The two-day spring meeting "The Power of Where: Spatial Insights from Survey Data" will take place in person at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus on February 29 to March 1, 2024. The meeting is jointly organized by the Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR), Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU), and SOEP-RegioHub at Bielefeld University and is conceived as a lunch-to-lunch ...
06.10.2023| Jan Goebel
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
The call for papers for the 15th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference is online. SOEP 2024 will take place from July 4-5, 2024, in Berlin, and researchers from all disciplines are invited to submit an abstract. The theme of the conference and keynote speeches will be "individual and collective responses to a changing world." Keynote speakers will be Simon Jäger from IZA/MIT and ...
12.09.2023| Janina Britzke
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
The first Scientific Use File of the German Social Cohesion Panel (SCP) is now available
The SCP is a newly established longitudinal study that captures multiple aspects of social cohesion in Germany. It is based on a representative population sample drawn from the German population registers and was carried out for the first time in 2021. The annual survey is directed not only at the selected individuals ...
28.07.2023| Julian B. Axenfeld, Carina Cornesse
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
All registered data users can now order the current data via our online order form.
In German: http://www.diw.de/SOEPbestellungIn English: http://www.diw.de/SOEPorder
Due to a change of the survey institute, there was a delay in the data transfer this year. Unfortunately, we still could not include all information in this data delivery. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Key information ...
18.07.2023| SOEP Community Management
Press Release
Second survey wave of around 7,000 Ukrainians on their life situations and progress in social participation
For the second time, Ukrainians who fled because of the Russian war of aggression were interviewed about their life in Germany. Key results are: At the beginning of 2023, almost half of the respondents intend to stay in Germany in the longer term. The number of people in employment has increased ...
New data, new projects, new faces: In 2022, a lot of new things happened at the Socio-Economic Panel.
Last year's annual report provides again a compact and clear insight into all the SOEP's activities on topics such as forced migration, wealth, new samples, pension data, and mental health as well as on the fieldwork carried out by infas.
The report is available online free of charge. We would ...
11.07.2023| Janina Britzke
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
From July 17 to 21, the tenth conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) will take place in Milan, Italy. 12 SOEP researchers will organize sessions or present their work in more than 20 sessions. An overview of the SOEP presentations can be found online.
SOEP will also have its own exhibition stand - so come by and learn more about SOEP data and find the newest publications di ...
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
In August the SOEP organizes another online SOEPcampus workshop "Learn to use SOEP over lunch". On four Wednesdays in August (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 2023) this online workshop series offers a short online introduction to the data of the Socio-economic panel study. Participants will be introduced to the content of the study, its data-structure, sample selection and weighting strategy and they will be ...
14.06.2023| Sandra Bohmann, Janina Britzke
Personnel news
Matteo Targa has successfully defended his dissertation "Empirical Essays on Inequality" supervised by Carsten Schröder at Freie Universität Berlin. Congratulations!
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
The SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS) is designed to enable innovative data collection for the research community. It is particularly well suited to establishing new and target-group-specific measurement instruments in long-term surveys, to conducting short- and long-term experiments, and to collecting non-survey data (such as biomarkers).
Researchers who are interested in submitting a proposal for ...
21.03.2023| Carina Cornesse
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
The SOEP-CMI-ADIAB dataset (version 7520 v1) is made available by the SOEP and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). It contains data on SOEP survey respondents linked with respondents’ personal administrative data from the IAB, provided that the SOEP respondents have given their consent and could be identified in the IAB data. The survey data in SOEP-CMI-ADIAB include data from SOEP-Core, the ...
21.03.2023| Mattis Beckmannshagen
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
Our project partner for the SOEP-LEE2 project, Wenzel Matiaske from HSU, is organizing a seminar at the Inter-University Centre (IUC) Dubrovnik from October 2-6, 2023. The aim of the seminar is to bring scientist together, who are working with LEE data (Linked Employer Employee data) and to prepare a Special Issue in the journal "management revue - Socio-Economic Studies".
Interested scientists are ...
14.03.2023| Christoph Halbmeier
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
On January 18, January 25, and February 1, 2023 the online workshop "SOEPcampus: Learn to use SOEP over lunch" takes place again. This online workshop series offers a short online introduction to the data of the Socio-economic panel study. Participants will be introduced to the content of the study, its data-structure, sample selection and weighting strategy and they will be provided with an overview ...
21.12.2022| Sandra Bohmann, Janina Britzke
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
KonsortSWD Network Development Grants are aimed at researchers from the various communities that are part of KonsortSWD as well as infrastructure providers with relevant expertise. The grants further complement the portfolio of KonsortSWD services, and ideas from all KonsortSWD other NFDI communities are of interest. KonsortSWD Network Development Grants are designed to support projects that improve ...
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
The 15th Workshop of Panel Surveys in German-Speaking Countries, which the SOEP is organizing in partnership with the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM), will take place March 30-31, 2023, at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin (DIW Berlin).
The workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss current topics and findings from survey research as well as ...
05.12.2022| Janina Britzke, Carina Cornesse
More than 950,000 refugees from Ukraine have sought protection in Germany since the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022. The project “Refugees from Ukraine in Germany” is the first comprehensive, representative social science survey of this group. It is being conducted by the SOEP in partnership with the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the Federal Employment Agency (BA), the ...
29.08.2022| Markus M. Grabka, Monika Wimmer
Nachrichten [Abteilung SOEP]
On August 25 and 26, 2022 the online workshop "SOEPcampus@Home" takes place again: This online two-day workshop offers a well-grounded and practically oriented introduction to the data of the Socio-economic panel study. Participants will be introduced to the content of the study, its data-structure, sample selection and weighting strategy and they will be provided with an overview over the study ...
11.08.2022| Sandra Bohmann, Janina Britzke
The SOEP Conference 2022 took place from June 30 to July 1, 2022 and was a great success. We were very happy to finally hold our bi-annual conference at DIW Berlin again after being postponed due to the pandemic. Events like this conference are an important part of scientific life and we are pleased that all participants were there to help make it a success.
Of the about 80 participants from 9 different ...
26.07.2022| Janina Britzke, Monika Wimmer
Which SOEP projects were launched in 2021? What have researchers found out with our data? What additional data do we offer to our users? And what is new since we started working with the fieldwork institute infas?
The report is available online free of charge. We would also be happy to send you a hard copy on request (soepmail@diw.de).
Please download here
15.07.2022| Janina Britzke, Monika Wimmer
The call for papers on our SOEP2022 - 14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference is online.
Conference date: June 30-July 1, 2022, in Berlin!
Please submit electronic versions of abstracts (up to 300 words) no later than FEB 9, 2022 to: soep2022@diw.de
Researchers of all disciplines are invited to submit an abstract.The theme of the conference and keynote speeches will be "The ...