Data Documentation 89 / 2017
2017| Henrike Junge
Data Documentation 88 / 2017
This Data Documentation presents a dynamic investment and dispatch model for Europe named dynELMOD. The model endogenously determines investments into conventional and renewable power plants, different storage technologies including demand side management measures, and the electricity grid in five-year steps in Europe until 2050 under full or myopic foresight. The underlying electricity grid and cross-border ...
2017| Clemens Gerbaulet, Casimir Lorenz
Data Documentation 87 / 2017
2017| Nicole Wägner
Data Documentation 86 / 2016
This paper documents methodology underlying the construction of the integrated data base for our study on “Wer trägt die Steuerlast in Deutschland? – Verteilungswirkungen des deutschen Steuer- und Transfersystems” (Who bears the tax burden in Germany? – Distributional Analyses of the German tax and transfer system). Financial support from the Hans Böckler Stiftung for the project is gratefully acknowledged. ...
2016| Stefan Bach, Martin Beznoska, Viktor Steiner
Data Documentation 85 / 2016
Coal is at the core of the debate about climate change mitigation policies, yet the internationalmarket for it is not well represented in most energy models. This paper presents the COALMODframework which is a model of the international steam coal market that can be readily used toexplore implications of climate policies, but also to analyze market structure or to investigate issue ofsupply security. ...
2016| Franziska Holz, Clemens Haftendorn, Roman Mendelevitch, Christian von Hirschhausen
Data Documentation 84 / 2016
2016| Michael Zschille
Data Documentation 83 / 2016
This data documentation introduces to nodal dispatch models and the literature of the ELMOD model framework, which focuses on bottom-up electricity sector models with detailed spatial representation of the transmission system. The paper provides the technical description of ELMOD-DE, a nodal DC load flow model for the German electricity sector. In alignment with this paper, the described model, including ...
2016| Jonas Egerer
Data Documentation 82 / 2015
2015| Sven Witzke
Data Documentation 81 / 2015
2015| Ben Wealer, Clemens Gerbaulet, Jan Paul Seidel, Christian von Hirschhausen
Data Documentation 80 / 2015
2015| Caroline Stiel
Data Documentation 79 / 2015
2015| Klaudia Erhardt
Data Documentation 78 / 2015
2015| Isabel Teichmann
Data Documentation 77 / 2015
Long-term contracts are an important element of all economic activity and, thus, critical for understanding modern economic structures. The natural gas industry provides particular insights into the functioning and dynamics of long-term contracts and industry structures, in a sector that is globally important. This Data Documentation provides a survey of the literature on long-term contracts in the ...
2015| Anne Neumann, Sophia Rüster, Christian von Hirschhausen
Data Documentation 76 / 2015
Environmental employment is an issue with high interest to the public and to policy makers. Yet, the debate is blurred by a great number of distinct definitions and hence estimates of environmental employment. Therefore it is essential to carefully document delimitations and methods used in any attempt to quantify environmental employment. This paper presents a method for estimating gross environmental ...
2015| Jürgen Blazejczak, Dietmar Edler
Data Documentation 75 / 2014
2014| Martin Kroh, Rainer Siegers
Data Documentation 74 / 2014
2014| Markus M. Grabka
Data Documentation 73 / 2014
2014| Isabel Teichmann
Data Documentation 72 / 2014
2014| Jonas Egerer, Clemens Gerbaulet, Richard Ihlenburg, Friedrich Kunz, Benjamin Reinhard, Christian von Hirschhausen, Alexander Weber, Jens Weibezahn
Data Documentation 71 / 2013
2013| Martin Kroh
Data Documentation 70 / 2013
This documentation describes the data preparation of the new consumption module in the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) and introduces the content and structure of the generated dataset "hconsum." In 2010, the SOEP for the first time included a detailed consumption module in the household questionnaire. This documentation discusses several methodological challenges of the new module and suggests ...
2013| Jan Marcus, Rainer Siegers, Markus M. Grabka