Firms and Markets Department News

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141 results, from 1
  • Personnel news

    Jonas Hannane has successfully defended his dissertation

    Jonas Hannane has successfully defended his dissertation on October 8, 2024 at the Technische Universität Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Three Essays on the Economics of Digitization" was supervised by Professor Dr. Tomaso Duso (DIW Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin) and Professor Dr. Hannes Ullrich (DIW Berlin and University of Copenhagen). Jonas was a PhD student at the Firms and ...

  • Personnel news

    Best Conference Paper Award 2024 for Robin Sogalla

    Robin Sogalla, Ph.D. Student of the Firms and Markets Department, received the Best Conference Paper Award 2024 at the 16th FIW Research Conference 'International Economics' in Vienna for his paper "Unilateral Climate Policy and Heterogeneous Firms". The award is worth 1,000 euros. Congratulations!

  • Press Release

    Sanctions against Russia in 2014 had an effect, but their potential was far from being fully exploited

    Sanctions against Russia following the annexation of Crimea reduced consumption in Russia by 1.4 percent - Simulations show that the potential for sanctions could have been higher - Involvement of emerging economies would have increased sanction pressure - Sanctions caused greater losses for small economies in the proximity of Russia than for large economies - Burden-sharing funds could reduce asymmetries With ...

  • Personnel news

    Shan Huang has successfully defended her dissertation

    Shan Huang has successfully defended her dissertation at the University of Copenhagen. The dissertation with the title "Essays on the economics of health care provision" was supervised by Professor Dr. Hannes Ullrich (DIW Berlin and University of Copenhagen). Shan was a PhD student at the Firms and Markets Department and GC class of 2017. We congratulate her on her success and wish her all the best ...

  • Personnel news

    Jan Malek has successfully defended his dissertation

    Jan Malek has successfully defended his dissertation "Essays on Competition and Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry” supervised by Jo Seldeslachts (1st supervisor) at KU Leuven and has now begun working for E.CA Economics in Berlin. Congratulations!

  • Publication

    Economic sanctions: Coalitions increase the cost for the target and reduce own burden

    What is the role of coalitions in enforcing sanctions? In a newly released study, researchers at IfW Kiel and DIW Berlin analyse the economic impact of jointly implementing punitive measures in the context of the 2012 Iran and 2014 Russia sanctions. They find that coalitions serve two crucial purposes -- they not only magnify the economic cost imposed on the target but also reduce domestic costs for ...

    28.10.2022| Sonali Chowdhry
  • Personnel news

    Nuria Boot has successfully defefended her dissertation

    Nuria Boot has successfully defended her dissertation at the KU Leuven. The dissertation with the title "Essays on Common Ownership and Financial Benchmark Rates" was supervised by Professor Dr. Jo Seldeslachts (KU Leuven and DIW Berlin). Nuria was a PhD student in the Firms and Markets Department and GC class of 2016. We congratulate Nuria on her success and wish her all the best for her future ...

  • Personnel news

    Tomaso Duso appointed to steering committee of new research network "CEPR Competition Policy RPN"

    Tomaso Duso was appointed as one of the four members of the steering committee of the newly founded CEPR Competition Policy Research & Policy Network. The purpose of the CEPR Competition Policy RPN is to become a leading platform for the critical discussion of competition policy design and outcomes. The RPN seeks to create a network of academics and enforcers to evaluate both influential decisions ...

  • Personnel news

    Melissa Newham has successfully defended her dissertation

    Melissa Newham, who works at the Firms and Markets department, has successfully defended her dissertation at the KU Leuven. The dissertation with the title "Essays on the Economics of the Pharmaceutical Industry" was supervised by Jo Seldeslachts (KU Leuven and DIW Berlin). We congratulate Melissa on her success and wish her all the best for her future career!

  • Statement

    Green light for Fitbit takeover by Google is regrettable

    The EU Commission has approved Google's acquisition of the fitness tracker manufacturer Fitbit. Here is a statement from competition economist Tomaso Duso, Head of the Firms and Markets Department at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin):

    17.12.2020| Tomaso Duso
  • Personnel news

    Maximilian Schäfer has successfully defefended his dissertation

    Maximilian Schäfer has successfully defended his dissertation at the Technische Universität Berlin in November 2020. The dissertation with the title "Three Essays on the Economics of Digitization" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Tomaso Duso (DIW Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Hannes Ullrich (DIW Berlin, University of Copenhagen). Maximilian was a PhD student in the ...

