June 30 - July 1, 2022

International SOEP User Conference

SOEP 2022 - 14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference


June 30 - July 1, 2022


German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
Mohrenstraße 58
10117 Berlin


Anja Abendroth (Bielefeld University), Arne Kalleberg (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

The 14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (SOEP2022) will be held in Berlin from June 30 to July 1, 2022 at DIW Berlin.

The conference provides researchers who use the SOEP (including the SOEP part of the Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) and LIS/LWS data) with the opportunity to present and discuss their work with their peers. Researchers of all disciplines (e.g., economics, demography, geography, political science, public health, psychology, and sociology) are invited to submit an abstract.

The theme of the conference and keynote speeches will be "The Opportunities and Challenges of Technological Change and Digitalization". We particularly welcome contributions examining the economic, political, psychological, and social consequences of technological change and digitalization at the workplace and in everyday life outside of work. In addition, we encourage submissions beyond this thematic focus, particularly submissions using the longitudinal features of SOEP and papers on survey methodology and cross-national comparative analysis.

Conference Report

The 2022 SOEP Conference took place from June 30 to July 1, 2022. After postponing the bi-annual conference due to the pandemic, we were happy to finally host it again at DIW Berlin. Events like this are an important part of scientific life, and we are pleased that so many presenters and participants came and made it a success.

Of the approximately 80 submissions by conference participants from nine different countries, around 50 submissions were accepted for presentation by the scientific committee for the SOEP conference (Marco Caliendo, Theresa Entringer, Philipp Lersch, Stefan Schmukle, Pia Schober, Carsten Schröder, and Olaf Struck).

Keynote speeches were given by Arne L. Kalleberg (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC / USA) on “Technological Change and Job Quality” and by Anja Abendroth (Bielefeld University / Germany) on “Gender, Parenthood, and Class Specific Patterns of Digital Work: A Comparative Perspective”.

The conference ended with an awards ceremony. Three groups of researchers were awarded the 2022 Joachim R. Frick Memorial Prize prize for best presentation at the conference. One went to Laila Schmitt from University of Munich (LMU). A second went to Maximilian Blesch and his coauthors from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Bonn University, Freie Universität Berlin, and DIW Berlin. A third Joachim R. Frick Memorial Prize went to Max Deter and Martin Lange from Bergische Universität Wuppertal and Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). The Felix Büchel Award was presented to C. Katharina Spieß.

For details on the prizes, the past and present prize winners, and photos from the conference, please see the following websites:

We are pleased to announce as keynote speakers:

Prof. Dr. Anja Abendroth
Bielefeld University / Germany
presentation slides (PDF, 1.46 MB)

Prof. Arne L. Kalleberg, Ph.D (online via webex)
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill / USA
presentation slides (PDF, 481.92 KB)

Marco Caliendo, University of Potsdam

Theresa Entringer, DIW Berlin

Philipp M. Lersch, HU Berlin and DIW Berlin

Stefan Schmukle, University of Leipzig

Pia Schober, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Carsten Schröder, DIW Berlin and FU Berlin

Olaf Struck, University of Bamberg

The 14th SOEP conference will take place at the DIW Berlin.

Please enter via the main entrance at Mohrenstr. 58, 10117 Berlin.


In addition to the tentative schedule, there is now also the full program with all sessions, presentations, and chairs online.
The abstracts of the papers/poster and some other helpful information around the conference can be found below in the book of abstracts.

tentative schedule (PDF, 208.8 KB)

full program (PDF, 318.65 KB) (with presentation titles)

book of abstracts (PDF, 0.74 MB) (last update: June 27, 2022)

Parallel Sessions 1-13:

Plenary Session

Recent Developments in the SOEP (PDF, 1.26 MB), Stefan Liebig + SOEP team

PS 1:

Non-standard Work Arrangements
(Chair: Johannes Seebauer, Karl Popper Room, 2nd floor)

Take It Easy! How Flexible Work Arrangements Bust the Commuting Life Satisfaction Nexus (Marco Kühne) presentation (PDF, 340.78 KB), paper

