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Climate Policy Department Events

Future Power Market

The Future Power Market Platform brings together consists of experts and decision-makers from both public and private sector across Europe who are prioritizing market design and regulatory mechanism development in their working agendas. The initiative will lead an ongoing informative debate on the adequate regulatory and market framework for 2020 and beyond.

Working group meetings take place at DIW Berlin or at various international institutions to which working group members are affiliated.Summaries of each meeting are distributed within the group and then published to make the process continuous while developing a shared perspective or where this is not possible an informed understanding of the differences.

Climate Friendly Materials Platform

Since the end of 2016 the Climate Friendly Materials Platform - jointly lead by DIW Berlin and Climate Strategies - brings together policy makers, industry representatives, practitioners in industrial decarbonisation and applied researchers for the development of a shared understanding of tangible policy options and eventually common policy action at the national and EU level to the overall goal of successfully decarbonize the basic materials sector.

Round-table workshops take place at DIW Berlin or at various international institutions to which Platform's research members are affiliated depending on specific collaborations, funding sources and focus on specific relevant topics.

Sustainable Finance

Financing issues and the interplay of financial market and climate and energy regulation are of key importance for the success of a transformation towards a climate-neutral and sustainable economy. The science platform Sustainable Finance aims to scientifically support the answer to key social, political and private issues by building on a strong cooperation network of five German research institutions. It will provide established and emerging research knowledge, introduce other relevant science actors to the political-public discourse, and identify important gaps in knowledge and knowledge and strategies and proposals for addressing these gaps.


The Berlin Seminar on Energy and Climate Policy is a joint seminar series of several research institutes at the intersection of energy, climate policy and finance. The aim of the seminars is to support decision-makers in politics, finance and the real economy in identifying the relationships between these areas, to better understand current and future challenges and to develop possible solutions in order to shape the path to a climate-neutral economy. The regular events are aimed at representatives of science, politics and business. This seminar is organized by Climate Policy Department of DIW Berlin jointly with Öko Institut, PIK, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Wuppertal Institute, TU-Berlin and Ecologic Institute.
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