SOEP People - A Conversation with Nicolas Ziebarth

Video vom 21. Juli 2017

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SOEP People: A Conversation with Nicolas Ziebarth

Nicolas Ziebarth is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University. He studied economics and business studies at HU and TU Berlin and was a member of the first DIW Graduate Center cohort from 2006 to 2011. During this time, Nicolas Ziebarth worked in the SOEP department at DIW Berlin. His dissertation, entitled “Sickness Absence and Economic Incentives,” was supervised by Gert G. Wagner and was awarded the 2011 Upjohn Institute Dissertation Award. His research is in the field of applied health and labor economics, focusing on the interaction of social security systems with labor markets and population health, as well as the driving forces and implications of health-related behavior.
