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May 6, 2021


Women on the Move – Current Perspectives on Female Migration

Today, half of the world’s migrants are female, amounting to 114 million individuals in 2017. The intersection between migration and gender has profound consequences for individuals: gender affects, amongst others migration motifs, selection into migration, as well as decisions on destination countries. Further, the experiences in the host country are gender-specific and especially so when looking at employment, education, or household production.

Workshop Conditions

For this workshop, we seek contributions from junior researchers (PhD students and Post-Docs), whose quantitative research deals with this intersection and interdependence of migration and gender. The workshop will take place virtually on May 6, 2021. Each participant is invited to give a short presentation (15 minutes) followed by comments and feedback from two invited speakers as well as the other participants of the workshop. We invite quantitative research from a wide range of disciplines such as sociology, economics, demography, political science, development studies, and cultural studies. The workshop invites research on topics such as but not limited to:

  • Selection into migration
  • Family reunification and family members left behind
  • Migration routes and migration journeys
  • Migrants’ networks
  • Remittances
  • Experiences in the destination country (employment, education, family dynamics, fertility,
    gender roles, etc.)

These topics should in some way be looked at through the lens of gender.

With this workshop, we hope to foster exchange on the latest, cutting-edge quantitative migration research focusing on gender-related aspects and start a discussion on future research potentials in this area. The workshop is kindly funded by the Akademie für Soziologie.

Applications should include a short abstract (300 words) and be submitted here by March 1, 2021. We look forward to receiving your contributions!

Topics: Gender , Migration

