July 4 - 5, 2024

International SOEP User Conference

SOEP User Conference – Impressive finale of the 40th anniversary celebrations


July 4 - 5, 2024


Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Jägerstraße 22/23
10117 Berlin


Jutta Mata (University of Mannheim), Simon Jäger (MIT)

The 15th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (SOEP2024) this year was held at BBAW in Berlin from July 4 to July 5, 2024.

The conference provided researchers who use the SOEP (including the SOEP part of the Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) and LIS/LWS data) with the opportunity to present and discuss their work with their peers. Researchers of all disciplines (e.g., economics, demography, geography, political science, public health, psychology, and sociology) were invited and around 100 people attended the two-day event. The theme of the conference and keynote speeches concentrated on "the individual and collective responses to a changing world". Of the approximately 80 submissions by conference participants from ten different countries, 64 submissions were accepted for presentation by the scientific committee for the SOEP conference. To get an overview on all topics of the presentations and posters, please take a look at our program (see box on the left).

For more details on the conference, please have a look below.

It was the crowning glory of the 40th anniversary celebrations: Immediately following the ceremony at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities at Gendarmenmarkt, SOEP held a two-day user conference entitled “The individual and collective responses to a changing world.”

With 15 sessions and 64 presentations, the conference impressively demonstrated the wide range of topics covered by research on SOEP data. What impact does the minimum wage have on regional inequalities? Are employees who internally distance themselves from their work generally more dissatisfied with their lives? Do people worry less about the environment and climate after having a child? These are just some of the many topics presented by participating users.

One of the keynote speakers at the conference, economist Simon Jäger from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in Boston, described the SOEP as a “dataset we all know, adore, and love.” Katharina Pijnenburg from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) agreed. According to Pijnenburg, the BMBF is proud of the SOEP, not least because it always identifies the relevant questions and incorporates a variety of perspectives.

This multidisciplinary perspective is actively practiced in the SOEP, as the conference impressively demonstrated. Every two years, researchers from economics, sociology, political science, psychology and other disciplines present their current research based on SOEP data.

CNEF: Exciting research potential through international panel data

A particular highlight of the conference was the presentation of panel studies from other countries that, like the SOEP, participate in the Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF). The project harmonizes extensive data from 16 panel studies worldwide and makes it available to researchers. Representatives of partner studies from Australia, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, and the USA provided exciting insights into the data sets of their home countries. Dean Lillard, professor at Ohio State University and member of the CNEF advisory board, emphasized the importance of the data set for policy advice.

Finally, C. Katharina Spieß, Director of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB), awarded this year’s Felix Büchel Prize to Denis Gerstorf (Professor of Developmental Psychology at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin). Gerstorf has spent a large part of his successful career researching with SOEP data. In his acceptance speech, he spoke of how much the SOEP has influenced him as an “eye opener” and “stepping stone.” We wish the same to all SOEP users worldwide who use our data for their research.

SOEP team leaders from left: Markus M. Grabka, Sabine Zinn, Jan Goebel, Carsten Schröder.
© Bernhard Ludewig

Keynote Speakers

We are pleased to announce as keynote speakers:

Prof. Dr. Jutta Mata
University of Mannheim (Germany)
Presentation on "Health in social change: a psychological perspective"

Prof. Simon Jäger, Ph.D.
MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
Presentation on "Labor Market Power: Causes, Consequences, and Cures"

Felix Büchel Award 2024

On July 5, 2024, at the 15th International SOEP User Conference at BBAW, the ninth Felix Büchel Award was awarded to Prof. Denis Gerstorf. Stefanie Salata, CEO and Co-Founder of Stella Circle (C-level agency for progressive leadership), handed over the prize certificate in the name of the prize sponsor (Society of Friends of the DIW Berlin, VdF), and Prof. C. Katharina Spieß from Ludwigs-Maximilians University in, director of the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) in Wiesbaden, and last year's winner of the award, held the laudatory speech.

For more information on Felix Büchel and other Büchel Award winners, please check our website.


  • Prize ceremony for Büchel Award. From left: Carsten Schröder, Denis Gerstorf, Stefanie Salata, C. Katharina Spieß
    © Bernhard Ludewig

  • Denis Gerstorf after receiving the Felix Büchel Award 2024.
    © Bernhard Ludewig

Best Paper/Poster Prizes - Joachim R. Frick Memorial Prize

Luca Stella and Charlotte Bartels (Scientific Committee of the conference) honored this year's award winners in short speeches outlining the content and the value of the presentations held.
Stefanie Salata, CEO and Co-Founder of Stella Circle (C-level agency for progressive leadership), handed over the prize certificate in the name of the prize sponsor (Society of Friends of the DIW Berlin, VdF).

For more information on Joachim R. Frick and former prize winners, please check our website.

