Division Data Operation and Research Data Center

Experts from the Research Data Center of the SOEP (FDZ SOEP) prepare the survey data for both longitudinal and cross-sectional scientific analysis. They generate numerous user-friendly variables and impute missing data—for instance, in cases where respondents failed to provide complete answers to income questions. They also provide access to small-scale regional codes through a variety of secure data channels.

The team provides SOEP data to researchers worldwide in the form of scientific use files, based on a data use contract. Researchers can analyze datasets that are subject to stricter data protection regulations either through remote data access or at a secure guest workstation.

Comprehensive documentation on all of the SOEP data is published online, either in the form of individual PDF files or on paneldata.org, the open-source documentation system developed by the SOEP staff. An overview of the SOEP-Core data can be found in the SOEPcompanion online.

Specialists in Market and Social Research complete their vocational training in the FDZ SOEP and support the experts on the team.

The FDZ SOEP is accredited as a research data center by the German Data Forum and is active on the Standing Committee Research Data Infrastructure (FDI) in promoting exchange among the various research data centers.

