Lars Felder

Lars Felder

Ph.D. Student of the

Public Economics Department

Lars is a PhD candidate at the Berlin School of Economics and DIW Berlin. He completed his MSc at the Freie University of Berlin. During his studies he worked as a student assistant at the department for public economics and the department for energy, transport and the environment at DIW Berlin. His research interests fall into the area of applied microeconomics where he combines topics of social and climate policy such as carbon pricing and the consequences of the demographic transition on the pension system and the labor market.


DIW Wochenbericht 48 / 2024

Derzeitige Rentenregel für besonders langjährig Versicherte ist wenig zielgenau: Interview

2024| Lars Felder, Erich Wittenberg
DIW Wochenbericht 48 / 2024

Rente nach 45 Jahren: Auch Personen mit geringer Arbeitsbelastung gehen frühzeitig abschlagsfrei in Ruhestand

2024| Hermann Buslei, Lars Felder, Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan

Research Projects

Research Project

Climate dividends and public support for carbon pricing

Current Project| Public Economics