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  Presenter Coauthor(s) Title Abstract
A Agupusi, Patricia   Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises as a Key Strategy for Poverty Reduction in South Africa Abstract (PDF, 6.59 KB) 

Alonso-Villar, Olga Coral del Rio New Unit-Consistent Intermediate Inequality Indices Abstract (PDF, 23.7 KB)

Anderson, Gordon Teng Wah Leo Child Poverty, Generational Mobility and the One Child Policy in Urban China Abstract (PDF, 165.79 KB) 

Angeles, Luis   A proper farewell to Kuznets' hypothesis Abstract (PDF, 56.34 KB)

Apouey, Benedicte Andrew Clark The impact of retirement on health and well-being Abstract (PDF, 15.83 KB)  

Appiah-Kubi, Kojo Edward Amanning-Ampomah / Christian Ahortor Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Poverty in Ghana Using Fuzzy Sets Abstract  (PDF, 322.22 KB)

Aysan, Ahmet Faruk   The Shadowing Role of Redistributive Institutions in the Relationship Between Income Inequality and Redistribution Abstract  (PDF, 320.17 KB)  

Azpitarte, Francisco   The Household Wealth Distribution in Spain: The Role of Housing and Financial Wealth Abstract  (PDF, 40.79 KB)  

B Bach, Stefan Giacomo Corneo / Viktor Steiner No Rise in Income Inequality? A Reappraisal of the German Income Distribution 1992 - 2001 Abstract  (PDF, 77.38 KB)  

Bandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra Frank Cowell and Emmanuel Flachaire Inequality Measurement and Goodness-of-Fit: A Welfare-based Approach Abstract  (PDF, 19.37 KB)

Bárcena, Elena Luis J. Imedio The Bonferroni, Gini and De Vergottini indices. Inequality, welfare and deprivation in the European Union in 2000 Abstract  (PDF, 8.91 KB)  

Bargain, Olivier Callan, Tim Effects of Tax-benefit Changes on Income Distribution: A Decomposition Approach Abstract  (PDF, 66.37 KB)

Bauduin, Nicolas   The gender on the job training gap in France Abstract  (PDF, 115.31 KB)  

Bevan, David   More on the limits to redistribution Abstract (PDF, 18.88 KB)  

Biagi, Federico Danilo Cavapozzi / Raffaele Miniaci Technology, Skills and Retirement Abstract (PDF, 30.3 KB)  

Biancotti, Claudia Giovanni D'Alessio Equity or equality? Opportunities, outcomes and subjective well-being Abstract (PDF, 26.68 KB)  

Bicakova, Alena   Cross-country Comparison of the Inequality in Earnings and Labor Force Status of Prime Age Men in France, the UK, and the US Abstract  (PDF, 82.82 KB)  

Binelli, Chiara   Income Inequality and Schooling Investment in Latin America: a General Equilibrium Approach Abstract  (PDF, 11.08 KB)

Bishop, John A. Haiyong Liu / Buhong Zheng China's Nutrition Intake Inequality: 1989-2004 Abstract  (PDF, 15.22 KB)  

Bittencourt, Manoel F.   Finance and Inequality: Evidence from Brazil Abstract  (PDF, 38.42 KB)  

Bönke, Timm Carsten Schröder Inequality and welfare estimates for two different weighting schemes Abstract  (PDF, 25.4 KB)  

Bosmans, Kristof Luc Lauwers / Erwin Ooghe A consistent multidimensional Pigou-Dalton transfer principle Abstract  (PDF, 87.1 KB)  

Brandolini, Andrea   Measurement of Income Distribution in Supranational Entities: The Case of the European Union Abstract (PDF, 100 KB)  

Bresson, Florent   A general class of inequality elasticities of poverty Abstract (PDF, 54.23 KB)  

C Calo-Blanco, Aitor   Equality of Opportunity and Incomplete Information Abstract (PDF, 49.09 KB)  

Canova, Luciano   The many dimensions of poverty in Albania: income, wealth and assett ownership Abstract (PDF, 5.88 KB)

Canto Sanchez, Olga Jose Maria Arranz The Dynamics of Poverty in Spain: The relevance of considering multiple-spells and their accumulation Abstract (PDF, 27.11 KB)

Caro Vásquez, Daniel   Achievement Gaps Associated with SES in Hamburg Schools: How do they Change as Students get Older? Abstract  (PDF, 32.69 KB)

