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1746 results, from 61
  • Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]

    SOEP @ 10th ESRA Conference 2023 in Milan, Italy

    From July 17 to 21, the tenth conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) will take place in Milan, Italy. 12 SOEP researchers will organize sessions or present their work in more than 20 sessions. An overview of the SOEP presentations can be found online. SOEP will also have its own exhibition stand - so come by and learn more about SOEP data and find the newest publications di ...

  • Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]

    Workshop Series in August: Learn to use SOEP over lunch

    In August the SOEP organizes another online SOEPcampus workshop "Learn to use SOEP over lunch". On four Wednesdays in August (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 2023) this online workshop series offers a short online introduction to the data of the Socio-economic panel study. Participants will be introduced to the content of the study, its data-structure, sample selection and weighting strategy and they will be ...

    14.06.2023| Sandra Bohmann, Janina Britzke
  • Nachrichten [FDZ SOEP]

    Workshop Series in August: Learn to use SOEP over lunch

    In August the SOEP organizes another online SOEPcampus workshop "Learn to use SOEP over lunch". On four Wednesdays in August (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 2023) this online workshop series offers a short online introduction to the data of the Socio-economic panel study. Participants will be introduced to the content of the study, its data-structure, sample selection and weighting strategy and they will be ...

    14.06.2023| Sandra Bohmann, Janina Britzke
  • Personnel news

    Stephanie Ettmeier has successfully defended her dissertation

    Stephanie Ettmeier was recently a research assistant in the Macroeconomics Department and received her doctorate with her dissertation titled "From Policy to Practice: Applying Empirical Analysis and Historic Contexts to Understand Fiscal and Monetary Policy, and their Interaction" on May 15. Her supervisor was Alexander Kriwoluzky, Head of the Department of Macroeconomics. Congratulations!

  • Personnel news

    Matteo Targa has successfully defended his dissertation

    Matteo Targa has successfully defended his dissertation "Empirical Essays on Inequality" supervised by Carsten Schröder at Freie Universität Berlin. Congratulations!

  • Personnel news

    Annekatrin Schrenker has successfully defended her dissertation

    Annekatrin Schrenker, recent Research Assistant in the Public Economics Department, received her doctorate from the Free University of Berlin on May 12. Georg Weizsäcker (formerly the Dean of Graduate Studies of the Graduate Center) and Peter Haan (Head of the Public Economics Department) supervised her dissertation titled "Essays in Applied Economics.” We warmly congratulate her!

  • Personnel news

    Mara Barschkett has successfully defended her dissertation

    Mara Barschkett has successfully defended her dissertation titled "(Unintended) consequences of social and family policies on health and well-being: Five Essays in Health and Family Economics" supervised by C. Katharina Spieß (1. supervisor) and Peter Haan (2nd supervisor) at Freie Universität Berlin. Congratulations!

  • Personnel news

    GC PhD researcher Andreas Leibing performs research stay at Stanford University

    GC PhD researcher Andreas Leibing is currently visiting Stanford University for a research stay during the spring quarter hosted and sponsored by Eric Bettinger. Andreas himself is glad about this opportunity, and describes his stay as follows:  "I will stay at Stanford University as a visiting student researcher for the spring quarter and work on my job market paper. I look forward to meeting all ...

  • Nachrichten [FDZ SOEP]

    SOEP-IS: Call for Submissions

    The SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) is designed to enable innovative data collection for the research community. It is particularly well suited to establishing new and target-group-specific measurement instruments in long-term surveys, to conducting short- and long-term experiments, and to collecting non-survey data (such as biomarkers). Researchers who are interested in submitting a proposal for ...

    22.03.2023| Carina Cornesse
  • Nachrichten [FDZ SOEP]

    New Dataset: SOEP-CMI-ADIAB—Linking Administrative Data from the Institute for Employment Research with SOEP Survey Data

    The SOEP-CMI-ADIAB dataset (version 7520 v1) is made available by the SOEP and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). It contains data on SOEP survey respondents linked with respondents’ personal administrative data from the IAB, provided that the SOEP respondents have given their consent and could be identified in the IAB data. The survey data in SOEP-CMI-ADIAB include data from SOEP-Core, the ...

