Dr. Wolf-Peter Schill

Dr. Wolf-Peter Schill

Head of research area „Transformation of the Energy Economy“ of the

Energy, Transportation, Environment Department

Research Topics and Working Areas
Wolf-Peter Schill is leading the research area “Transformation of the Energy Economy” in the Department Energy, Transportation, Environment at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin). After studying environmental engineering at TU Berlin and Macquarie University Sydney, he obtained a doctoral degree in energy economics at TU Berlin. His research focuses on renewable energy, energy storage, electric mobility, green hydrogen and other sector coupling strategies. His methodological focus is open-source power sector modeling. At DIW Berlin, he works in various research projects with grants from German federal ministries and the European Commission. His work lead to numerous articles in leading international peer-reviewed journals such as Nature Energy, Joule, European Economic Review, Communications Earth and Environment, and other leading field journals. He is an active member of the national academy project Energy Systems of the Future (ESYS), co-developer of the Open Energy Tracker, and host of the (German) podcast fossilfrei.


Nature Energy

Start-up costs of thermal power plants in markets with increasing shares of variable renewable generation

2017 | Wolf-Peter Schill, Michael Pahle, Christian Gambardella
European Economic Review

On the economics of electrical storage for variable renewable energy sources

2018 | Alexander Zerrahn, Wolf-Peter Schill, Claudia Kemfert
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Long-run power storage requirements for high shares of renewables: results and sensitivities

2018 | Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Zerrahn
Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy

Prosumage of solar electricity: pros, cons, and the system perspective

2017 | Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Zerrahn, Friedrich Kunz
DIW aktuell ; 102 : Sonderausgaben zur Bundestagswahl 2025 / 2025

An Ampel-Fortschritte anknüpfen: Künftige Regierung muss Energiewende konsequent weiterverfolgen

2025| Wolf-Peter Schill, Claudia Kemfert, Adeline Guéret, Franziska Holz, Alexander Roth, Felix Schmidt
DIW Weekly Report 47/48 / 2024

The Future Is Battery Electric: Climate Change Mitigation in Road Freight Transport

2024| Wolf-Peter Schill, Julius Jöhrens, Dominik Räder, Hendrik Beeh, Josef Klingl, Markus Werner
DIW Wochenbericht 49 / 2024

Versorgungssicherheitsreserve kann Strommarkt absichern und Flexibilität erschließen

2024| Karsten Neuhoff, Claudia Kemfert, Martin Kittel, Franziska Klaucke, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill, Leon Stolle
DIW Wochenbericht 47 / 2024

Klimaschutz im Straßengüterverkehr: Die Zukunft ist batterieelektrisch

2024| Wolf-Peter Schill, Julius Jöhrens, Dominik Räder, Hendrik Beeh, Josef Klingl, Markus Werner
Externe Monographien

Was sind eigentlich Netzentgelte?

Potsdam: Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, 2024, 39 S.
| Lion Hirth, Silvana Tiedemann, Wolf-Peter Schill
Externe Monographien

Kernspaltung, Erdgas, Geothermie, Kernfusion: Welche Rolle spielen Grundlastkraftwerke in Zukunft? ; Impuls

München: acatech, 2024, 53 S.
(Schriftenreihe Energiesysteme der Zukunft ; Dezember 2024)
| Philipp Stöcker, Berit Erlach, Sven Wurbs, Frank-Detlef Drake, Manfred Fischedick, Jutta Hanson, Hans-Martin Henning, Wilhelm Kiewitt, Jochen Kreusel, Albert Moser, Wolfram Münch, Karen Pittel, Albrecht Reuter, Dirk Uwe Sauer, Wolf-Peter Schill, Hartmut Spliethoff, Cyril Stephanos, Christoph Weber, Anke Weidlich
Externe Monographien

Coping with the Dunkelflaute: Power System Implications of Variable Renewable Energy Droughts in Europe

Ithaca: arXiv.org, 2024, 9 S.
(arXiv ; 2411.17683)
| Martin Kittel, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill
Externe Monographien

Quantifying the Dunkelflaute: An Analysis of Variable Renewable Energy Droughts in Europe

Ithaca: arXiv.org, 2024, 14 S.
(arXiv ; 2410.00244)
| Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill
Other refereed essays

Impacts of Electric Carsharing on a Power Sector with Variable Renewables

In: Cell Reports Sustainability 1 (2024), 6, 100241, 13 S. | Adeline Guéret, Wolf-Peter Schill, Carlos Gaete-Morales



Germany's Energy Transition: Background, Targets, and Current Trends

Wolf-Peter Schill
Melbourne, Australien, 06.02.2025
| Seminar, Monash University Melbourne

Aktueller Überblick Photovoltaik-Markt und Stromnetzkapazität

Wolf-Peter Schill
Berlin, 05.11.2024
| Tag der Logistikimmobilie 2024: Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss

Die Transformation des deutschen Energiesystems: Ziele für die Photovoltaik und angegliederte Schlüsseltechnologien

Wolf-Peter Schill
Stuttgart, 17.10.2024
| 11. Solarbranchentag Baden-Württemberg 2024: Solar Cluster Baden-Württemberg

Implications of Different Policy Targets on the European Green Hydrogen Sector - Coupling Open-source Models

Dana Kirchem, Konstantin Löffler, Carlos Gaete Morales, Jonathan Hanto, Nikita Moskalenko, Wolf-Peter Schill
[Online], 16.10.2024 - 17.10.2024
| ECEMP Conference [Online]

Photovoltaik in Deutschland: Ausbautrends und Marktpreiseffekte

Felix Schmidt, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill
Berlin, 27.09.2024
| Systemausgleich in Überschusssituationen - Entwicklung und Steuerung von kleinen PV-Anlagen: Strommarkttreffen

Research Projects

Research Project

Distribution effects and incentive effects of coordinated climate and social policy

Current Project| Public Economics, Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Open-source modeling of the future role of renewable hydrogen in Germany and Europe

Current Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Development of an Evaluation Frame for the Introduction of Electromobility (DEFINE)

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Die Auswirkungen des Atomausstiegs in Deutschland auf Strompreise und Klimaschutz in Deutschland und Europa

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Future of Fossil Fuels in the wake of greenhouse gas neutrality (FFF)

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

General Economic and Sectoral Effects of the Promotion of Renewable Energies

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment, Firms and Markets
Research Project

Impact of Renewable Energy Sources (ImpRES)

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Mainstreaming of Climate Risks and Chances in the Finance Sector

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Mitigation of methane emissions - a rapid and cost-effective response to climate change

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

P2X (Kopernikus)

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project


Completed Project| Climate Policy
Research Project

Renewable Energy in German Federal States – Indicators and Ranking 2014

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment
Research Project

Stromspeicher als zentrales Element der Integration von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien (StoRES)

Completed Project| Energy, Transportation, Environment