Ceriani, Lidia   Vulnerability to Poverty: A new Approach to Measurement Abstract (PDF, 62.26 KB)

Cervini Pla, María Xavier Ramos Morilla Earnings effects of employment promoting reforms: analysis of the 1997 labour market reform in Spain Abstract (PDF, 54.76 KB)

Chotikapanich, Duangkamon William E Griffiths Estimating Income Distributions Using a Mixture of Gamma Densities Abstract (PDF, 10.19 KB)

Ciarli, Tommaso Andre Lorentz / Maria Savonaz / Marco Valente Growth, structural change and consumption: a microeconomic explanation of macroeconomic dynamics Abstract (PDF, 64.6 KB)

Cogneau, Denis   Inequality and intergenerational mobility in Africa Abstract  (PDF, 100.35 KB)

Corsini, Lorenzo Elisabetta Olivieri Inequality in the Earnings of Skilled and Unskilled Workers: Theory and Evidence for Italy 1977-2004 Abstract (PDF, 21.28 KB)

Cowell, Frank Yoram Amiel / Xavier Ramos On the Measurement of Polarisation: A questionnaire study Abstract  (PDF, 57.19 KB)  

Cudeville, Elisabeth Leman Yonca Gurbuzer Wage Discrimination on the Turkish labor market Can Turkey be part of Europe ? Abstract (PDF, 96.34 KB)  

D D'Alessandro, Simone   Modernization, Climate Variability and Vulnerability to Famines Abstract  (PDF, 56.81 KB)  

Dallinger, Ursula   Inequality and Redistribution - Public opinions in a comparative view Abstract (PDF, 17.71 KB)

D'Ambrosio, Conchita Joachim R. Frick Individual Well-Being in a Dynamic Perspective Abstract  (PDF, 58.92 KB)  

Daymon, Caroline Céline Gimet An empirical test of the inequality traps concept Abstract (PDF, 7.53 KB)

Decancq, Koen   Multidimensional Inequality and Dependence between its Dimensions Abstract (PDF, 115.18 KB)

Denisova, Irina A.   Entry to and Exit from Poverty in Russia: Evidence from Longitudinal Data Abstract (PDF, 54.65 KB)  

D'Exelle, Ben   Economic inequality, social networks and distributive decisions: Field experiment in Nicaraguan rural villages Abstract (PDF, 54.03 KB)

Duclos, Jean-Yves Abdelkrim Araar / John Giles Chronic and Transient Poverty: Measurement and Estimation, with Evidence from China Abstract (PDF, 57.89 KB)  

Dumas, Audrey Said Hanchane Training Externality And Earning's Dispersion Abstract  (PDF, 80.65 KB)

Durante, Ruben Louis Putterman Perception of Fairness and Redistributive Choices: Evidence from Experiments with Large Groups Abstract  (PDF, 18.09 KB)

E Eberharter, Veronika   Redistribution, intergenerational inequality and poverty transmission - Germany and the United States compared Abstract  (PDF, 86.17 KB)

Ebert, Udo   Recursively aggregable inequality measures: An extension of Gini's mean difference and the Gini coefficient Abstract (PDF, 11.72 KB)

Echavarri, Rebeca   The impact of sex-selective abortion technology on the evolution of postnatal gender-bias conventions Abstract (PDF, 64.46 KB)

Ehrhart, Christophe   The World Bank and poverty reduction: growth and/or redistribution? Abstract (PDF, 12.38 KB)

Escardibul, Josep Oriol Toni Mora / Marta Espasa The effects of Spanish educational policies on school failure rates at the regional level Abstract (PDF, 13.56 KB)

Esposito, Lucio Peter Lambert A fourth ‘I' of poverty ? Abstract (PDF, 81.26 KB)

F Ferreira, Francisco H.G. M. Caridad Araujo/ Peter Lanjouw / Berk Özler Local Inequality and Project Choice: Theory and Evidence from Ecuador Abstract  (PDF, 10.77 KB)  

Fiaschi, Davide Matteo Marsili The Distribution of Wealth: Theoretical Microfoundations and Empirical Evidence Abstract (PDF, 30.45 KB)  

Fields, Gary S.   How Much Should We Care About Changing Income Inequality in the Course of Economic Growth ? Abstract (PDF, 14.31 KB)