Wage growth after temporary employment in the UK and Germany: Disentangling compensation and stigmatization from a within and between employer perspective (Sophia Fauser)

Measuring employment precarity in a longitudinal and cross-country perspective – a sequence-based approach
(Katarzyna Kopycka and Anna Kiersztyn) presentation
The Role of Social Networks for Worker Beliefs about Outside Options in the Low-Wage Sector
(Valentina Consiglio) canceled
PS 2: Parallel Session 2: Data Linkage and Open Science
(Chair: Jan Goebel, Ferdinand Friedensburg Room, 2nd floor)
Counteracting the replication crisis: The availability of analysis code for SOEP studies (Jan Marcus) canceled
Nonresponse in Organizational Surveys: Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel
Linked Employer-Employee Survey (SOEP-LEE2) (Wenzel Matiaske, Stefan Liebig, Martina Maas,
Christoph Halbmeier, Torben Dall Schmidt)
Do natural disasters affect the concerns about climate change? Evidence from linking geo-referenced data on natural disasters to survey responses (Sachintha Fernando, Christoph Wunder)
Spatially Linking Objective Air Quality Data and a Micro-Level Panel Survey Shows: Selective Mobility Contributes to
Immigrants’ Higher Exposure to Environmental Pollution (Felix Bader, Henning Best, Ingmar Ehler, Tobias Rüttenauer)
PS 3: Gender and Employment
(Chair: Sabine Zinn, Room 3.3.002A-C, 3rd floor)
The Evolution of Educational Wage Differentials for Women and Men, from 1996 to 2019 (Jessica Ordemann and Friedhelm Pfeiffer) paper
Gender Differences in Reservation Wages (Marina Bonaccolto-Töpfer, Stephanie Briel, Sascha Satlukal) presentation (PDF, 2.42 MB)
Short- and Long-term Wage Effects of Part-time Employment for Women and Men: An Analysis using Asymmetric Fixed-effects Models for Western Germany (Laila Schmitt)
PS 4: Migration I
(Chair: Adriana Cardozo Silva, Room 3.3.002A-C, 3rd floor)
Determinants of Welfare Benefit Use of Immigrant Groups - Longitudinal Evidence from Germany (Emily Frank)
paper (PDF, 0.62 MB)

The Role of Length of Residence and Selective Residential Mobility in Social Contact Formation in Ethnically Diverse
Neighborhoods (Stephan Dochow-Sonderhaus) presentation (PDF, 0.52 MB), paper (PDF, 1.47 MB)

The Role of Older Siblings in the Educational Attainment of Children with and without Migration Background
(Marion Fischer-Neumann)
Comparative Advantages, Gender Roles, and Socio-economic Returns to Migration Decisions – A Cross National Analysis (Veronika Eberharter)
PS 5: Social Policy and Employment
(Chair: Carsten Schröder, Karl Popper Room, 2nd floor)
Biased Wage Expectations and Female Labor Supply (Maximilian Blesch, Philipp Eisenhauer, Peter Haan, Boryana Ilieva, Annekatrin Schrenker, Georg Weizsäcker)
The components of earnings growth risk and income insurance: The German case (Niklas Isaak and Robin Jessen)
Employment responses to pension wealth effect (Sebastian Becker, Hermann Buslei, Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan)
Do payroll taxes traditionalize the employment of coupled women? (Andreas Haupt and Manuel Schechtl) presentation
PS 6: Education
(Chair: Daniel Graeber, Ferdinand Friedensburg Room, 2nd floor) CHAIR HAS CHANGED
Early exposure makes the entrepreneur: The influence of economics education in school on entrepreneurship
 (Lukas Mergele)
Educational and Labor Market Consequences of Enforcing Right-Handedness: Sinister Results from an Educational Policy (Daniel Witt, Silke Anger, Guido Heineck) presentation (PDF, 0.66 MB)
Overeducation in East and West Germany, 1990 to 2017 – Scarring Effects of GDR Education and Work Experience? (Marvin Bürmann)
Does the impact of extracurricular activities vary by parental socioeconomic status? An analysis of adolescents’ cognitive skills (Henriette Bering, Wiebke Schulz) presentation (PDF, 2.32 MB), paper (PDF, 334.09 KB)
Keynote Speech I: Technological Change and Job Quality (PDF, 481.92 KB)
Arne L. Kalleberg, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

