Personnel news
Dominique Hansen joined the SOEP team in April. He is taking over the development of paneldata.org from Marcel Hebing with a focus on user experience, software quality, and data quality. In his studies of information science, he explored the quality of research software, reproducibility, open science, and good scientific practice.
Weekly Report
by Jule Adriaans, Stefan Liebig and Juergen Schupp
Representative survey results have shown a stable approval rate for implementing unconditional basic income of between 45 and 52 percent in Germany since 2016/17. In European comparison, this approval rate is low. Younger, better educated persons, and those at risk of poverty support the concept of unconditional basic income in Germany. But ...
10.04.2019| Jule Adriaans, Stefan Liebig, Jürgen Schupp
Personnel news
Hans Walter Steinhauer joined the SOEP team on April 1. He will be working in the Survey Methodology and Management research area on sampling, weighting, and imputation. He will support the research area by contributing his experience from work on the National Educational Panel (NEPS) and other studies of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (LIfBi). Hans holds a doctorate in survey statistics. ...
Personnel news
SOEP Director and DIW Executive Board Member Professor Stefan Liebig has been appointed Professor of Empirical Social Structure Analysis and Survey Methodology at FU Berlin, where he began work on April 1, 2019. His position is a joint professorship between FU Berlin and DIW Berlin.
Stefan Liebig conducts research on social inequality and social structure analysis with a focus on attitudes towards ...
Weekly Report
by Markus M. Grabka and Carsten Schröder
The total number of dependent employees in Germany has increased by more than four million since the financial crisis. Part of this growth took place in the low-wage sector. Analyses based on data from the Socio-Economic Panel, which in 2017 for the first time include detailed information on secondary employment, show that there were around nine ...
03.04.2019| Markus M. Grabka, Carsten Schröder
Personnel news
Valeriia Heidemann joined the SOEP team on March 1. She will be responsible for preparing data from the Survey of Refugees while Jana Nebelin is on leave. Valeriia holds a master’s in sociology from Freie Universität Berlin. While completing her degree, she worked as a student assistant at the SOEP and gained experience with SOEP data preparation. She will now be working as part of a team ...
Martin Kroh has been appointed to the newly established Fachkommission Integrationsfähigkeit of the Federal Government.
The aim of the Commission is to describe the economic, labor market, social and demographic conditions for integration and to propose standards for improving them.
Personnel news
Together with co-authors Marina Hagen and Reinhard Schunck, Marco Giesselmann has received the Advances in Life Course Research Young Scholar Award for the paper “Motherhood and mental well-being in Germany: Linking a longitudinal life course design and the gender perspective on motherhood.” Read the winning paper for free here!
Personnel news
As of February, Mirjam Fischer supports the SOEP team in the SOEP-LGB project where an oversample of lesbian, gay and bisexual persons is collected. She will be involved in questionnaire design, constructing weights and analyzing the data. She is a sociologist by training and in her scientific work she studies inequality between people in same-sex and mixed-sex relationships. In her dissertation at ...
Weekly Report
by Herbert Brücker, Johannes Croisier, Yuliya Kosyakova, Hannes Kröger, Giuseppe Pietrantuono, Nina Rother and Jürgen Schupp
Asylum seekers migrating to Germany remains a hotly debated topic. The second wave of a longitudinal survey of refugees shows that their integration has progressed significantly, even though some refugees came to Germany in poor health and with little formal education. ...
28.01.2019| Hannes Kröger, Jürgen Schupp
Personnel news
Gert G. Wagner was awarded the Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany on September 3, 2018, by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier for his services to the Federal Republic of Germany. The cross was presented on November 19, 2018, by Berlin’s Secretary of State, Christian Gaebler.
As a Professor Emeritus, Gert G. Wagner continues to be very active in research and policy work: ...
Personnel news
Jürgen Schupp was re-appointed to the Rat für Kulturelle Bildung (Council for Cultural Education) as an expert for three years until 2021. The Rat für Kulturelle Bildung is an independent advisory board that analyzes the situation and quality of cultural education in Germany and makes recommendations based on exposés and studies for policy makers, researchers, and practical ...
From November 5 to 7, DIW Berlin hosted the SOEP’s first international workshop on longitudinal data management and analysis. In contrast to our regular German SOEP workshops, this one was devoted specifically to comparative longitudinal and cross-country designs using the SOEP and its international sister household panels. Paula Fomby of the University of Michigan and Marco Giesselmann of the ...
The 2018 summer school for early-stage researchers combined advanced research on the integration of refugees and migrants with training in the use of a clone of EU-SILC longitudinal data for Germany. The clone was created with the help of SOEP data and is especially valuable in the study of methodological issues in migration research. The different migration subsamples in the SOEP allow more detailed ...
22.11.2018| Maria Metzing
Magdalena Krieger has been awarded a 2018 Joachim Herz Foundation “Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Economics" in the amount of 12,500 euros. The fellowship’s aim is to support PhD students and post-docs working on interdisciplinary economic questions.
The fellowship goes to support her dissertation on immigrant families and their integration into the German labor market.
19.11.2018| Magdalena Krieger
Weekly Report
Family strongly influences personal well-being—especially in the case of refugees, whose family members often remain in their homeland. This report is the first to closely examine the well-being and family structures of refugees who came to Germany between January 2013 and January 2016. It uses data from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany. Among individuals aged between 18 and 49, ...
17.10.2018| Ludovica Gambaro, Diana Schacht, C. Katharina Spieß
DIW Berlin is part of a new Cluster of Excellence based in Berlin. Contestations of the Liberal Scripts (SCRIPTS) will analyze the contemporary controversies regarding the liberal order from a historical, global, and comparative perspective. Prof. Martin Kroh of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at DIW Berlin is one of the 25 researchers participating in the Cluster.
Twenty-five years after the end ...
11.10.2018| Martin Kroh, Mathilde Richter
Weekly Report
Earnings differences are a recurring topic of public discussion in Germany. Data from the long-term Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study as well as a separate survey of German employees (LINOS) show that earnings inequalities are generally perceived as fair while a substantial share of the respondents find the current earnings distribution in Germany unfair. This applies above all to the middle and lower ...
12.09.2018| Jule Adriaans
Michaela Engelmann's voice is very familiar to many data users and respondents. Since 2005, it has answered telephone inquiries from SOEP users and forwarded questions to experts in the SOEP team. Since 2008 she has also been the contact person for the SOEP interviewees at DIW Berlin. More than a dozen waves of SOEP data have been sent to researchers either as DVDs or digitally provided in encrypted ...
31.08.2018| Michaela Engelmann
„Future of capital funded old age provision in Germany – sovereign wealth funds versus individual retirement accounts“Editors: Timm Bönke, Markus M. Grabka and Carsten SchröderIn May 2018, the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs duly convened the pension commission “reliable inter-generational contract (Verlässlicher Generationenvertrag)”. ...
09.07.2018| Markus M. Grabka, Carsten Schröder