Figari, Francesco   Cross-national differences in determinants of multiple deprivation in Europe Abstract (PDF, 10.63 KB)

Fontes, Rosa Mauricio Fontes / Elydio Silva/ Patricio Cameiro Geography and Growth: The Role of a Geotec Index on Agricultural Regional Income Convergence Abstract (PDF, 19.43 KB)

Frick, Joachim R. Markus M. Grabka / Eva M. Sierminska Representative wealth data for Germany: The impact of methodological decisions around imputation and the choice of the aggregation unit in the German SOEP Abstract (PDF, 8.36 KB)  

G Gaballo, Gaetano   Entropic Measure of Freedom and Social Representation Principle Abstract (PDF, 99.14 KB)

Galiano, Aida Gabriel Perez-Quiros/ Maximo Camacho The incidence of the 1990's expansion on income distribution Abstract (PDF, 23.21 KB)

Garcia-Fernandez, Rosa Maria Federico Palacios-Gonzalez A multiresolution analysis of income polarization Abstract (PDF, 39.05 KB)

Gastaldi, Francesca Maria Grazia Pazienza / Chiara Rapallini The loss in progressivity of regional tax policies: the case of Italy Abstract (PDF, 94.46 KB)

Giammatteo, Michele   The bidimensional decomposition of inequality: a nested Theil approach Abstract (PDF, 88.43 KB)

Gigliarano, Chiara Karl Mosler Constructing indices of multivariate polarization Abstract  (PDF, 35.12 KB)

Gil Lacruz , Ana I. Namkee Ahn Economic analysis of the satisfaction among Spanish teenagers. Abstract  (PDF, 6.91 KB)

Gradin, Carlos   Why is poverty so high among black Brazilians? A decomposition analysis of the gap in poverty rates by ethnic group Abstract (PDF, 11.15 KB)

Gregorini, Filippo   Politica geography and income inequalities Abstract

Grimm, Michael Johannes Gräb Robust Multiperiod Pverty Comparisons Abstract  (PDF, 55.63 KB)  

Groh-Samberg, Olaf Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka, Economic gains from publicly provided education in Germany Abstract  (PDF, 10.92 KB)  

Groisman, Fernando Luis Beccaria Income Mobility in Argentina Abstract  (PDF, 20 KB)

Grözinger, Gerd Verena Tobsch / Wenzel Matiaske Employee-friendly labor time: a key element to a sustainable pattern of production and consumption Abstract  (PDF, 11.08 KB)

Guenther, Isabel   Welfare Dynamics and Behavioural Economics Abstract  (PDF, 10.11 KB)

Guillaud, Elvire   Preferences for Redistribution: a European Comparative Analysis Abstract  (PDF, 38.88 KB)

Gustafsson, Björn Birgitta Jansson Top incomes in Sweden during three-quarters of a century - a micro data approach Abstract  (PDF, 17.56 KB)

H Hermida, Priscila   Intergenerational Transmission of Education: Gender and Ethnicity in Guatemala Abstract  (PDF, 152.43 KB)

Heurich, Matthias Jan Künzler / Wolfgang Walter Measuring Justice Judgments: Evaluations of income distributions Abstract  (PDF, 18.65 KB)

Higon Tamarit, Francisco Amadeo Fuenmayor Fernández / Rafael Granell Pérez From joint to individual filing: The tax unit in the Spanish Income Tax Abstract (PDF, 15.57 KB)

I Ichoku, H. Eme Fonta, W.M. Equity Analysis of Direct Health Payments in a Developing Country Empirical Evidence from Nigeria Abstract  (PDF, 17.02 KB)

Isengard, Bettina   Wage Inequality in Germany and the Switzerland: Can Education do it Alone? Abstract  (PDF, 13.67 KB)

J Jenkins, Stephen P. Richard V. Burkhauser / Shuaizhang Feng Using the P90/P10 Ratio to Measure Inequality Trends with the Current Population Survey: A View from Inside the Census Bureau Vaults Abstract  (PDF, 14.52 KB)  

Jin, Yi   Sectoral Labor Allocations, Economic Growth, and Income Inequality Abstract (PDF, 41.44 KB)

K Klasen, Stephan Isabel Günther Measuring Chronic Non-Income Poverty Abstract (PDF, 9.95 KB)  

