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In general, day care subsidies are accepted as a means of creating equal chances for both children and mothers in the labour market. Although there is a broad consensus that the use of children's day care should be publicly supported, there is no consensus on how this should be done. Moreover, there is little knowledge on the distributional effects of day care subsidies. In order to assess whether ...
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
11 (2003), 2, S. 159-175
| C. Katharina Spieß, Michaela Kreyenfeld, Gert G. Wagner
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This paper discusses the past and future economic situation of Berlin in the German city system. Comparing the shares of employment in various service sectors of total employment in Germany from 1939 to 1997 shows the significant changes in the role as a metropolis. Berlin has lost its dominant position as a consequence of isolation from international development for 40 years. Despite successful expansion ...
European Urban and Regional Studies
9 (2002), 4, S. 331-341
| Martin Gornig, Hartmut Häußermann
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Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv
87 (2003), 1, S. 97-99
| Reiner Stäglin
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Die experimentelle Ökonomie führt typischerweise Labor-Untersuchungen durch, die mit homogenen und selektiven Versuchspersonen arbeiten. Repräsentative Surveys leiden hingegen unter Messfehlern und der Frage, ob hypothetisches Verhalten, das erhoben wird, mit tatsächlichem Verhalten korrespondiert. Deswegen präsentieren wir eine Methode, mit der man die Schwächen beider Ansätze überwindet, indem man ...
Schmollers Jahrbuch
122 (2002), 4, S. 1-24
| Ernst Fehr, Urs Fischbacher, Bernhardt von Rosenbladt, Jürgen Schupp, Gert G. Wagner
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Does a country's level of unemployment have an impact on the long-run growth rate? Incorporating unemployment into a generalised Solow-type growth model yields some answers. In the traditional Solow model, unemployment has no long-run influence on the growth rate and the level of productivity. The long-run level of productivity is reduced if higher unemployment leads to less formal education or to ...
Economic Modelling
19 (2002), 1, S. 105-120
| Michael Bräuninger, Markus Pannenberg
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Population and Development Review
21 (1995), 2, S. 387-397
| James C. Witte, Gert G. Wagner
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Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie
29 (1996), 6, S. 446-451
| Karin Rinne, Gert G. Wagner
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The ongoing change of demographic and economic structures does not undermine employment (as many believe), but this change indeed induces problems with the mandatory old-age security system in Germany. This paper discusses some popular reform proposals and concludes with another proposal which takes into account economic incentives. Especially the gerontological aim of a longer lifetime employment ...
Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie
31 (1998), 6, S. 377-381
| Gert G. Wagner
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Mit Argumenten aus der "Theorie des Marktversagens" und der "Neuen Politischen Ökonomie" kann gezeigt werden, daß Universitäten und Forschungsinstitute spezielle "Öffentliche Güter" produzieren, die eine Grundfinanzierung durch den Staat unter Effizienzgesichtspunkten rechtfertigen. Allerdings wäre die Produktion solcher wirtschafts- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschungsergebnisse durch einen einzigen ...
Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
217 (1998), 3, S. 346-358
| Rolf-Dieter Postlep, Gert G. Wagner
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We analyze how a firm might protect quasirents in an environment of imperfect capital markets, where switching lenders is costly to the borrower, and contracts are incomplete. As switching costs make the firm vulnerable to ex post exploitation, it may want to diversify lending. Multiple-source lending, however, suffers from coordination failure. An uncoordinated withdrawal of funds will force a financially ...
Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
158 (2002), 2, S. 256-275
| Franz Hubert, Dorothea Schäfer
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The use of drugs in high-performance sports (doping) is a common pool resource (CPR) dilemma: regardless of the number of other athletes who dope, the athlete with strong tastes for victory will find doping optimal; yet if all athletes dope, they all bear negative health consequences, although each one's odds of victory are not greatly changed. The current regulatory approach relies entirely on centralized ...
The Journal of Conflict Resolution
41 (1997), 6, S. 749-766
| Edward J. Bird, Gert G. Wagner
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This paper analyzes the effect of population size on politicalparticipation and allocative efficiency. Increasing populationis generally found to reduce political participation. However,since participation is not evenly spread throughout thepopulation, this will have consequences for allocation.Namely, we argue that increasing population size shifts powerto the rich. We discuss the consequences for ...
Public Choice
113 (2002), 3-4, S. 251-263
| Rainald Borck
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Kredit und Kapital
35 (2002), 4, S. 572-597
| Dorothea Schäfer
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In theory, the incidence of a tax should be independent of the side of the market on which it is levied. This principle of liability-side equivalence underlies virtually all theories of tax incidence. Policy discussions, however, tend to place great emphasis on the legal division of tax payments. We use computerized experimental posted-offer markets to test liability-side equivalence. We find that ...
The Southern Economic Journal
68 (2002), 3, S. 672-682
| Rainald Borck, Dirk Engelmann, Wieland Müller, Hans-Theo Normann
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This paper analyses progress and obstacles to gas sector reform in the most important CIS-countries (Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan), taking a political economy perspective. This reform process is embedded in a very specific post-Soviet institutional framework stemming from the legacy of socialism. Firstly, we review the evolution of the gas sector for the period 1992-1998. The paper then ...
Energy Policy
26 (1998), 15, S. 1113-1123
| Christian von Hirschhausen, Hella Engerer
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A major concern about land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the potential for leakage. Leakage refers to a net increase of greenhouse-gas emissions in an area outside the project resulting from the CDM activity. This paper provides an overview of leakage, its definitions and its causes. It describes ways that LULUCF projects may suffer ...
Philosophical Transactions
360 (2002), 1797, S. 1685-1703
| Reimund Schwarze, John O. Niles, Jacob Olander
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This paper proposes a simultaneous-equation approach to theestimation of the contribution of infrastructure accumulationto private production. A political economy model for theallocation of public infrastructure investment grants isformulated. Our empirical findings, using a panel of largeGerman cities for the years 1980,1986, and 1988, suggest thatcities ruled by a council sharing the State (`Bundesland')government's ...
Public Choice
113 (2002), 3-4, S. 403-424
| Achim Kemmerling, Andreas Stephan
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This paper provides empirical evidence from France on the role of export intermediary firms. Using data from 20,000 French firms, this paper tests two of the five transaction cost-based propositions on the role of export intermediaries by Peng and Ilinitch (1998). While the empirical evidence only partially supports their first proposition on distance and familiarity, their second proposition on product ...
Journal of International Business Studies
33 (2002), 2, S. 327-344
| Harald Trabold
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We use a new independent survey of 4000 Russian households (the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey or RLMS) to study their saving behavior. The RLMS household saving rate (12%) is less than half the official figure (29%). Despite the massive changes of the transition, the Russian household saving rate of 1994 cannot be shown to be different from that of 1976. The patterns of Russian household saving ...
The Review of Economics and Statistics
81 (1999), 4, S. 694-703
| Paul R. Gregory, Manouchehr Mokhtari, Wolfram Schrettl
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This paper describes the different institutional frameworks for infrastructure policy in Germany and France. The economic effects of infrastructure are estimated econometrically for German and French regions. We find evidence that regional road infrastructure has a significant impact on regional output. Moreover, we find evidence that for Germany the priority of promoting equal living conditions throughout ...
46 (2000), 4, S. 327-356
| Andreas Stephan