  • Personnel news

    Kevin Ducbao Tran has successfully defefended his dissertation

    Kevin Ducbao Tran has successfully defended his dissertation at the Technische Universität Berlin in September 2020. The dissertation with the title "Three Essays on the Economics of Online Platforms" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Tomaso Duso (DIW Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Hannes Ullrich (DIW Berlin, University of Copenhagen). Kevin was a PhD student in the Firms ...

  • Report

    DG Competition of the European Commission publishes several studies evaluating State aid rules provided by a consortium with the participation of the DIW Berlin

    On 2 June 2020 DG Competition of the European Commission published several support studies on the retrospective evaluation of State aid rules. This “Fitness check” will serve as a basis for future Commission’s decisions about whether to further prolong or update the rules expiring in 2020. The consortium of DIW Berlin, Lear, Sheppard Mullin and UEA Consulting under the leadership ...

    18.06.2020| Tomaso Duso
  • Report

    Virtual Digital Economy Seminar (VIDE) co-organized by DIW research associate Hannes Ullrich

    The Virtual Digital Economy Seminar (VIDE) features current research projects by prominent researchers worldwide via video conference. Hannes Ullrich from the Firms and Markets Department is among the co-​organizers of this open online international and inter-​institutional seminar on the digital economy.All seminars are on Thursdays at 8:00am Los Angeles - 11:00am New York - 4:00pm London - 5:00pm ...

    28.05.2020| Hannes Ullrich
  • Personnel news

    Tomaso Duso appointed to EU Commission’s advisory group

    European Commission’s Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager has approved Tomaso Duso’s appointment as member of the Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy (EAGCP) at the European Commission's Directorate General for Competition. The three years mandate starts on June 2020. The EAGCP creates a discussion forum on competition policy matters between academics who have a ...

  • Personnel news

    Pauline Affeldt has successfully defended her dissertation

    Pauline Affeldt, who works at the Firms and Markets department, has successfully defended her dissertation at the Technische Universität Berlin.The dissertation with the title "Three Essays on the Economics of Merger Control" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Tomaso Duso (DIW Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel  (Technische Universität Berlin).We ...

  • Weekly Report

    Artificial intelligence and big data can help contain resistance to antibiotics

    by  Michael Ribers and Hannes Ullrich Improving physicians’ prescription practices is a primary strategy for countering the rise in resistance to antibiotics. This would prevent physicians from incorrectly prescribing antibiotics, one of the main causes of antibiotic resistance. The increasing availability of medical data and methods of machine learning provide an opportunity to generate ...

    07.05.2019| Michael Allan Ribers, Hannes Ullrich
  • Press Release

    More Europe: 13 challenges—13 solutions for more convergence, stability, and competition

    Around 20 DIW Berlin economists present solutions to European challenges - Uniform conditions can make the EU more resilient - Better incentive systems ensure more convergence - Europe must be united in countering global economic risks such as the US tariff dispute Growth and progress towards equal living conditions across the European Union continues, but the crises of recent years have shown that ...

  • Statement

    Germany and France should defend European competition policy, not attack it!

    The German and French economics ministers have introduced a Franco-German manifesto for a 21st century European industrial policy. Tomaso Duso, competition economist and head of the Firms and Markets Department at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), comments as follows:

    20.02.2019| Tomaso Duso
  • Weekly Report

    Construction industry momentum continues – state stimulus impacts prices

    By Martin Gornig, Claus Michelsen, and Martin Bruns According to the German Institute for Economic Research construction volume forecast, the country’s construction industry will continue to flourish in the coming years. Companies can count on a rise in the nominal construction volume of around 7.5 percent in 2019 and 6.5 percent next year. The industry’s business cycle continues ...

    14.01.2019| Martin Johannes Bruns, Martin Gornig, Claus Michelsen
141 results, from 1