Kolm, Serge   Concept of equality and inequality in liberty, and applications  

Koulovatianos, Christos Carsten Schröder / Ulrich Schmidt Non-Market Household Time and the Cost of Children Abstract  (PDF, 49.83 KB)  

L Labar, Kelly   Intergenerational mobility in China Abstract (PDF, 87.98 KB)

Laczó, Sarolta   Informal Insurance and Income Inequality Abstract  (PDF, 134 KB)

Lasso de la Vega, Casilda Henar Diez/ Ana Marta Urrutia Unit-consistent aggregative multidimensional inequality measures: a characterization Abstract (PDF, 90.12 KB)  

Launov, Andrey Stephan Klasen Conditional Poverty Gap Abstract (PDF, 73.49 KB)  

Leitner, Sebastian Mario Holzner Economic inequality in Central, East and Southeast Europe Abstract  (PDF, 52.92 KB)

Liberati, Paolo Antonio Scialà Openness, decentralization and local vs aggregate inequality Abstract (PDF, 80.32 KB)

Lillard, Dean   Income Inequality and Later Life Socio-Economic Success: Estimating Life-Course Treatment Effects Abstract  (PDF, 9.8 KB)

Logeay, Camille Rudolf Zwiener Driving forces behind the wage costs differentials in Europe? Productivity is not the whole story Abstract (PDF, 80.63 KB)  

Lugo, Maria Ana   Separate but Unequal? Inequality and school achievement Abstract (PDF, 35.98 KB)

M Macculi, Iris   Deprivation nd Social Exclusion in Switzerland : An Analysis of the Swiss Household Panel Abstract  (PDF, 16.07 KB)

Makovec, Mattia   The distributional impact of public education expenditure in Italy Abstract  (PDF, 0.64 MB)  

Mancini, Ana Laura   Labor supply responses of Italian women to minimum income policies Abstract  (PDF, 26.11 KB)

Masterson, Thomas   Female Land Rights and Farm Income in Paraguayan Agriculture Abstract (PDF, 34.17 KB)

Mathur, Somesh K.   Economic growth and Convergence in Selected South Asian and East Asian Countries - A Data Envelopment Analysis Abstract  (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Matsaganis, Manos Maria Flevotomou The distributional impact of mortgage interest tax relief in 12 European countries Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Mazzotta, Fernanda   Unemployment and Poverty of the young in Italy: the Role of Family Background Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Mesplé-Somps, Sandrine   Optimal Fiscal Policies according to Equality of Opportunity. A case study applied to Ivory Coast Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Minoiu, Camelia   Poverty Analysis based on Kernel Density Estimates from Grouped Data Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 346 KB)

Mohl, Philipp Oliver Pamp The (fiscal) price of diversity: preference heterogeneity, electoral institutions and budgetary performance Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 229 KB)

Mora, Toni Ferrer-i-Carbonell, Ada The job satisfaction gender gap among young recent university graduates: evidence from Catalonia Abstract

Moreno-Ternero, Juan D.   On the design of equal-opportunity policies Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 210 KB)

Moutos, Thomas   Inequality and the US import demand function Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 215 KB)

Müge Vural, Burçak Konyal?, Gonca Employment Polarisation and Income Inequality in Turkey Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Murtin, Fabrice Morrisson Christian Education Inequalities and the Kuznets Curves:A Global Perspective Since 1870 Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 449 KB)

N Nagarajan, Hari K. Puja Dutta Spatial Inequality Among Indian Villages:Do Initial Conditions Matter? Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 246 KB)

Ndeffo, Nembot Luc Ngangue, Ngwen / Tegoum Nguetse, Pierre / Kamidem, Cyrille Bergaly / Makoudem, Mariann Impact of Equivalence scales on the spatial Distribution of Poverty in Cameroon: A dynamic Approach. Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Nilsson, Therese   Changes in Multidimesnional Inequality - An Empirical Application to Zambia Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Nilsson, William   Earnings Mobility and Origin Dependence: What can twins say together with nonparametric econometrics? Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Noll, Heinz-Herbert Stefan Weick Income or Consumption Based Measurement and Analysis of Economic Inequality: What are the Differences? Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Notten, Geranda Chris de Neubourg Relative or absolute poverty in the USA and EU? The battle of the rates Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Nunes, Celso Luís Pereira   The Evolution of the Economic Thought about Poverty Measurement Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Núñez-Velázquez, José Javier Juana Domínguez-Domínguez A proposal of a synthetic indicator to measure poverty intensity, with an application to EU-15 countries Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

