29. Februar - 1. März 2024


The Power of Where – Spatial Insights from Survey Data


29. Februar - 1. März 2024


Daniel Meyer (BBSR), Antonia Milbert (BBSR), Simon Kühne (Bielefeld University), Julia Binder (BTU), Jan Goebel

Joint Spring Meeting of BBSR, BTU & SOEP RegioHub

Linking survey data with spatial data is an emerging topic in the social sciences, providing the possibility to contextualize sociodemographic information and social attitudes with geospatial data such as regional indicators, neighborhood information, or environmental time series. The provision of health care, education, housing markets, or transportation infrastructures is spatially dependent and leads to unequal living conditions between urban and rural spaces, Eastern and Western Germany, or between central hubs and left-behind places. Geodata allows for assessing the impact of different spatial opportunity structures on attitudes, preferences, and behaviors. Examples of such research are the proximity effect of refugee accommodation on anti-immigrant attitudes (Schmidt et al. 2023), day-to-day activities in labor market contexts (IAB-SMART), or satisfaction with local pandemic management during the COVID-19 crisis (Jaschke et al. 2023).

Over the past few years, an increasing amount of georeferenced survey data has become available, enabling researchers to investigate the interdependence of individual, household, and spatial factors. In Germany, major surveys like the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), the Panel Study Labour Market and Social Security (PASS), or the GESIS Panel have started enriching their existing data with regional indicators and other spatial information. At the same time, linking spatial and survey data remains challenging as it requires advanced technical and analytical skills.

Picture of the participants

© R. Schuster/BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

Conference documentation

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Friday, March 1, 2024

We invite scholars who combine spatial and survey data to present research stemming from a broad range of disciplines, including geography, sociology, economics, planning, and political science. We welcome diverse contributions ranging from presentations of empirical findings to theoretical reflections and methodological discussions (e.g., data linkage challenges or mapping techniques). The workshop aims to facilitate a constructive exchange of ideas, and we particularly encourage doctoral candidates and young scholars to present the current state of their research.

The spring meeting is conceived as a lunch-to-lunch event and will take place in person at Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus.

Abstracts of no longer than 300 words should be submitted to Daniel Meyer by November 15, 2023.
Applicants will receive a notification of acceptance by November 30, 2023.

The event is organized by Daniel Meyer (BBSR), Antonia Milbert (BBSR), Jan Goebel (DIW Berlin – SOEP), Simon Kühne (Bielefeld University), and Julia Binder (BTU)


Externer Kontakt

Daniel Meyer

Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR)
