Due to the current political circumstances in the United Kingdom the event has unfortunately been canceled but will likely take place in 2020.
Nicola Sturgeon is the first female First Minister and the first female leader of any of the devolved UK administrations. She is currently MSP for Glasgow Southside having been, before boundary changes, MSP for Govan between 2007 and 2011. In government Nicola Sturgeon served as Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing between May 2007 and September 2012 and then Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities with responsibility for government strategy and the constitution until November 2014. Throughout this period she also served as Deputy First Minister of Scotland. She became SNP Leader on November 14, 2014 and was sworn in as First Minister on November 20, 2014.
To register, please confirm your participation by November 1, 2019 at the email: events@diw.de.
Due to the current political situation in the EU, it is possible that the event may have to be canceled at short notice. If so, we will inform you via email.
The DIW Europe Lecture (#EuropeLecture) is a lecture series by leading policy-makers and academics on the future of Europe. The series aims at fostering and informing the debate on key European policy issues, and at bringing this debate to the heart of Germany's policy-making in Berlin. Previous Europe Lectures have been held by Mario Draghi, Barry Eichengreen, Christine Lagarde, Lawrence H. Summers and Margrethe Vestager.
Topics: Europe