(Chair: Stefan Liebig, Elinor Ostrom Hall, 1st floor)
Poster Session: 4 Poster Presentations
(Chair: Johannes König, Coffee Break Area/Hallway 1st floor)
The effect of children on health (Beatrice Baaba Tawiah) poster, (PDF, 1.5 MB) abstract (PDF, 63.61 KB)
The Role of Parental Support in the Formation of Personality within Families (Lea Katharina Kröger, Jonas Radl)
Life Satisfaction and Union Membership in Germany (Björn Becker, Laszlo Goerke, Yue Huang)
Family conflicts in environmental concerns 1984-2019 – within or in between?
(Paulo Emilio Isenberg Lima) poster (PDF, 2.22 MB), abstract (PDF, 89.48 KB)
PS 7: Work Place and Geographical Context
(Chair: Martin Kroh, Karl Popper Room, 2nd floor)
Sexual Orientation, Workplace Authority, and Occupational Gender Composition: Probability-Based Evidence from Germany (Lisa de Vries and Stephanie Steinmetz) presentation (PDF, 473.02 KB)
Part-Time Pay – Do Workers learn from Peers? (Annekatrin Schrenker)
Better to be in the same boat: Positional envy in the workplace (Rosaria Distefano and Rossana Scebba) paper (PDF, 0.71 MB)
Does Temporary Employment Increase Length of Commuting? Longitudinal Evidence from Australia and Germany (Inga Laß, Thomas Skora, Heiko Rüger, Mark Wooden, and Martin Bujard) presentation (PDF, 250.7 KB)
PS 8: Technology and Employment
(Chair: Charlotte Bartels, Room 3.3.002A-C, 3rd floor)
Computers as Stepping Stones? Technological Change and Equality of Labor Market Opportunities (Melanie Arntz, Cäcilia Lipowski, Guido Neidhöfer, Ulrich Zierahn)
Television and the Labor Market: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany (Adrian Chadi,
Sven Hartmann, Manuel Hoffmann)
Industrial Robots, Workers’ Safety, and Health (Rania Gihleb, Osea Giuntella, Luca Stella, Tianyi Wang)
“Schools of Democracy”? Evidence from the UK and Germany (Olena Bedasheva) presentation (PDF, 379.89 KB)
PS 9: Personality
(Chair: David Richter, Ferdinand Friedensburg Room, 2nd floor)

The Development of the Rank-Order Stability of the Big Five Across the Life Span (Ingo S. Seifert, Julia M. Rohrer, Boris Egloff, Stefan C. Schmukle) presentation (PDF, 0.56 MB), SOEPpaper