    22.03.2023| Mattis Beckmannshagen
  • Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]

    SOEP-IS: Call for Submissions

    The SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) is designed to enable innovative data collection for the research community. It is particularly well suited to establishing new and target-group-specific measurement instruments in long-term surveys, to conducting short- and long-term experiments, and to collecting non-survey data (such as biomarkers). Researchers who are interested in submitting a proposal for ...

    21.03.2023| Carina Cornesse
  • Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]

    New Dataset: SOEP-CMI-ADIAB—Linking Administrative Data from the Institute for Employment Research with SOEP Survey Data

    The SOEP-CMI-ADIAB dataset (version 7520 v1) is made available by the SOEP and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). It contains data on SOEP survey respondents linked with respondents’ personal administrative data from the IAB, provided that the SOEP respondents have given their consent and could be identified in the IAB data. The survey data in SOEP-CMI-ADIAB include data from SOEP-Core, the ...

    21.03.2023| Mattis Beckmannshagen
  • Personnel news

    GC PhD researcher Jonas Hannane performs research stay at Oxford Internet Institute

    GC PhD researcher Jonas Hannane is currently visiting the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) for a short informal research stay hosted by Dr. Fabian Braesemann. Jonas is conducting research about online labor market (OLM) platforms, and more specifically investigating the role of advertising as a signal on OLM platforms. His visit at the OII presents the opportunity to meet and engage with researchers ...

  • Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]

    Call for Papers: Employer, Employee, and Linked Datasets (LEE) ‒ Availability, Quality, Perspectives

    Our project partner for the SOEP-LEE2 project, Wenzel Matiaske from HSU, is organizing a seminar at the Inter-University Centre (IUC) Dubrovnik from October 2-6, 2023. The aim of the seminar is to bring scientist together, who are working with LEE data (Linked Employer Employee data) and to prepare a Special Issue in the journal "management revue - Socio-Economic Studies". Interested scientists are ...

    14.03.2023| Christoph Halbmeier
  • Report

    Call for Papers: Employer, Employee, and Linked Datasets (LEE)

    Our project partner for the SOEP-LEE2 project, Wenzel Matiaske from HSU, is organizing a seminar at the Inter-University Centre (IUC) Dubrovnik from October 2-6, 2023. The aim of the seminar is to bring scientist together, who are working with LEE data (Linked Employer Employee data) and to prepare a Special Issue in the journal "management revue - Socio-Economic Studies". Interested scientists are ...

    13.03.2023| Christoph Halbmeier
  • DIW focus

    Accelerate thermal modernization of buildings with minimum standards for buildings and binding retrofitting targets

    The energy and climate crisis enhance the need for energy savings. In the building sector, these savings can be achieved primarily through thermal retrofitting. So far, progress in this area has been slow. To date, less than one percent of the residential building stock in Germany is retrofitted each year. The existing support programs alone offer too little reliability for the necessary...

    13.03.2023| Sophie M. Behr, Merve Küçük, Karsten Neuhoff
  • Personnel news

    Julia Rechlitz has successfully defended her dissertation

    Julia Rechlitz has successfully defended her dissertation on "Air Pollution Impacts and Energy Infrastructure Efficiency - Empirical Evidence with Official Micro Data". She was supervised by Prof. Dr. Christian von Hirschhausen. Congratulations!

  • Personnel news

    GC PhD Student Dennis Gaus commencing OECD Internship

    GC Doctoral Candidate Dennis Gaus of the Energy, Transportation, and Environment department will be completing a six-month internship at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris from March 1st onwards. He will be working on a project on the determinants and effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) within the Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CfE). ...

  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Research of PhD Candidate Laura Pagenhardt in DIW Weekly Report

    The joint research of the Graduate Center's PhD candidate Laura Pagenhardt and Martin Gornig on the end of Germany's construction boom has been published in the current DIW weekly report. Congratulations!

  • Publication

    Update of the Scales Manual now available

    The scales manual has now been extended and updated with survey contents including 2020 (v37). The scales manual has been converted to the SOEPlong variable scheme and, in addition to being published in the SOEP Survey Paper, is also integrated in the SOEPcompanion.

    09.01.2023| Theresa Entringer, Florian Griese
1746 results, from 61