Silke Anger, Henning Lohmann
- 17.03.2010| Bildung in der Demokratie: 22. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft
Ingrid Tucci, Ariane Jossin, Carsten Keller, Olaf Groh-Samberg
- 17.03.2010| Bildung in der Demokratie: 22. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft
Claudia Kemfert
| Nach Kopenhagen: Schlussfolgerungen für die praktische Klimapolitik: Podiumsdiskussion des Klimabüros für Polargebiete und Meeresspiegelanstieg
We investigate whether differences in terrorism risk are mirrored on terrorism risk perception across European countries for the period 2003-2007. We find that the average propensity for terrorism risk concern is affected by actual risk levels. Further, country and individual heterogeneity contribute substantially to the variation of observed risk perception. According to our findings males,...
This survey provides an in-depth analysis of existing research on the economic analysis of terrorism and counter-terrorist measures. First the existing evidence on the causes of terrorism is analyzed, then we consider the evidence of the consequences of terrorism and we demonstrate why it is important to regarding of the issue of counter-terrorism policy. Moreover the survey presents the existing...
Friedrich Schneider, Tilman Brück, Daniel Meierrieks
Athen, Griechenland,
- 13.03.2010| EUSECON Interim Project Workshop
This paper analyses the underlying factors driving piracy off the coast of Somalia and examines the effectiveness of the international naval anti-piracy mission with respect to its declared aims. We show that while the navies perform well with respect to their short-term aims, they failed to contain the escalation of the piracy problem through 2009: pirates have not been deterred from attacking...
Kerstin Bernoth
| Medien - Mittler zwischen den Völkern: ein Programm der Robert Bosch Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Berliner Journalisten-Schule
. - This paper investigates the determinants of intra-household time allocation in post-war Rwanda. A decade after the 1994 genocide, Rwanda still bears the demographic impact of the war, in which at least 800,000 people died and the majority of casualties were adult males. The paper explores two unique features: exogenous variation in household types and large variation in regional cohort...
Kati Schindler
| GTZ Gender-Woche
This paper argues that contrary to conventional wisdom, Somali piracy is likely to increase if Somalia's domestic stability is improved, and that naval counter-piracy efforts had limited and unpredicted effects. To make this argument we analyze the underlying factors driving piracy off the coast of Somalia and examine the effectiveness of the international naval anti-piracy mission. We show that...
Anja Shortland, Sarah Percy
London, Großbritannien,
| Economics and Finance Seminars: Birkbeck College
We use a life cycle model of consumption and portfolio choice to study the effects of social security on the investment decisions of households for the European case. Our model is mainly based on the one developed by Cocco, Gomes, and Maenhout (2005). We extend it by unemployment risk using Markov chains to model the transition between different employment states. In contrast to most models in the...
Vladimir Kuzin, Franziska Bremus
| DIW Graduate Center Seminar
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive multivariate cointegration analysis of three parts of the steam coal value chain - export, transport and import prices. The analysis is based on a rich dataset of international coal prices; in particular, we combine data on steam coal prices with freight rates, covering the period December 2001 until August 2009 at weekly frequency. We then test whether...
Aleksandar Zaklan, Astrid Cullmann, Anne Neumann, Christian von Hirschhausen
| DIW Graduate Center Seminar
In 1999, in Germany, the statutory sick pay level was increased from 80 to 100 percent of foregone earnings for sickness episodes of up to six weeks. We show that this reform has led to an increase in average absence days of about 10 percent or one additional day per employee, per year. The estimates are based on SOEP survey data and parametric, nonparametric, and combined matching-regression...
Nicolas R. Ziebarth, Martin Karlsson
Colchester, Großbritannien,
| Joint Empirical Social Science (JESS) Seminars: Institute for Social & Economic Research, University of Essex