O Oliver, Xisco Javier Capó Redistribution and Stabilization: A microeconomic approach using the Spanish population Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Olivera, Javier   Analysing motives for parental money transfers in Europe Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Ortega Diaz, Araceli Miguel Székely Challenges and Perspectives to Reach the Millennium Development Goals Abstract ( PDF-Dokument, 114 KB) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 635 KB)

Osberg, Lars Sripad Motiram Social Capital and Basic Goods: The Cautionary Tale of Drinking Water in India Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 280 KB)

Otter, Thomas   Characterization of inequality changes through microeconometric decompositions Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 363 KB)

P Parent, Gwenn   Wage Inequalities Decompositions in Argentina : Analysis by regions, industries, education and gender (1999-2003) Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Parisi, Lavinia   Is leaving home a strategy for escaping poverty? Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Parteka, Aleksandra   Are employment and export inequality patterns important for cross country GDP per capita dispersion? Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Paulus, Alari Andreas Peichl Effects of flat tax reforms in Europe on inequality and poverty Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Peichl, Andreas Clemens Fuest / Thilo Schaefer The Flat Tax: An Option to improve Equity and Efficiency? Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 159 KB)

Pellicer-Gallardo, Miquel   A Model of Ethnic vs. Class Mobilization Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Peragine, Vito Laura Serlenga Higher education and equality of opportunity in Italy Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Permanyer, Inaki   On the arbitrariness of weighting structures for well-being measures Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Piraino, Patrizio   Testing for Borrowing Constraints in Intergenerational Earnings Equations Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Poggi, Ambra Xavier Ramos Empirical Modeling of Deprivation Contagion among Social Exclusion Dimensions (Using MCMC Methods) Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 205 KB)

Ponthieux, Sophie   The working poor : limits of the EU indicator "in-work poverty risk", problems with a two-level statistical category and exploration of a complementary indicator Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Prieto Alaiz, Mercedes Ismael Ahamdanech Zarco / Carmelo Garcia Pérez Welfare convergence between Spanish Regions (1990-2003). An Inference-Based Stochastic Dominance Approach Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

R Rapallini, Chiara Arnie Aassve / Maria Grazia Pazienza The introduction of French family splitting in Italy: revenue and analysis of the effect on labour supply Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Razmi, Arslan   Integration, Informalization, and Inequality in Developing Countries: Some General Equilibrium Explorations in Light of Accumulating Evidence Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Regoli, Andrea Claudio Quintano / Rosalia Castellano Evidences from the decomposition of income inequality: the case of Italy, 1991-2004 Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Rodriguez, Gonzales Daniel   The end of U-inverted relationship betweeninequality and income?: an appraisal from European regions Abstract

Rodriguez, Juan Gabriel   Partial and complete equality of opportunity orderings Abstract ( PDF-Dokument, 117 KB) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 306 KB)

Rohde, Nicholas   Derivation of Theil's Inequality Measure from Lorenz Curves Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 148 KB)

S Sacchi, Agnese   Central redistribution, local redistribution or both? Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Salanauskaite, Lina   User charges, occupational-status and health access inequity: a case of Luxembourg public healthcare system Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Santoro, Alessandro Maria Monti The Gini Decomposition: a New Formulation with an Application to Tax Reform Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Savaglio, Ernesto   On multidimensional inequality with variable distribution mean Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Schels, Brigitte Sandra Popp Marginalised or Socially Excluded: The Living Conditions and the Sense of Exclusion of Young Social Benefit Recipients in Germany Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Schröder, Carsten Christos Koulovatianos / Ulrich Schmidt Family-Type Subsistence Incomes Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Schueler, Dana   Incentive Effects of Transfers within the Extended Family: The Case of Indonesia Abstract ( PDF-Dokument, 237 KB) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 470 KB)

Schuerz, Martin Peter Mooslechner / Karin Wagner The distribution of financial wealth in Austria. Main Findings of the 2004 survey on Austrian households' financial wealth Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Schulte, Katharina Timm Boenke / Carsten Schroeder Pension in Germany: Composition, Provision and Comparison Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Scorzafave, Luiz Guilherme Elaine Toldo Pazello Using normalized equations to solve the indetermination problem in the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition: an application to the gender wage gap in Brazil Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Seidl, Christian Stefan Traub / Ulrich Schmidt An Experimental Study on Individual Choice, Social Welfare and Social Preferences Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Sierminska, Eva Joachim R. Frick / Markus M. Grabka Disentangling the gender wealth gap within and across households Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Silber, Jacques Joseph Deutsch / Yves Flückiger On Various ways of Measuring Unemployment, with Applications to Switzerland Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Simula, Laurent   Optimality Conditions and Comparative Static Properties of Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxes Revisited Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 216 KB)

