In the SET-Nav project, we push the state-of-the-art of energy-economic-engineering models. Several work packages within the project are dedicated to improve, extend and customize models to better reflect relevant energy system aspects to address the research questions arising from the SET Plan. Models are linked and data is exchanged between them. However, today’s computational limitations effectively restrict the scope, scale and detail of all models. Future computational power and smarter solution algorithms will allow solving larger models that can provide a more holistic picture. In five different modelling workshops we investigate and discuss with the broader research community what should be prioritized when faced with the possibility to enlarge models’ scope, scale or detail given the research questions arising from the SET Plan challenges.
The workshops are open to interested energy modellers, also beyond the project members. As such, our workshops serve as an open exchange platform and also serve the goal of the Horizon 2020 programme of transparency and openness in applied modelling.
Two-stage decision modeling shall enable us to better describe complex situations and interactions in energy markets (e.g. between infrastructure decisions and operational decisions). The workshop shall be a combination of a seminar style lecture on the basics of multi-level modeling in the complementarity format and shorter conference style presentations of applications. It will focus on the equilibrium modeling framework and include modern solution techniques.
Until September 1st, 2018, we are inviting contributions to the workshop. If you are interested in presenting your modeling approach and/or application of multi-level modeling, please contact Dr. Franziska Holz at DIW Berlin (
Participation is free of charge, but seats are limited and participants have to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. Registration for participation is possible until October 1st, 2018.
Please register here
We are looking forward to a fruitful exchange of ideas and experiences in the workshop. Welcome to Berlin!
Participation is free of charge, but seats are limited and participants have to cover their own travel and accommodation costs. Registration for participation is possible until October 1st, 2018.
Please register here
Prof. Sauleh Siddiqui, Johns Hopkins University
Themen: Energiewirtschaft