DIW Wochenbericht 9 / 2015
Fluglärm ist eine besonders problematische Lärmquelle, da viele Flughäfen innerhalb oder in der Nähe von Großstädten liegen und dadurch dicht besiedelte Gebiete davon betroffen sind. Die Daten der Berliner Altersstudie II (BASE-II), deren sozioökonomisches Modul auf der seit 1984 laufenden Längsschnittstudie Sozio-oekonomisches Panel (SOEP) basiert, bieten die Möglichkeit, den Einfluss verschiedener ...
2015| Peter Eibich, Konstantin Kholodilin, Christian Krekel, Gert G. Wagner
DIW Economic Bulletin 9 / 2015
Aircraft noise is a particularly problematic source of noise as many airports are located in or near major cities and, as a result, densely populated areas are affected. Data from the Berlin Aging Study II (Berliner Altersstudie II, BASE-II), whose socio-economic module is based on the longitudinal Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study which has been conducted since 1984, allows us to examine the effect ...
2015| Peter Eibich, Konstantin Kholodilin, Christian Krekel, Gert G. Wagner
SOEPpapers 888 / 2016
Web-based interviewing is gradually replacing traditional modes of data collection, in particular telephone and mailed surveys. This global trend takes place despite the fact that established knowledge of its consequences on response error is incomplete. This paper studies differences between a web (CAWI) and a mailed version (MAIL) of a questionnaire in various forms of response error, namely item ...
2016| Martin Kroh, Denise Lüdtke, Sandra Düzel, Florin Winter
SOEPpapers 855 / 2016
*****Volltextdokument auf Wunsch der Autoren gelöscht***** Web surveys technically allow providing feedback to respondents based on their previous responses. This personalized feedback may not only beused to target follow-up questions, it also allows test results to be returned immediately to respondents. This paper argues that the possibility of learning something about themselves increases respondents’ ...
2016| Simon Kühne, Martin Kroh
SOEPpapers 738 / 2015
How socio-cultural contexts shape individual functioning is of prime interest for psychological inquiry. Secular increases favoring later-born cohorts in fluid intelligence measures are widely documented for young adults. In the current study, we quantify such trends in old age using data from highly comparable participants living in a narrowly defined geographical area and examine whether these trends ...
2015| Denis Gerstorf, Gizem Hülür, Johanna Drewelies, Peter Eibich, Sandra Duezel, Ilja Demuth, Paolo Ghisletta, Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Gert G. Wagner, Ulman Lindenberger
SOEPpapers 728 / 2015
This paper investigates the effects of urban green and abandoned areas on residential well-being in major German cities, using panel data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) for the time period between 2000 and 2012 and cross-section data from the European Urban Atlas (EUA) for the year 2006. Using a Geographical Information System (GIS), it calculates the distance to urban green and abandoned ...
2015| Christian Krekel, Jens Kolbe, Henry Wüstemann
SOEPpapers 608 / 2013
Like many medical studies, the Berlin Aging Study II (BASE·II) is based on a non·random "convenience sample" of self·recruited participants. To study processes of selectivity in BASE·II, we used an identical questionnaire to compare BASE·II with a large, representative reference study, the German Socio·Economic Panel (SOEP), thereby allowing differences in characteristics of participants in BASE·II ...
2013| Denise Saßenroth, Martin Kroh, Gert G. Wagner
SOEPpapers 568 / 2013
The Berlin Aging Study II (BASE-II) is a multidisciplinary study that allows for the investigation of how a multitude of health status factors as well as many other social and economic outcomes interplay. The sample consists of 1,600 participants aged 60 to 80, and 600 participants aged 20 to 35. The socio-economic part of BASE-II, the so called SOEP-BASE, is conducted by the SOEP Group at the DIW ...
2013| Anke Böckenhoff, Denise Saßenroth, Martin Kroh, Thomas Siedler, Peter Eibich, Gert G. Wagner
SOEP Survey Papers ; 269 : Series A - Survey Instruments (Erhebungsinstrumente) / 2015
2015| TNS Infratest Sozialforschung
SOEP Survey Papers ; 229 : Series C - Data Documentations (Datendokumentationen) / 2014
2014| Denise Saßenroth, Martin Kroh, Gert G. Wagner