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2419 Ergebnisse, ab 2341
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Children's School Placement in Germany: Does Kindergarten Attendance Matter?

    The positive effects of Early Childhood Programs (ECP's) on children's school success have been demonstrated in the literature. However, most studies were completed in the U.S.A., where ECP's vary widely, based on differing auspice, regulation, cost, and other factors. In European countries, ECP's are generally far more homogenous. This is particularly true for Germany where most programs are community-based ...

    In: Early Childhood Research Quarterly 18 (2003), 2, S. 255-270 | Gert G. Wagner, C. Katharina Spieß, Felix Büchel
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    Pitfalls in Restructuring the Electricity Industry

    This paper models some reductions in output that may follow the opening of electricity markets to competition. Specifically, we show that vertical separation of electricity generation, transmission and distribution could reduce welfare compared to the previous system of vertically integrated monopoly, if grid owners can act as monopolistic retailers or, alternatively, set access prices that maximize ...

    In: German Economic Review 5 (2004), 1, S. 81-101 | Georg Meran, Reimund Schwarze
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    An Approach for Timely Estimations of the German GDP

    In: Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv 87 (2003), 2, S. 201-220 | Andreas Cors, Vladimir Kuzin
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    Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen im Zentrum der wirtschaftspolitischen Diskussion: zur Einführung

    In: Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv 87 (2003), 2, S. 107-112 | Ruth Meier, Reiner Stäglin
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    Stability Criteria and Convergence: The Role of the System of National Accounts for Fiscal Policy in Europe

    In: Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv 87 (2003), 2, S. 113-131 | Tilman Brück, Andreas Cors, Klaus F. Zimmermann, Rudolf Zwiener
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    Regional Conversion in the Russian Case

    Decentralization has put increasing power at the disposal of regions to support conversion processes in Russia since 1992. There is, however, no clear-cut relation between the defense dependency of regions and their conversion success. Other factors, such as exports of any kind, the composition of regional industrial demand for nondefense goods, and the availability of shock absorbers - such as small ...

    In: International Regional Science Review 23 (2000), 1, S. 103-119 | Ksenia Gonchar, Petra Opitz
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    Changes in Women's Wages after Parental Leave

    In 1986 German parental leave and benefit policy was expanded by extending the potential duration of leave from six to ten months and paying maternity benefits to all new mothers. The potential duration has increased four times since 1986 and stood at three years in 1992. This study uses differenced log-wage regressions to examine the effect of taking maternity leave on wage growth for two 5-year periods, ...

    In: Schmollers Jahrbuch 123 (2003), 1, S. 125-138 | Jan Ondrich, C. Katharina Spieß, Qing Yang
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    Income Risks within Retirement in Great Britain and Germany

    This study examines income mobility amongst older people in Great Britain and Germany after retirement. The motivation is that older people may be subject to greater income risks in today's environment of early exits from the labour force, rising longevity and increasing reliance on private pension income. Our results provide evidence that income mobility amongst older people is more pronounced in ...

    In: Schmollers Jahrbuch 123 (2003), 1, S. 163-176 | Asghar Zaidi, Joachim R. Frick, Felix Büchel
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    Interactions between Care-Giving and Paid Work Hours among European Midlife Women, 1994 to 1996

    This paper uses data from the European Community Household Panel surveys of 1994 and 1996 to study the association between changes in care-giving and changes in weekly work hours. Our sample comprises women aged 45-59 years who participated in the labour force in at least one of the two years studied. Controlling for country variation, we find significant relationships between starting or increasing ...

    In: Ageing and Society 23 (2003), 1, S. 41-68 | C. Katharina Spieß, A. Ulrike Schneider
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    Die "Geiselhaft" des Relationship-Intermediärs: eine Nachlese zur Beinahe-Insolvenz des Holzmann-Konzerns

    When the Philipp Holzmann corporation declared insolvency many professional observers suggested that the German constructor had fallen victim to the operation of `Germany Inc.'. This metaphor meant to blame the close ties between Deutsche Bank and Holzmann as the ultimate reason for the insolvency of Holzmann. This paper challenges the notion that the relationship between Deutsche Bank and Holzmann ...

    In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 4 (2003), 1, S. 65-84 | Dorothea Schäfer
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    Occupational Mobility after Apprenticeship - How Effective is the German Apprenticeship System?

    In this paper we provide evidence on the effectiveness of the German apprenticeship system in enhancing workers' productivity. More specifically, we estimate earnings differentials between those who subsequently leave the occupation they were apprenticed in and those who remain in their training occupation. Some authors have beenconcerned with the potential productivity- and earnings-decreasing effects ...

