DIW focus

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  • DIW focus 10 / 2023

    Mixed Mid-Term Review for German Traffic Light Coalition in the Energy Transition; Significant Effort Needed to Achieve Targets

    The German traffic light coalition began its term two years ago with ambitious energy policy goals. Halfway through the legislative period, its track record is mixed. Good progress has been made in some areas, but in others a large gap between targets and the status quo remains. The Ampel-Monitor Energiewende by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) shows where we stand today in terms ...

    2023| Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Roth, Adeline Guéret, Felix Schmidt
  • DIW focus 9 / 2023

    Accelerate Thermal Modernization of Buildings with Minimum Standards for Buildings and Binding Retrofitting Targets

    The energy and climate crisis enhance the need for energy savings. In the building sector, these savings can be achieved primarily through thermal retrofitting. So far, progress in this area has been slow. To date, less than one percent of the residential building stock in Germany is retrofitted each year. The existing support programs alone offer too little reliability for the necessary investments ...

    2023| Sophie M. Behr, Merve Küçük, Karsten Neuhoff
  • DIW focus 8 / 2022

    Electricity Supply in Germany Can Be Secured without Russian Supplies and Nuclear Energy; The 2030 Coal-Phase out Remains Possible

    The European Union has increased pressure on Russia by enacting a coal embargo. Following a transition period, Russian coal imports will end in August 2022. Recent studies show that Germany will be able to substitute Russian supplies with imports from other countries by summer 2022. However, with the looming threat of a Russian gas supply stop, plans must be developed to ensure security of supply. ...

    2022| Christian Hauenstein, Karlo Hainsch, Philipp Herpich, Christian von Hirschhausen, Franziska Holz, Claudia Kemfert, Mario Kendziorski, Pao-Yu Oei, Catharina Rieve
  • DIW focus 7 / 2022

    Energy Supply Security in Germany Can Be Guaranteed even without Natural Gas from Russia

    The Russian war on Ukraine and Germany’s dependence on Russian gas require a rethink of German energy supplies. While there is a heated debate about an immediate energy embargo, Russia could also stop its supplies at any time. To date, Germany has purchased around 55 percent of its natural gas from Russia. DIW Berlin has developed scenarios for how the German energy system could become independent ...

    2022| Franziska Holz, Robin Sogalla, Christian von Hirschhausen, Claudia Kemfert
  • DIW focus 6 / 2020

    US and EU Secure Vaccine Production on Home Soil

    The deployment of a safe and effective vaccine for Covid-19 will be central to lifting containment measures. In a bid to speed up vaccine deployment, governments are entering into ‘Advance Purchase Agreements’ (APAs) with vaccine companies to secure access to vaccine doses. We document and compare the vaccine procurement strategies of the US and the EU. Most notably, we find that both the US and the ...

    2020| Jan Malek, Melissa Newham, Jo Seldeslachts, Marcel Wieting
  • DIW focus 5 / 2020

    No Need for New Natural Gas Pipelines and LNG Terminals in Europe

    Natural gas could play an increasing role in the German energy system following the coal exit decided in July 2020 by the German parliament. However, natural gas has no climate benefit compared to coal. What is more, Europe risks to become a battle-ground for the conflict between Russia and the United States. The construction of the Baltic Sea pipeline Nordstream 2 has set in motion a downward spiral ...

    2020| Franziska Holz, Claudia Kemfert
  • DIW focus 4 / 2020

    A Green New Deal after Corona: What We Can Learn from the Financial Crisis

    Already after the financial crisis in 2008/2009 there was a debate on whether elements aiming at sustainable development can be part of the stimulus packages and support the recovery of the economy. Despite the instinct of policy makers to prioritise battle-tested policies during a crisis, significant levels and different types of climate-friendly components were integrated in the 2009 stimulus packages ...

    2020| Mats Kröger, Sun Xi, Olga Chiappinelli, Marius Clemens, Nils May, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn Richstein
  • DIW focus 3 / 2020

    ECB and Fed Monetary Policy Measures against the Economic Effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic Have Little Effect

    To cushion the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, central banks have taken far-reaching monetary policy measures. The US Federal Reserve has lowered its interest rates and, like the European Central Bank, has expanded its bond purchase programs. However, it is questionable whether these measures are having the desired effect of calming the markets and supporting the real economy. It is true ...

    2020| Kerstin Bernoth, Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, Anna Gibert
  • DIW focus 2 / 2020

    Housing Policies Worldwide during Coronavirus Crisis: Challenges and Solutions

    The coronavirus pandemic, which began in December 2019 and is currently spreading rapidly around the world, is having a noticeable impact on the economy and thus also on the real estate market. Since the measures to curb the spread are causing economic activities to decline massively, small and medium-sized companies in the service, hospitality, and transport sectors in particular, but the self-employed ...

    2020| Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  • DIW focus 1 / 2018

    Low Interest Rate Environment Amplifies Negative Effects of Austerity Policy

    Large-scale fiscal consolidations and the implementation of structural reforms should help southern European countries resolve the crisis. But recent studies indicate that in conjunction with the low interest rate in the euro area, the austerity measures that has been imposed could have the opposite effect, leading to an increase in sovereign debt and economic slowdown. For this reason, a more balanced ...

    2018| Mathias Klein
10 Ergebnisse, ab 1