Son, Jaehee   Analysis of Structure of Korean female labor/ labor market: The gender difference of wages and job trainings Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Spadaro, Amedeo Olivier Bargain Social Preferences in Europe Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Spataro, Luca Valeria De Bonis Social discounting, migration and optimal taxation of savings Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Speciale, Biago   Are educational policies elitist? Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 183 KB)

Stichnoth, Holger   Are Immigrants Jealous of Natives? Does It Depend on How Educated They Are? Evidence from the German Socio-Economic Panel Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Sutherland, Holly Herwig Immervoll / Horacio Levy Inequalities within couples: market incomes and the role of taxes and benefits in Europe Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

T Tamm, Marcus Michael Fertig Always Poor or Never Poor and Nothing in Between? Duration of Child Poverty in Germany Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 197 KB)

Thevenon, Olivier   Family-Friendly Policies, Fertility, Poverty and Gender Inequalities in the Labour Market : Which relationships and disparities in OECD countries? Abstract

Trannoy, Alain Arnaud Lefranc / Nicolas Pistolesi Equality of opportunity :Definitions and testable conditions, with an application to income in France Abstract ( PDF-Dokument, 129 KB)

Tsakloglou, Panos Christos Koutsambelas Distributional effects of public education transfers in Greece Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 708 KB)

U Urban, Ivica   Measurement of horizontal inequity with Duclos-Lambert model:some implementation issues and application to Croatian system of taxes and benefits Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Urrutia, Ana Henar Diez / Casilda Lasso de la Vega / Amaia de Sarachu A multidimensional generalization of Pigou-Dalton transfers principle: a new proposal Abstract ( PDF-Dokument, 134 KB) Paper ( PDF-Dokument)

V Van Kerm, Philippe   Comparisons of income mobility profiles Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 671 KB)

Vázquez-Guzmán, David   Measurement of Inequality in Mexico: Technical and Methodological Issues. Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Verbist, Gerlinde Stijn Lefebure The Inclusion of Non-cash Housing Advantages in the Income Concept. Estimates and Distribution Effects for Belgium Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Verme, Paolo   Happiness, Inequality and Freedom in a World of Heterogeneous Values Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Vicente-Perdiz, Juan María Teresa Rubio Sanz Growths and inequalities. Spain 1990-2000 Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

W Ward, Michael   Sustainable Progress and Equality Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Weisshaar, Natalie Tilman Brück / Alexander M. Danzer / Alexander Muravyev Changes in Determinants of Poverty and Inequality during Transition: Household Survey Evidence from Ukraine Abstract Paper

Winter, Christoph   Explaining Earnings Persistence: Does College Education Matter? Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 312 KB)

Wolff, Edward N. Ajit Zacharias Household Wealth and the Measurement of Economic Well-Being in the United States Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Wunder, Christoph Johannes Schwarze Income inequality and job satisfaction of full-time employees in Germany Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 108 KB)

Y Yildirim, Jülide Nadir Öcal / Süheyla Özyldirim Income Inequality and Economic Convergence in Turkey: A Spatial Effect Analysis Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Z Zacharias, Ajit Vamsi Vakulabharanam Economic Reforms, Caste and Economic Inequality in India, 1991-2004 Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Zamora, Bernarda Eduard Gracia Nature vs. Nurture: ability and education in the policy evaluation approach Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Zelli, Roberto Riccardo Massari / Maria Grazia Pittau A dwindling middle class? Italian evidence in the 2000's Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Zeng, Zhixiong / Zhenyu Gao   Economic Development and Consumption Inequality Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Zheng, Buhong   Measuring Health Inequality and Health Opportunity Abstract ( PDF-Dokument) Paper ( PDF-Dokument, 342 KB)

Zimmermann, Christian Stéphane Pallage Unemployment benefits vs. Unemployment accounts: a quantitative exploration Abstract

Zoli, Mariangela Manuela Coromaldi A Multidimensional Poverty Analysis. Evidence from Italian Data Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)

Zuluaga, Blanca   Early childbearing and the option to postpone Abstract ( PDF-Dokument)
