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This paper analyzes the economic situation of former Communist party members in post-Soviet Russia. On the basis of the Russian Socio-Economic Transition Panel, we are able to identify members of the Communist party prior to transition so that we can assess their relative economic performance between 1993 and 1999. We find a significant wage premium associated with former membership in the Soviet Communist ...
Journal of Comparative Economics
32 (2004), 4, S. 700-719
| Ingo Geishecker, John P. Haisken-DeNew
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Can a growing welfare state induce a regime switch in the growth rate of an economy? This paper constructs a dynamic political economy model of economic growth and the welfare state in which both variables are nonlinearly related and jointly endogenous. Using a Markov switching framework over the period 1950-2001, we find that the structural decline in growth rates that several welfare state economies ...
Economic Modelling
22 (2005), 3, S. 571-598
| Tatiana Fic, Chetan Ghate
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Environmental policies frequently target the ratio of dirty to green output within the same industry. To achieve such targets, the green sector may be subsidized or the dirty sector be taxed. We show that in a monopolistic competition setting, the two policy approaches have different welfare effects, depending on the design of the instrument (ad valorem versus unit instrument) and the initial situation ...
Journal of Regulatory Economics
27 (2005), 2, S. 177-202
| Susanne Dröge, Philipp J. H. Schröder
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Die Einflüsse der Bildung und der sozialen Position der Eltern auf die Schulverläufe ihrer Kinder sind für Deutschland gut erforscht, die des Einkommens jedoch nicht. Nach den Theorien der Bildungswahl sind allerdings die Kosten des weiterführenden Schulbesuchs und die finanziellen Möglichkeiten der Eltern hierbei zentrale Aspekte. Deshalb konzentriert sich die vorliegende Untersuchung auf den Einfluss ...
Zeitschrift für Soziologie
33 (2004), 6, S. 471-492
| Thorsten Schneider
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Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung
37 (2004), 2, S. 73-126
| Felix Büchel, Markus Pannenberg
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In the absence of closed shops and discriminatory wage policies, union membership can be explained by the existence of social norms. We describe a model, incorporating institutional features of the German labour market, which explicitly allows for social custom effects in the determination of union membership. Using panel data for Germany, we find evidence for according effects which restrict free-riding. ...
German Economic Review
5 (2004), 4, S. 481-504
| Laszlo Goerke, Markus Pannenberg
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After the collapse in the early transition years, saving rates in Eastern European EU-accession countries have recovered strongly. But is private saving in these countries now driven by the same forces as in the EU? A GMM estimator is applied to analyze the determinants of private saving in both country groups. The main results are: saving rates are rather persistent; income growth increases saving, ...
Economics of Transition
13 (2005), 2, S. 287-309
| Mechthild Schrooten, Sabine Stephan
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Using a binary reference series based on the dating procedure of Artis, Kontolemis and Osborn (1997) different procedures for predicting turning points of the German business cycles were tested. Specifically, a probit model as proposed by Estrella and Mishkin (1997) as well as Markov-switching models were taken into consideration. The overall results indicate that the interest rate spread, the real ...
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
225 (2005), 1, S. 22-43
| Ulrich Fritsche, Vladimir Kuzin
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In Germany, a National Travel Survey was conducted in 2002. The paper describes the process needed to make empirical-based decisions on the main design characteristics of the survey. It outlines the survey operation used in the field during 2002, reports on the relevance of different contact strategies to minimize selectivity and non-response, and refers to issues of data processing and of dissemination ...
Transport Reviews
25 (2005), 4, S. 415-431
| Uwe Kunert, Robert Follmer
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In this paper R 2-type measures of the explanatory power of multivariate linear and categorical probit models proposed in the literature are reviewed and their deficiencies discussed. It is argued that a measure of the explanatory power should take into account the components which are explicitly modelled when a regression model is estimated while it should be indifferent to components not explicitly ...
The Journal of Mathematical Sociology
28 (2004), 2, S. 125-146
| Martin Spieß, Gerhard Tutz
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The Energy Journal
27 (2006), Special Issue 3, S. 441-460
| Claudia Kemfert, Truong P. Truong, Thomas Bruckner
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This paper illustrates the representation of induced technological change in the multi-regional, multi-sectoral integrated assessment model WIAGEM. The main aim of the paper is to investigate quantitatively the economic impacts of climate policy measures due to the induced technological changes that are considered. Improved technological innovations are triggered by increased R&D expenditures that ...
Ecological Economics
54 (2005), 2-3, S. 293-305
| Claudia Kemfert
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Journal of World Trade
38 (2004), 4, 701-724
| Marzio Galeotti, Claudia Kemfert
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Discusses incentives for basic research, which were recently introduced in the German Institute for Economic Research, including both team and individual incentives. Possible problems arise from focussing on the measurable, crowding out intrinsic motivation and undesirable externalities. Furthermore, provides survey evidence on the perception of the incentives by the institute's researchers.
Research Evaluation
13 (2004), 2, S. 119-127
| Björn Frank
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In the literature on privatisation and restructuring it is a generally held belief that manager owned firms will be restructured more rigorously than worker owned companies. This gives the clear recommendation that property rights and control rights should be allocated to managers in the process of (insider-) privatisation. One of the implied arguments is, that managers' career concerns will make them ...
Economics of Planning
36 (2003), 4, S. 333-349
| Philipp J. H. Schröder
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This paper shows that stricter enforcement may increase tax evasion. Individuals vote on a linear income tax, which is used to finance lump sum transfers. Individuals may evade taxes, but they have to pay fines when caught. Stricter enforcement may make redistributive taxation more attractive to the decisive voter. The tax rate and transfer may rise, which in turn may increase tax evasion. The paper ...
European Journal of Political Economy
20 (2004), 3, S. 725-737
| Rainald Borck
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This paper investigates empirically for the first time the impact of experts' agreement on voter turnout. Data were obtained when voters, advised by four independent experts, had to decide on the next move against a chess world champion. Analyzing total voter turnout as well as individual voters' behavior in a panel data subsample, and employing OLS median and ARMAX regression techniques, we find that ...
European Journal of Political Economy
20 (2004), 3, S. 619-635
| Björn Frank, Hans Pitlik, Steffen Wirth
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Many validation studies deal with item nonresponse and measurement error in earnings data. In this article, the author explores respondents' motives for failing to revealearnings using the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). The SOEP collects socioeconomic information from private households in the Federal Republic of Germany.The author explains the evolution of income nonresponse in the SOEP and demonstrates ...
Sociological Methods & Research
33 (2004), 1, S. 113-156
| Jörg-Peter Schräpler
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Despite the fact that Argentina has been suffering from recession for years, the timing and severity of the recent currency crisis surprised most observers. There is an extensive literature on early warning systems, which claim to be apt for a systematical prediction of currency crises. One of the most prominent "early warning system" approaches was first developed by Kaminsky, Lizondo, and Reinhart ...
Journal of Policy Modeling
26 (2004), 5, S. 587-603
| Patricia Alvarez-Plata, Mechthild Schrooten
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Scienze Regionali
(2004), 1, S. 41-64
| Kurt Geppert, Martin Gornig, Andreas Stephan