Are the Supporters of Socialism the Losers of Capitalism? Conformism in East Germany and Transition Success
(Max Deter and Martin Lange) paper (PDF, 0.7 MB)
A Meta-Analysis of Longitudinal Studies on The Temporal Stability of Risk Preference (Alexandra Bagaïni, Yunrui Liu, Gayong Son, Madlaina Kapoor, Paul-Christian Bürkner, Rui Mata)
International Spillovers of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Young People’s Subjective Well-Being and Social Trust (Silke Anger, Bernhard Christoph, Agata Galkiewicz, Shushanik Margaryan, Frauke Peter, Malte Sandner,
Thomas Siedler)
Keynote Speech II: Gender, Parenthood and Class Specific Patterns of Digital Work: A Comparative Perspective (PDF, 1.46 MB)
Prof. Dr. Anja Abendroth, Bielefeld University
(Chair: David Richter, Elinor Ostrom Hall, 1st floor)
PS 10: Migration II
(Chair: Cornelia Kristen, Elinor Ostrom Hall, 1st floor)
Catching up or falling (further) behind? Migrant disparities in occupational prestige trajectories in Germany
(Yannick Harksen and Ansgar Hudde) presentation (PDF, 0.81 MB)
Health policy and access to health care in Germany: a fragmented system for asylum seekers’ health
(Costanza Marconi)
Holding the Door Slightly Open: The German Guest-Workers Return Propensities and Determinants (Hend Sallam)
PS 11: Wealth and Relative Income
(Chair: Markus M. Grabka, Karl Popper Room, 2nd floor)
New Insights into Augmented Wealth in Germany and its Trends Over Time (Charlotte Bartels, Timm Bönke,
Rick Glaubitz, Markus M. Grabka, Carsten Schröder)
Perceived Relative Wealth and Risk Taking (Dietmar Fehr and Yannick Reichlin)
Your Place in the World - Relative Income and Global Inequality (Dietmar Fehr, Johanna Mollerstrom,
Ricardo Perez-Truglia)
Contractual Savings for Housing as a commitment device (Joonas Hirvonen)
PS 12:  Family
(Chair: Philipp Lersch, Ferdinand Friedensburg Room, 2nd floor)
Does Grandparenting Pay off for the Next Generations? Intergenerational Effects of Grandparental Care
(Mara Barschkett, C. Katharina Spiess, and Elena Ziege)
Family formation and unpaid work - has technological change altered gender inequalities over time?
(Gundula Zoch and Stefanie Heyne)
Who Cares? Is Grandparental Childcare Crowded Out by the Expansion of Formal Daycare Services? Evidence for West Germany (Ludovica Gambaro, Clara Schaeper, C. Katharina Spiess)
Re-Partnering and Single Mothers’ Health and Life Satisfaction Trajectories (Philipp Dierker and Mine Kühn) paper (PDF, 438 KB), presentation (PDF, 1.7 MB)
PS 13: Participation, Health, and Employment
(Chair: Peter Krause, Room 3.3.002A-C, 3rd floor)
Civic Capital and the Integration of Refugees in Germany (César Barreto, Paul Berbée, Katia Gallegos Torres,
Martin Lange, and Katrin Sommerfeld)  paper (PDF, 1.76 MB)
Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role? (Fenet Jima Bedaso, Uwe Jirjahn, Laszlo Goerke)
Job Tasks and Employees’ Health (Mattis Beckmannshagen)
COVID-induced schooling policies, labor market employment and earnings of mothers and fathers: A comparison of effects in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and the UK (Dean Lillard, Rafael Lalive, Egidio Riva)

Please submit electronic versions of abstracts (up to 300 words) no later than FEB 9, 2022 to: soep2022@diw.de

Acceptance: March 14, 2022

Registration starts: April 25, 2022

Early registration deadline: June 3, 2022

Late registration deadline: June 22, 2022

Registration has expired now!

Conference dates: June 30-July 1, 2022

The following regulations are meant to minimize the risk of getting infected with the coronavirus at the conference and to protect guests, organizers, and employees who participate in the event. Due to the rising covid-19 numbers, we strongly recommend that you adhere to the following precautions:

• Please wear an FFP2 mask (wherever possible).
• Try to maintain distance to other participants (of 1.5 meters if possible).
• For better tracking of infections, use the provided QR-code to check in.
• Avoid simultaneous use of elevators.
• Pay attention to hygiene (coughing and sneezing rules, hand hygiene, do not touch your face).
• If there are signs of infection (e.g. fever, dry cough, breathing problems, loss of sense of smell/taste, sore throat, aching limbs), do not attend the conference.

Other important arrangements:

• Hand sanitizer is provided in hallways and in front of rooms.
• Windows will be opened regularly to air out the rooms during the event.
• Air filters are available in each room and will be used permanently.

We are obliged to charge a regular conference fee of 140 EUR and a reduced fee of 80 EUR for students and enrolled PhD students.

