10. Juni 2014


Germany and the Euro:  Adjustment or Financing? 


10. Juni 2014
12.00 noon - 1.00 p.m.


Schumpeter Hall
Mohrenstr. 58
10117 Berlin

with Fred Bergsten | Director Emeritus of the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)

Moderation: Marcel Fratzscher | President of DIW Berlin

Germany, for solid economic as well as geopolitical reasons, has clearly indicated that it will pay whatever is necessary to preserve the euro.  But its preference for financing the deficit countries rather than helping them reduce their imbalances condemns the Eurozone to "high-level stagnation" and risks the long-term survival of the project.  Germany can pursue several policy options that would reverse, or at least moderate, its current bias, and thus strengthen the prospects for prosperity in the short run and viability in the long run, without violating its propensities for economic stability and fiscal rectitude.

We hope that you will be able to join us, and look forward to your participation. Please feel free to forward the invitation to interested parties. To participate, we kindly ask you to register at by June 9, 2014.
