28. - 29. September 2022

Graduate Center Masterclasses

Complementarity Modeling in Energy Markets


28. - 29. September 2022
day 1: 14-17:30h
day 2: 09-12:30h


Karl Popper Room
DIW Berlin
Room 2.3.020
Mohrenstr. 58
10117 Berlin


Steven A. Gabriel

The DIW Graduate Center is pleased to offer a masterclass on complementary modeling in energy markets by Steven A. Gabriel. 

We will review optimization problems (linear/nonlinear) and then introduce equilibrium problems expressed as mixed complementarity problems (MCPs).  These latter problems have a diverse set of applications including market equilibrium/non-cooperative games in energy, transportation, and water, and have been the subject of much research in the last 25+ years.

Readings (strongly recommended to prepare before the class):

1) Gabriel et al. (2012): Complementarity Modeling in Energy Markets. Springer. Chapter 1. (password: mcp2012)  (PDF, 0.66 MB)

2) Ruiz et al. (2013): A tutorial review of complementarity modelsfor decision-making in energy markets. EURO Journal on Decision Processes (PDF, 0.6 MB)

Additional readings:

3) Brotcorne et al. (2008): Bilevel Programming: The Montreal School.  (PDF, 15.29 MB)

4) Gabriel and Leuthold (2010): Solving discretely-constrained MPEC problems with applications in electricpower markets. Energy Economics, 32: 3–14. (PDF, 0.56 MB)

5) Siddiqui and Gabriel (2012): An SOS1-Based Approach for Solving MPECswith a Natural Gas Market Application. Networks & Spatial Economics.  (PDF, 0.8 MB)

6) U-tapao et al. (2016): A stochastic, two-level optimization model for compressed natural gasinfrastructure investments in wastewater management. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 28: 226-240. (PDF, 1.35 MB)


