22. März - 14. Juni 2022


Charting a roadmap towards deep decarbonisation


22. März - 14. Juni 2022

Worldwide decarbonization is not on track. While the magnitude of the challenge is beyond doubt, as well as the fact that inaction now drastically increases the costs of decarbonisation in the future, decision-makers around the world are shying away from determined action. While this is partly due to political opportunism, it also reflects a lack of clarity on the potential roadmaps towards deep decarbonisation and their inherent economic and social costs. What is needed to overcome such patterns of inaction is a socially convincing and evidence-based narrative showing (a) the immediate social and economic co-benefits of decarbonisation and (b) the right mix of policy instruments for achieving decarbonisation with the maximum co-benefits and political buy-in. The G7 Summit in June 2022 is a big opportunity for advancing this discussion.

Our series of online discussions aim to chart the convincing and actionable roadmap towards deep decarbonisation policymakers are looking for. The first four events are dedicated to the policy levers we consider most important discussion, from carbon pricing and financial system reform to technology push strategies and incentives for low carbon lifestyles. For each of these “big levers”, we present key aspects, policy priorities and practical approaches.

Following these four events, an integrated approach exploring synergies and trade-offs between the four policy levers and how they can be incorporated into a holistic, convincing and actionable narrative for deep decarbonisation. 


German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Centre for Social and Climate Transformations (CAST), German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment, London School of Economics (LSE), Lund University, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), SOAS - University of London, Wuppertal Institut


