Prof. Dr. Alexander S. Kritikos

Prof. Dr. Alexander S. Kritikos

Member of the Executive Board

Head of Entrepreneurship Research Group


+49 30 89789 - 157
Research Topics and Working Areas

Alexander Kritikos is scientific member of the executive board of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) since May 2021 and research director of the research group on ‘Entrepreneurship’ since 2011. Before he was head of the Department ‘Innovation, Manufacturing, Service' since 2008 and Vice-President since 2010. He is appointed as Full Professor for Industrial and Institutional Economics at the University of Potsdam, and Research Fellow of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, and of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), Nuremberg.

Alexander Kritikos studied economics and political sciences at the University of Munich where he received in 1989 his degree as Diplom-Volkswirt. After a scholarship at the ‘post graduate program for Applied Microeconomics' of the Free University of Berlin he received his doctoral degree in Economics at the Humboldt-University of Berlin in 1996 and his habilitation in Economics at the European University Viadrina in 2003. Alexander Kritikos was Research Fellow of the German Marshall Fund in Washington (1999), EU-TMR Research Fellow at Athens University of Economics (2000), and he is member of the Social Sciences Committee and of Economic Policy Committee of the German Economic Association. Since 2010 he is Editor of Small Business Economics.

His articles have been published among others in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Journal of Population Economics, Research Policy and Small Business Economics. His OpEds have been published in various newspapers like Süddeutsche Zeitung, Handelsblatt, Cicero, Die Zeit, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Tagesspiegel, Welt, Harvard Business Review, Ta Nea and Kathimerini.


Journal of Population Economics (vol. 37 (52))

Does Gender of Firm Ownership Matter? Female Entrepreneurs and the Gender Pay Gap

2024 | Alexander S. Kritikos, Mika Maliranta, Veera Nippala, Satu Nurmi
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (vol. 47 (3))

Pandemic Depression: COVID-19 and the Mental Health of the Self-Employed

2023 | Marco Caliendo, Daniel Graeber, Alexander S. Kritikos und Johannes Seebauer
Journal of Business Venturing (vol. 33(6))

Business Cycles and Start-ups across Industries: an Empirical Analysis for German Regions

2018 | Alexander Konon, Michael Fritsch, and Alexander S. Kritikos
Research Policy (vol. 45 (6))

The Link between R&D, Innovation and Productivity: Are Micro Firms Different?

2016 | Julian Baumann and Alexander S. Kritikos
Small Business Economics (vol. 42)

Personality Characteristics and the Decisions to Become and Stay Self-Employed

2014 | Marco Caliendo, Frank Fossen and Alexander S. Kritikos Personality
DIW Wochenbericht 40 / 2024

Unternehmerinnen können den Gender Pay Gap weitgehend reduzieren: Interview

2024| Alexander S. Kritikos, Erich Wittenberg
DIW Wochenbericht 40 / 2024

Gender Pay Gap sinkt in vielen Branchen, wenn Unternehmen im Besitz von Frauen sind

2024| Alexander S. Kritikos, Mika Maliranta, Veera Nippala, Satu Nurmi
DIW Wochenbericht 37 / 2024

Die demokratische Mitte ist den populistischen Parteien nicht hilflos ausgeliefert

2024| Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Kriwoluzky
DIW Wochenbericht 30 / 2024

Wirtschaft, Demografie und strukturelle Missstände: Die Faktoren hinter dem Erfolg der AfD bei der Europawahl 2024

2024| Christian Franz, Adelina Garamow, Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Marcel Fratzscher
DIW Wochenbericht 27 / 2024

Raus aus der Hängematte, rein in die Sechs-Tage-Woche? Kommentar

2024| Alexander S. Kritikos
Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

Mehr Milei und Musk wagen? Hier kann Deutschland Bürokratie einsparen

In: Der Tagesspiegel (14.12.2024), [Online-Artikel] | Benjamin Baykal, Alexander S. Kritikos, Klaus-Heiner Röhl
Other refereed essays

Entrepreneurs and Their Impact on Jobs and Economic Growth: Updated

In: IZA World of Labor (2024), 8, 10 S. | Alexander S. Kritikos
Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

Pos antimetopizei kapoios ta laikistika kommata sti germania

In: Kathimerini (24.09.2024), S. 6 | Alexander S. Kritikos
Externe Monographien

Does Gender of Firm Ownership Matter? Female Entrepreneurs and the Gender Pay Gap

Helsinki: Labore, 2024, 38 S.
(Labore Työpapereita / Working Papers ; 343)
| Alexander S. Kritikos, Mika Maliranta, Veera Nippala, Satu Nurmi
Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

Gegen BSW und AfD helfen nur „Investitionen, Investitionen, Investitionen“

In: Sächsische Zeitung (10.09.2024), S. 2 | Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Kriwoluzky



Does Gender of Firm Ownership Matter? Female Entrepreneurs and the Gender Pay Gap [Online]

Alexander S. Kritikos
Maastricht, Niederlande [Hybrid], 04.12.2024 - 07.12.2024
| Global GLO-JOPE Conference 2024 [Hybrid]

Τechnologischer Wandel durch Innovation: Keynote

Alexander S. Kritikos
Athen, Griechenland, 13.11.2024
| 4. Innovationsforum der Deutsch-Griechischen Industrie- und Handelskammer

Verwaltungsqualität entscheidet über Wachstumspotenziale von Unternehmen

Alexander S. Kritikos
[Online], 18.10.2024
| Bürokratie kann man messen - wie die Wissenschaft unser Problem beschreibt und die Wirtschaft leidet: Bundesarbeitskreis Christlich-Demokratischer Juristen (Online)

Investitionen: Bürokratische Herausforderungen in Griechenland und Deutschland

Alexander S. Kritikos
Weimar, 27.09.2024
| Deutsch-Griechische Beziehungen im 21. Jahrhundert: Fachtagung der Vereinigung der Deutsch-Griechischen Gesellschaften

Does Gender of Firm Ownership Matter? Female Entrepreneurs and the Gender Pay Gap

Alexander S. Kritikos
Köln, 25.09.2024 - 27.09.2024
| Hoarding Opportunities - Entrepreneurship and Inequality: Konferenz des Max-Planck-Instituts für Gesellschaftsforschung und der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft

Research Projects

Research Project

Evaluation of Business Coaching for Start-ups

Completed Project| Firms and Markets
Research Project


Completed Project| Entrepreneurship