Reply on “Comments on ‘Uncertainties in Estimating Production Costs of Future Nuclear Technologies: A Model-Based Analysis of Small Modular Reactors’ [Energy 281 (2023) 128204]”

Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

Björn Steigerwald, Jens Weibezahn, Martin Slowik, Christian von Hirschhausen

In: Energy 313 (2024), 133828, 3 S.


This reply aims to address the points raised in an analysis provided in the comment entitled “Comments on ‘Uncertainties in estimating production costs of future nuclear technologies: A model-based analysis of small modular reactors’ [Energy 281 (2023) 128204]”, specifically on the used scaling coefficients and cost assumptions.

Keywords: Nuclear power, SMR, Production theory, Cost forecasting, Monte-Carlo simulation
