22. - 25. Februar 2022


Introduction to the German Socio-Economic Panel Study


22. - 25. Februar 2022


Online seminar via Cisco Webex


Sandra Bohmann

The German Socio-Economic Panel Study is a representative panel study for the German population, collecting data on a broad variety of topics of everyday life, including general wellbeing, household composition, educational aspirations and educational status, income and occupational biographies, leisure time activities, housing, health, political orientation and more. With its long running panel structure, the breadth of topics and the representative nature of the data, the SOEP has become a central resources for quantitative research in the social sciences in Germany.


This online four-day workshop-series offers a well-grounded and practically oriented introduction to the data of the Socio-economic panel study. Participants will be introduced to the content of the study, its data-structure, sample selection and weighting strategy and they will be provided with an overview over the study documentation.

  The entire process from identifying and finding variables containing specific information in the dataset to the creation of the final dataset for analysis and first empirical investigations will be discussed. (Participants who already have access to the data via their home-institutions will be able to practice hands-on.) All hands-on problems will be exercised jointly as well. This practical part of the workshop requires familiarity with methods of empirical analysis and basic programming skills in STATA. An overview of the required STATA skills can be found here (PDF, 274.09 KB). Ideally, participants should have access to the dataset via their institutions already to fully benefit from the hands-on sessions. Although participation without data-access is also possible.


Please register online here.

The workshop will be held in English and participation is free of charge. The seminar will run from nine to five. We will include numerous shorter and longer breaks throughout the day to make the online format as bearable as possible.

Questions will be taken throughout the workshop!

We aim for an interactive workshop, so please feel free to ask questions and join the discussion. The more people participate the better the experience for everyone!

For questions regarding the workshop or registration, please contact Sandra Bohmann (sbohmann@diw.de).



Tuesday, February 22

16:00- 18:00 Contents and Data-Structure of the SOEP

Wednesday, February 23

16:00- 17:00 Online-Services and Paneldata.org
17:00- 18:00

Hands-On Session I: Using the Documentation to construct an analysis dataset in panel format

Hands on Session II: Event history analysis with panel data

Thursday, February 24

16:00- 18:00 Sampling Design and Weighting Strategy in the SOEP

Friday, February 25

16:00- 17:00 Longitudinal data-analysis with the SOEP: Potentials and Limitations
17:00- 18:00 Hands-On Session III: Making the most of the household – context. Intergenerational Analyses


Sandra Bohmann
Sandra Bohmann

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin in der Abteilung Staat
