Publikationen des Projekts: Kurz- und langfristige Auswirkungen des Ausbaus der erneuerbaren Energien auf dem Arbeitsmarkt

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4 Ergebnisse, ab 1
  • Diskussionspapiere 1018 / 2010

    Intangibles, Can They Explain the Dispersion in Return Rates?

    It is argued that the observed return rates on capital at firm-level have an upward bias if firms are producing with unobserved intangible capital. Using EUKLEED, a comprehensive firm level data base for Germany, this theoretical preposition is proved empirically. Furthermore, making unobserved capital observable the dispersion in return rates reduces dramatically. The results clearly support the assumption ...

    2010| Bernd Görzig, Martin Gornig
  • Research Notes 37 / 2010

    EUKLEED - An Establishment Level Comprehensive Data Base for Germany

    Many firm level studies rely on readily available databases as COMPUSTAT, based on published balance sheets. While bigger firms are quite reliable described in this data set, small and medium sized firms (SMEs) are not covered, bearing the danger that the conclusions might be biased. To include SMEs into firm-level analysis, the EUKLEED data set for Germany is created. EUKLEED is a comprehensive integrated ...

    2010| Bernd Görzig
  • Externe Monographien

    Regional Patterns of Intangible Capital, Agglomeration Effects and Localised Spillovers in Germany

    We use a large micro-dataset to assess the importance of intangible capital - organisation, R&D and ICT capital - for the economic performance of establishments and regions in Germany. In 2003 self-produced intangible capital accounted for one fifth of the total capital stock of establishments with more than 10 employees. More than half of the intangible capital is R&D capital. This high proportion ...

    Vaasa: Innodrive, 2010, 26 S.
    (Innodrive Working Paper Series ; 9)
    | Kurt Geppert, Anne Neumann
  • Externe Monographien

    Intangibles, Can They Explain the Dispersion in Return Rates?

    Vaasa: Innodrive, 2010, 19 S.
    (Innodrive Working Paper Series ; 6)
    | Bernd Görzig, Martin Gornig
4 Ergebnisse, ab 1