Research Projects

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363 results, from 1
  • Research Project

    A new occupational disability insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme

    A large group of people is unable to keep up with the increasing retirement age and remain in the workforce until retirement for health reasons. The disability pension that exists today is only suitable to a limited extent to protect this group. The decisive factor for the reduced earning capacity is not the last activity performed, but all activities "under the usual conditions of the general...

    Current Project| Public Economics
  • Research Project

    A regionally differentiated climate dividend in Germany

    Experiences with the regionally differentiated climate dividend in Austria in terms of effectiveness, acceptance and feasibility in the administration. Contribution of a regionally differentiated climate dividend to the acceptance of climate policy (social compatibility and efficiency) Transferability of the Austrian concept and experiences with implementation to Germany.

    Current Project| Public Economics
  • Research Project

    An empirical analysis of non-take up of social assistance for the elderly

    The aim of the research project was to non-take-up of social assistance for the elderly. The analysis is based on the Socio-economic Panel (SOEP). Using a microsimulation model (STSM) developed at DIW Berlin, it was determined on the basis of survey data from the previous year (including income and property information, household context, living situation, health situation, household equipment)...

    Current Project| Public Economics
  • Research Project

    Antibiotic Resistance: Socio-Economic Determinants and the Role of Information and Salience in Treatment Choice (ABRSEIST)

    Antibiotics have contributed to a tremendous increase in human well-being, saving many millions of lives. However, antibiotics become obsolete the more they are used as selection pressure promotes the development of resistant bacteria. The World Health Organization has proclaimed antibiotic resistance as a major global threat to public health. Today, 700,000 deaths per year are due to...

    Current Project| Firms and Markets
  • Research Project

    Basic Income Pilot Project

    The current debate on unconditional basic income in Germany is often dominated by personal opinions and clichés and is seldom based on robust scientific knowledge, as there have been no generalizable scientific studies on this subject in the German context up to now. Studies in other countries such as Finland provide initial insights, but many of these are out of date or focus on specific...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Research Project

    Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development (BRISE)

    The Bremen Initiative to Foster Early Childhood Development (BRISE) is a longitudinal study that systematically investigates the effects of early childhood intervention. BRISE follows socio-economically challenged families in Bremen during early childhood. The support chain links selected support programs beginning at a prenatal stage and continuing until the first year of primary school. The...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Research Project

    Career penalties of long term-care provision

    It is the aim of the project to analyze the labor market consequences of informal care provision. For the identification we follow the literature on childcare penalties (see Kleven et al. 2019) to quantify the short- and long-run career costs of childcare. Rellstab et al. (2020) for the Netherlands and Halla et al. (2021) for Austria have applied this framework to estimate the career effects for...

    Current Project| Public Economics
  • Research Project

    Climate dividends and public support for carbon pricing

    With the increasing urgency to address climate change, understanding public sentiment is crucial for designing effective and socially acceptable environmental policies. Despite the existence of effective tools for the green transition, a significant obstacle for policymakers lies in the lack of public support, hindering their ability to utilize these tools effectively. One tool that has been...

    Current Project| Public Economics
  • Research Project

    Climate Friendly Materials Platform

    Overview Basic materials, such as aluminium, cement and steel, are central to our economies, but their production accounts for around 16 percent of European and 25 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. It is therefore difficult to envisage how Europe can reach the commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement without significant emission reductions from the materials sector. While some...

    Current Project| Climate Policy
  • Research Project

    Collection of key qualitative and quantitative information on the European Commission's merger decisions

    The main purpose of the project is to put together a comprehensive database including qualitative and quantitative information from past merger cases, which would enable DG Competition to produce statistical reports which could serve as an input to DG Competition's decision making practice in relation to EU merger control, both for operational and for policy purposes.