Poster honored:
Promotion Prospects and Within-Level Wage Growth: A Decomposition of the Part-Time Penalty for Women (Boryana Ilieva and Maximilian Schaller, BSE/DIW Berlin)

Paper honored:
The Parental Wage Gap and the Development of Socio-Emotional Skills in Children (Paul Hufe, University of Bristol)

Dr. Charlotte Bartels SOEP/DIW Berlin Economic Inequality a Historical Economics
Dr. Adriana Cardozo Silva SOEP/DIW Berlin Labor Markets, Migration and Inequality
Dr. Markus M. Grabka SOEP/DIW Berlin Income and Wealth Distributions
Dr. Nico Pestel ROA at Maastricht University (Netherlands) Labor Markets und Economic Inequalities
Prof. Christian Schluter, PhD Aix-Marseille Université (France) Labor Markets, Income and Wealth Distributions, and Micro Econometrics
Prof. Dr. Carsten Schröder SOEP/DIW Berlin & Freie Universität Berlin Public Economics and Social Policy, Well-being and Risk Taking
Dr. Cortnie Shupe Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – CFPB (USA) Household Finance, Labor Markets and Public Policy
Prof. Dr. Luca Stella Freie Universität Berlin & Catholic University of Milan (USCS) (Italy) Technological Change, Health and Life-course Choices, and Economics of Immigration and the Family

Participating members of the Scientific Committee at this year's conference (from left: Adriana Cardozo, Markus M. Grabka, Charlotte Bartels, Luca Stella, Cortnie Shupe, Carsten Schröder).
© Bernhard Ludewig

In addition to the tentative schedule (PDF, 170.33 KB), find the full program with presentation titles, session chairs, and the abstracts (where available) below:

July 4, 2024 with Parallel Session 1-7, Special Session on CNEF, and Poster Session:

Plenary Session Recent Developments in the SOEP (PDF, 1.88 MB)
(Jan Goebel, Markus M. Grabka, Carsten Schröder, and SOEP Team Members)
PS 1: Innovation, Growth, and Environment
(Chair: Carsten Schröder, Room 1)
From Parenthood to Planet Care? The Evolution of Environmental and Climate Concerns during Family Formation (Gundula Zoch, Nicole Kapelle), abstract (PDF, 155.85 KB)
To the Window, to the Wall: Evaluating Thermal Retrofit Efficacy in the Residential Sector
(Marc Kerstan), abstract (PDF, 109.55 KB)
Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness (Sven A. Hartmann)
Innovation Patterns and Regional Development (Olga Tcaci, Ali Sina Önder, Sascha Schweitzer), abstract (PDF, 56.49 KB)
PS 2: Wealth
(Chair: Charlotte Bartels, Leibniz Hall)
Can Social Stratification in Homeownership be Attributed to Wealth Transfers? (Jascha Dräger, Nora Müller, Klaus Pforr), abstract (PDF, 67.32 KB)
CANCELED Affluence Dynamics: How Accessible Are Top Income Positions in Germany? (Lena Radau), abstract (PDF, 128.83 KB)
How to Get Richer? What Machine Learning Can Reveal About Individual Wealth Accumulation (Viola Hilbert), abstract (PDF, 94.04 KB)
Gendered Employment Histories and the Accumulation of Wealth over the Life Course (Katja Möhring, Clara Overweg, Andreas Weiland), abstract (PDF, 42.56 KB)
PS 3: Health
(Chair: Markus M. Grabka, Room 2)
Trade Exposure in Germany: How China Exports Affect Men’s and Women’s Fertility. An Application on G-SOEP (Giulia Ulivieri), abstract (PDF, 114.72 KB)
Health Outcomes of Risk of Automation at Work: Evidence from Germany (Mariia Vasiakina, Christian Dudel), abstract (PDF, 85.99 KB)

Development of a Frailty Index Using Understanding Society (Alexander Labeit, Jay Banerjee, Christopher Williams, Sharma Surinder, Hanne Laceulle, Susan Pickard, Simon Conroy, Bram Vanhoutte), paper (PNG, 0.57 KB)

PS 4: Economics of the Family
(Chair: Mariel Leonard, Room 3)
Unveiling Financial Dependency: The Education-Specific Impact of First Birth on Household and Individual Poverty Risks within Couples in Germany (Christina Siegert), abstract (PDF, 246.64 KB)
Temporary Employment and First Births: A Path Analysis of the Underlying Mechanisms Using Australian and German Panel Data (Inga Laß, Irma Mooi-Reci, Martin Bujard, Mark Wooden), abstract (PDF, 425.17 KB)
Family Care and Its Impact on Women’s and Men’s Retirement Behavior in Germany (Ulrike Ehrlich, Nadiya Kelle, Alberto Lozano Alcántara, Laura Romeu Gordo), abstract (PDF, 111.06 KB)
Social Support and Career Advancement of Men and Women (Paula M. Hoffmann, Eva Jaspers, Tanja van der Lippe)
PS 5: Education and Labor Markets
(Chair: Cortnie Shupe, Room 1)
Unveiling the Consequences of Educational Achievements: Exploring the Link between Higher Education
Expansion and Women’s Life Courses in Germany. (Jessica Ordemann)
School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch (Theresa Geißler, Sven A. Hartmann)
Revealing Dynamics: The Impact of Minimum Wage on Inequality within Germany’s Regions (Mariya Afonina)
The Effect of Windfall Gains on Educational Mismatch: German Survey Evidence (Marco Clemens, Theresa Geißler)

July 5, 2024 with Parallel Sessions 8-15:

PS 8: Migration I
(Chair: Louise Biddle, Room 1)

Charlotte Bartels, Adriana Cardozo Silva, Markus M. Grabka, Carsten Schröder (program) 

Patricia Axt, Janina Britzke, Jana Nebelin (conference management)

Verena Neumann (SOEP communications manager)

If you have any further questions please contact the local organizers at: soep2024@diw.de 



Janina Britzke
Janina Britzke

Staff Member of the Division Knowledge Transfer in the German Socio-Economic Panel study Department

Verena Neumann
Verena Neumann

Knowledge Transfer and Communications Officer in the German Socio-Economic Panel study Department