The fee includes conference materials, coffee breaks, and lunch snacks. Please consider that participants are cordially invited to join the evening event on June 30, 2022. The farewell get-together after the conference on July 1, 2022 at DIW Berlin Lounge is on your own expense.

Please register online no later than June 3, 2022 and use our online registration form. Participants registering after that date are charged an additional fee of € 30 (regular fee: € 170 and reduced fee: € 110).

We ask scholars to pay their own travel costs. If this is not possible, partial reimbursement of expenses may be provided to presenters (one grant per paper) upon request. Information on how to apply for travel support will be provided after notification of acceptance.


We have pre-booked a limited number of rooms in the hotels listed below. The rooms are booked on a first come, first served basis. If you wish to book a room there, please use the attached form or e-mail address listed below and do not forget to mention “SOEP 2022”. Please be aware of the booking deadline. If you wish to change your hotel reservation, date of arrival or date of departure, we kindly ask you to contact the hotel directly.

Motel One Berlin-Spittelmarkt
Leipziger Straße 50, 10117 Berlin
Fax: +49 30 2014363-10
E-mail: berlin-spittelmarkt@motel-one.com

Motel One Berlin-Spittelmarkt is located directly at the Spittelmarkt underground station between Potsdamer Platz and Alexanderplatz in the Mitte district. The Gendarmenmarkt square and Nikolaiviertel are both nearby in walking distance to the Nikolaiviertel and the DIW berlin (10-15 minutes).

Next subway station: Spittelmarkt (Line: U2)

Rates: single from 79€ (excl. breakfast)
Please use this booking form (PDF, 15.92 KB)
Booking code: SOEP 2022
Booking deadline: June 2, 2022

Select Hotel Berlin Gendarmenmarkt
Charlottenstraße 66, 10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 20 60 50 0; Fax: +49 30 20 60 50 500
E-Mail: gendarmenmarkt@select-hotels.com

Next subway station: Stadtmitte (Line: U2)

Rates: single from 89€ (incl. breakfast)
Please book via e-mail or phone: use the information above
Booking code: SOEP 2022
Booking deadline: June 7, 2022

Recommendation without special rate

Hotel Gat Point Charlie
Mauerstrasse 81-82, 10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 206 71747; Fax: +49 30 200 591 20
E-Mail: hotelgatpointcharlie@gatrooms.com

NH Collection Berlin Mitte
Leipziger Str. 106-111, 10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 203760; Reservations: +49 30 22385195
E-Mail: nhcollectionberlinmitte@nh-hotels.com

For other hotels please check on booking.com and hrs.com and keep in mind that the conference site is close to Gendarmenmarkt/Stadtmitte (U2).

Please see links below for information about travel to and within Berlin.
Discover the city with the help of the official Berlin website.

Getting to/from Berlin

By plane: At the site of the airport Berlin Brandenburg (BER) you will find domestic, European and intercontinental flights under one roof. There are direct flights from all major European cities to Berlin. Please check with your travel agent or visit Berlin Airport.

Local public transport from and to the airport Berlin Brandenburg (BER)

By train: For information about timetables and prices please visit Bahn.de

Public transport: Buses, trains and trams provide quick and comfortable connections throughout Berlin. At the time of the conference you will be able to purchase the 9-Euro-Ticket which is valid for one month and has nationwide validity in the public transport and in the regional traffic of the second class.

The Society of Friends of the DIW Berlin will honor the best papers presented at the conference with the Joachim R. Frick Memorial Prize. The SOEP2022 scientific program committee will act as a jury and will present the award at the end of the conference.

Theresa Entringer, Philipp Lersch, Carsten Schröder (program) 

Janina Britzke, Patricia Axt, Maximilian Müller (conference management)

Monika Wimmer (SOEP communications manager), press invitation (PDF, 122.32 KB) (in german)

If you have any further questions please contact the local organizers at: soep2022@diw.de 


Janina Britzke
Janina Britzke

Staff Member of the Division Knowledge Transfer in the German Socio-Economic Panel study Department