    In: Konjunkturpolitik 48 (2002), 3-4, S. 279-303 | Axel Werwatz
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    Does Male Age Have an Influence on the Risk of Spontaneous Abortion? An Approach Using Semiparametric Regression

    Couples in industrialized countries tend to delay attempting to have children, which may lower their chances of livebirth. The authors assessed the association between male age and the risk of spontaneous abortion between weeks 5 and 20 of pregnancy, controlling for female age. They interviewed by telephone a random cross-sectional population of 1,151 French women who had been pregnant between 1985 ...

    In: American Journal of Epidemiology 157 (2003), 9, S. 815-824 | Rémy Slama, Axel Werwatz, Odile Boutou
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    A State Space Model for Berlin House Prices: Estimation and Economic Interpretation

    Hedonic regression has become the standard approach for modeling the behavior of house prices. Usually, the common price component is modeled via dummy variables. Based on an approximation for the present value, we deliver an economic interpretation of the common price component. This allows to include explanatory factors like inflation rates, mortgage rates and building permissions. The notional rents ...

    In: Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 28 (2004), 1, S.37-57 | Axel Werwatz, Rainer Schulz
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    The Impact of Fiscal Policy and Deregulation on Shadow Economics in Transition Countries: The Case of Ukraine

    A model of Ukrainian shadow economy money demand is estimated that includes new regulatory burden, tax complexity, andsoft-budget constraint variables. This model is analyzed to determine the causes and dynamics of the Ukrainian shadow economy and to assess the effectiveness of state measures undertaken to reduce itssize. The direct tax burden, the broadly defined regulatory burden, the complexity ...

    In: Public Choice 114 (2003), 3-4, S. 295-318 | UlrichThießen
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    The Political Economy of Intergovernmental Grants

    We study the effect of politics on the distribution of intergovernmental grants. We consider a model where local government officials lobby the central government who in turn distributes grants based on the local governments' lobbying efforts. We argue that the marginal costs of lobbying increase with the geographical and "political" distance from the central government capital. Hence, in equilibrium, ...

    In: Regional Science & Urban Economics 33 (2003), 2, S. 139-156 | Rainald Borck, Stephanie Owings
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    Design Characteristics of National Travel Surveys: International Comparison for Ten Countries

    In Germany a national travel survey (NTS) was planned for 2002 and was preceded by a pilot study in 2001. As part of this pilot study the state of the practice for NTS in several countries was examined through contact with relevant institutions and persons via the Internet. A structured questionnaire was used for these consultations. The participants in nine countries provided the relevant information ...

    In: Transportation Research Record (2002), 1804, S. 107-116 | Uwe Kunert, Jutta Kloas, Hartmut Kuhfeld
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    Policy Reforms and Productivity Growth in India's Energy Intensive Industries

    India had a highly restrictive industrial and trade policy regime until the end of the1960s. This regime while succeeding to some extent in creating a diversified industrial base introduced gross inefficiencies in many sectors of the economy. Beginning in the early 1970s, Indian economic policies have been marked by deregulation, decontrol and progressive liberalization. In this paper, we assess the ...

    In: Energy Policy 29 (2001), 9, S. 715-724 | Puran Mongia, Katja Schumacher, Jayant Sathaye
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    A Forgotten Issue: Distributional Effects of Day Care Subsidies in Germany

    In general, day care subsidies are accepted as a means of creating equal chances for both children and mothers in the labour market. Although there is a broad consensus that the use of children's day care should be publicly supported, there is no consensus on how this should be done. Moreover, there is little knowledge on the distributional effects of day care subsidies. In order to assess whether ...

    In: European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 11 (2003), 2, S. 159-175 | C. Katharina Spieß, Michaela Kreyenfeld, Gert G. Wagner
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    Berlin: Economic and Spatial Change

    This paper discusses the past and future economic situation of Berlin in the German city system. Comparing the shares of employment in various service sectors of total employment in Germany from 1939 to 1997 shows the significant changes in the role as a metropolis. Berlin has lost its dominant position as a consequence of isolation from international development for 40 years. Despite successful expansion ...

    In: European Urban and Regional Studies 9 (2002), 4, S. 331-341 | Martin Gornig, Hartmut Häußermann
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    Rolf Krengel in memoriam

    In: Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv 87 (2003), 1, S. 97-99 | Reiner Stäglin
2419 Ergebnisse, ab 2341