    Current Project| Firms and Markets
  • Research Project

    DECIPHE – Demographic Change and the Intergenerational Persistence in Homeownership in Europe

    DECIPHE is the first project to comprehensively study whether and how profound demographic changes in Europe impact the intergenerational persistence of homeownership, considering variations across countries, regions, and birth cohorts. It adopts a life course framework on housing tenure, in which individuals’ homeownership is shaped by their household members’ preferences and resources and...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Research Project

    Development of a macroeconomic forecasting model within the framework of the project "GET Uzbekistan"

    The project "German Economic Team Uzbekistan" ("GET Uzbekistan") supports the Uzbek government in stabilizing economic development and shaping the necessary economic reform processes. GET Uzbekistan is part of the regional project "High Level Government Advice on behalf of the BMWi", which also includes Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia.As a subcontractor of the BE Berlin Economics, DIW...

    Current Project| Forecasting and Economic Policy
  • Research Project

    Die intergenerationale Reproduktion von Vermögensungleichheit und deren sozio-demographischen Bedingungen in Deutschland (InterVerm / DFG)

    Die Vermögensungleichheit hat in vielen OECD-Ländern in den letzten Jahrzehnten zugenommen. Intergenerationale Prozesse der Vermögensreproduktion, die bewirken, dass erwachsene Kinder ähnliche Vermögenspositionen wie ihre Eltern zu einem ähnlichen Alter besetzen, sind besonders zentral, um die Entstehung von Ungleichheiten zu verstehen, weil u.a. Vermögen direkt über Generationen hinweg...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Research Project

    Distribution effects and incentive effects of coordinated climate and social policy

    The aim of this research project is the development and empirical evaluation of climate and social policy instruments, which on the one hand contribute to achieving climate neutrality by 2045, and on the other hand could be implemented in a socially compatible way. The focus is on empirical analysis of the distribution and incentive effects including their interactions which are evaluated by...

    Current Project| Public Economics, Energy, Transportation, Environment
  • Research Project

    Distributional Effects of Macroeconomic Policies in Europe

    Political measures at the level of the European Union are intended, among other things, to ensure the stability of the economic and monetary union. This includes, for example, the establishment of the European Recovery Fund, which can be a first step towards a fiscal union in the Eurozone. The project examines how these, and other economic policy measures affect inequality between households. The...

    Current Project| Macroeconomics, Forecasting and Economic Policy
  • Research Project

    Distributional Effects of Macroeconomic Policies in Europe

    Political measures at the level of the European Union are intended, among other things, to ensure the stability of the economic and monetary union. This includes, for example, the establishment of the European Recovery Fund, which can be a first step towards a fiscal union in the Eurozone. The project examines how these, and other economic policy measures affect inequality between households. The...

    Current Project| Macroeconomics, Forecasting and Economic Policy
  • Research Project

    Drivers of residential energy use for heating and cooling and thermal retrofit decisions

    Energy consumption for household heating is capturing increasing attention. In the short-term, gas – and thus heat–saving has become a core policy objective in the current energy crisis. Only if households save sufficient gas will it be possible to avoid curtailment of industrial energy gas demand. Gas savings will also reduce scarcity on the markets, and thus is an important element to mitigate...

    Current Project| Climate Policy, German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Research Project

    Economic Insights: Transfer and Capacity Building

    The INSIGHTS project  aims to support and promote the communication of research and to contribute to its transfer to the public. INSIGHTS is funded by the Leibniz Gemeinschaft. INSIGHTS has two main pillars, a platform of exchange between researchers, policymakers, the media, and the public, and the provision of professional guidance and formal training on how to interact with the public and...

    Current Project| Public Economics
  • Research Project

    Employment Risks and the Quality of Work in the Digital Transformation: Using the SOEP for Empirical Analysis of AI, Platform Work, and Digital Work

    The digital transformation is fundamentally changing the ways people and machines work together, creating profound connections between physical and virtual worlds. New communication channels are emerging—and with them, new possibilities for flexible work practices, locations, and hours. Digitalization opens up diverse opportunities for the working world and for society as a whole, but it also...

    Current Project| Public Economics
  • Research Project

    Energy Balances

    Current Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
363 results, from 1