Innovative Knowledge Transfer and Evidence-Based EvaluationHow the new minimum wage legislation, which goes into effect on January 1, 2015, is an open question. It is thus all the more important that the effects of the new minimum wage should be evaluated scientifically, for which this project will provide an important database. Researchers from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) research...
Completed Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
The project investigates the effectiveness of the rent control for new rental contracts introduced in 2015. The effects of regulation on price formation in the regulated and unregulated housing market will be analyzed. In addition, the effects of the rent control on supply will be examined and the extent to which the law may have prevented investment will be studied.
Completed Project| Forecasting and Economic Policy
As part of the evaluation process of the current State aid rules, the European Commission has awarded to the consortium of Lear, DIW Berlin, and Sheppard Mullin, a specific contract to carry out a study of the EU rules for State aid facilitating access to finance for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). These rules comprise the Guidelines on State aid to promote risk finance investments (RFG) and...
Subproject of the overall evaluation of the monetary family related benefits
Families in Germany (FiD) was the first systematic, large-scale evaluation of the entire spectrum of public benefits to married people and families in Germany. The study was commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (BMFSFJ) and the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF).
Completed Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
Project synopsis
Achieving the Paris agreement requires a radical transformation of the inherently inert energy system. Assets in the form of fossil energy resources and existing infrastructure along the fossil value chain are at the risk of rapidly losing value and becoming „stranded assets”. Asset owners, therefore, have incentives to delay or even prevent the implementation of climate policies...