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DIW Berlin

Research results that stimulate discussion

Our research results are meant to drive the economic policy debate. They serve to stimulate discussion and exchange among experts and socially relevant groups and contribute to creating a basis for political decisions.

Our Strengths

DIW Berlin stands out for the wide spectrum of its research areas and its commitment to interdisciplinarity. It also has first-rate access to empirical data, as exemplified by its Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) – one of the world’s best data sources on the socio-economic situation in Germany.

Headquartered in Berlin, we are well positioned to stay on top of political discussion and decision-making. In that context we also make a point of keeping our research independent of political, content-based, or commercial interests.

As an independent institute, DIW Berlin brings together:

  • advanced methodological skills;
  • founded knowledge of economic, social, and political institutions;
  • multidisciplinarity;
  • a sense for topical economic policy issues; and
  • an extensive international research network.

Good science needs good communication

Applied economic and social research depends on extensive communication. We present our research results in our own and in external publications and at workshops, symposia, and colloquia.
Moreover, as we also want to reach the public at large, we engage in substantial media and public relations work.

Certificate "audit berufundfamilie" for DIW Berlin

The DIW Berlin was awarded the "audit berufundfamilie" certificate on August 25th 2011. The auditing included an evaluation of possibilities for reconciling work and family life at DIW Berlin. Further goals for a family-conscious staffing policy were formulated. The necessary actions will be implemented within the next three years. certificate (PDF, 239.25 KB)
