| Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann
Externe Monographien

Four Essays in Macroeconomics

Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2024, XXVII; 267 S. | Ben Schumann
Refereed essays Web of Science

Global Risk and the Dollar

In: Journal of Monetary Economics 144 (2024), 103549, 12 S. | Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann
Refereed essays Web of Science

What Goes around Comes around: How Large Are Spillbacks from US Monetary Policy?

In: Journal of Monetary Economics 131 (2022), S. 45–60 | Max Breitenlechner, Georgios Georgiadis, Ben Schumann
Refereed essays Web of Science

Dominant-Currency Pricing and the Global Output Spillovers from US Dollar Appreciation

In: Journal of International Economics 133 (2021), 103537 | Georgios Georgiadis, Ben Schumann



Friend, not Foe – Energy Prices and European Monetary Policy

Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
Berlin, 09.07.2024
| Schumpeter Berlin School of Economics Macro Seminar

Dollar Trinity

Ben Schumann
Berlin, 06.02.2024
| Global Currencies Workshop: Banque de France